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Created June 1, 2021 23:45
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Cilium Kafka Example Tmux Layout
# ==============================================
# Author: Thiago Navarro
# email:
# Create a grid (panes) for kafka example
# Login k8s1
# Dependencies: tmux, cilium, vagrant
CMD_LOGIN_K8s1="ssh vagrant@ -p 2222"
CMD_LOGIN_EMPIRE_HQ="HQ_POD=\$(kubectl get pods -l app=empire-hq -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') && kubectl exec -it \$HQ_POD -- sh -c \"PS1=\\\"empire-hq \$\\\" /bin/bash\""
CMD_LOGIN_EMPIRE_BACKUP="BACKUP_POD=\$(kubectl get pods -l app=empire-backup -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') && kubectl exec -it \$BACKUP_POD -- sh -c \"PS1=\\\"empire-backup \$\\\" /bin/bash\""
CMD_LOGIN_OUTPUT_8888="OUTPOST_8888_POD=\$(kubectl get pods -l outpostid=8888 -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') && kubectl exec -it \$OUTPOST_8888_POD -- sh -c \"PS1=\\\"outpost-8888 \$\\\" /bin/bash\""
CMD_LOGIN_OUTPUT_9999="OUTPOST_9999_POD=\$(kubectl get pods -l outpostid=9999 -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') && kubectl exec -it \$OUTPOST_9999_POD -- sh -c \"PS1=\\\"outpost-9999 \$\\\" /bin/bash\""
#Create remote session with panes
initialize() {
echo "Initializing on session "${session_name}"..."
# Initialize windowns and panes
tmux kill-session -t $session_name -n testbed 2>/dev/null
# Create window 0
tmux -2 new-session -d -s $session_name
tmux rename-window -t 0 'kafka'
# Configure layout
tmux split-window -t $session_name:0.0 -v \; selectl tiled
tmux split-window -t $session_name:0.1 -v \; selectl tiled
tmux split-window -t $session_name:0.2 -v \; selectl tiled
tmux split-window -t $session_name:0.3 -v \; selectl tiled
tmux select-layout -t $session_name even-vertical
local k8s1_pane=(0 1 2 3 4)
# Select window 0 pane 2
tmux select-pane -t "$session_name":0.0
# Login K8s1
for value in "${k8s1_pane[@]}"; do
tmux send-keys -t $session_name:0."${value}" "${CMD_LOGIN_K8s1}" C-m
# Run commands k8s1
tmux send-keys -t $session_name:0.${k8s1_pane[1]} "${CMD_LOGIN_EMPIRE_HQ}" C-m
tmux send-keys -t $session_name:0.${k8s1_pane[2]} "${CMD_LOGIN_EMPIRE_BACKUP}" C-m
tmux send-keys -t $session_name:0.${k8s1_pane[3]} "${CMD_LOGIN_OUTPUT_8888}" C-m
tmux send-keys -t $session_name:0.${k8s1_pane[4]} "${CMD_LOGIN_OUTPUT_9999}" C-m
attach() {
echo "Attaching on session "${session_name}"..."
tmux select-pane -t $session_name:0.0
tmux -2 attach-session -t $session_name
stop() {
echo "Stopping on session "${session_name}"..."
force_kill() {
echo "Killing on session "${session_name}"..."
#sleep 1
tmux kill-session -t $session_name 2>/dev/null
main() {
# set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset
# set -x
local -r dirname="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
local -r filename="${dirname}/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
local -r session_name="cilium-kafka"
# Enable nested tmux session.
unset TMUX
main "$@"
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