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Created August 1, 2020 05:17
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class Input {
* @var $operation int | null
private $operation = null;
* @var $value int | null
private $value = null;
public function __construct( $operation, $value ) {
$this->operation = (int) $operation;
if ( $value !== null ) {
$this->value = (int) $value;
* @return int
public function get_operation() {
return $this->operation;
* @return int
public function get_value() {
return $this->value;
* @param $input string
* @return array<Input>
function get_valid_inputs( $input ) {
$lines = explode( "\n", $input );
// Remove first line, not needed
array_shift( $lines );
$inputs = array();
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
$parts = explode( " ", $line );
$operation = $parts[0];
$value = array_key_exists( 1, $parts ) ? $parts[1] : null;
$inputs[] = new Input( $operation, $value );
return $inputs;
function get_left_index( $i ) {
return (int) $i * 2;
function get_right_index( $i ) {
return (int) ( $i * 2 ) + 1;
function get_parent_index( $i ) {
return (int) floor( $i / 2 );
class Heap {
public $storage = array( PHP_INT_MAX );
public function insert( $value ) {
// insert at the last then heapify with parent.
$last_index = count( $this->storage );
$this->storage[ $last_index ] = $value;
$this->insert_heapify( $last_index );
public function print_minimum() {
// there may be a min value in adjacent leaf node.
echo $this->get_min();
public function remove( $value ) {
// find the value in min heap.
$target_index = $this->get_remove_index( $value );
if ( ! $target_index ) {
// dont remove any thing, return early.
return true;
$last_element = $this->storage[ count( $this->storage ) - 1 ];
unset( $this->storage[ count( $this->storage ) - 1 ] );
if ( $target_index === count( $this->storage ) ) {
// no need to heapify.
return true;
// After unsetting check if the count is 1.
if ( count( $this->storage ) === 1 ) {
// we dont need to swap for this one.
return true;
// Swap the remove value with the last element value.
$this->storage[ $target_index ] = $last_element;
// then delete heapify.
return $this->delete_heapify( $target_index );
private function insert_heapify( $index ) {
$current_val = $this->storage [ $index ];
$parent_index = get_parent_index( $index );
$parent_value = $this->get_parent_value( $index );
if ( ! $parent_value || $parent_index === 0 ) {
return true;
if ( $current_val < $parent_value ) {
$this->swap( $index, $current_val, $parent_index, $parent_value );
return $this->insert_heapify( $parent_index );
} else {
return true;
private function get_parent_value( $index ) {
$parent_index = get_parent_index( $index );
return array_key_exists( $parent_index, $this->storage )
? $this->storage[ $parent_index ] : false;
private function swap( $idx1, $val1, $idx2, $val2 ) {
$this->storage[ $idx1 ] = $val2;
$this->storage[ $idx2 ] = $val1;
* @param $value
* @return bool|int
private function get_remove_index( $value ) {
for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $this->storage ); $i ++ ) {
if ( $value === $this->storage[ $i ] ) {
return $i;
private function delete_heapify( $index ) {
$node_value = $this->storage[ $index ];
$right_index = get_right_index( $index );
$left_index = get_left_index( $index );
$right_value = array_key_exists( $right_index, $this->storage ) ?
$this->storage[ $right_index ] : null;
$left_value = array_key_exists( $left_index, $this->storage ) ?
$this->storage[ $left_index ] : null;
if ( ! $right_value && ! $left_value ) {
return true;
$data = $this->get_target_index_and_value( $left_value, $right_value, $left_index, $right_index );
$target_index = $data['target_index'];
$target_value = $data['target_value'];
$this->swap( $index, $node_value, $target_index, $target_value );
// after swap, heapify the target index.
return $this->delete_heapify( $target_index );
* @param $left_value
* @param $right_value
* @param $left_index
* @param $right_index
* @return array
private function get_target_index_and_value( $left_value, $right_value, $left_index, $right_index ) {
$target_index = $target_value = null;
if ( ! $left_value ) {
$target_index = $right_index;
$target_value = $right_value;
} else if ( ! $right_value ) {
$target_index = $left_index;
$target_value = $left_value;
} else {
if ( $left_value < $right_value ) {
$target_value = $left_value;
$target_index = $left_index;
} else {
$target_value = $right_value;
$target_index = $right_index;
return array( 'target_index' => $target_index, 'target_value' => $target_value );
* @return mixed
private function get_min() {
if ( array_key_exists( 2, $this->storage ) && is_numeric( $this->storage[2] ) ) {
return min( $this->storage[1], $this->storage[2] );
} else {
return $this->storage[1];
$heap = new Heap();
$lines = (int) fgets(STDIN);
$i = 0;
while ( $i < $lines ) {
$line = fgets(STDIN);
$parts = explode(" ", $line);
if ( count($parts) === 2) {
$operation = intval($parts[0]);
$value = intval($parts[1]);
if ( $operation === 1 ) {
$heap->insert( $value );
else {
$heap->remove( $value );
else {
echo "\n";
$i += 1;
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