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Last active March 17, 2016 10:35
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Save naveensrinivasan/5962839 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An easy way to screen scrape GoodReads recommendation's because there isn't an API.
# An easy way to get the recommendations from goodreads because there isn't an API to get the information
require 'mechanize'
require 'yaml'
require 'goodreads'
keys = YAML.load_file ENV['HOME']+'/.goodreads'
client = => keys["developer_key"], :api_secret => keys["developer_secret"])
agent =
page = agent.get ''
form = page.form('sign_in')
form['user[email]'] = keys["user_name"]
form['user[password]'] = keys["password"]
temp_jar = agent.cookie_jar
@agent =
@agent.cookie_jar = temp_jar
page = @agent.get ''
page.links_with(:dom_class => 'readable').each do |item|
book_id = item.href.to_s.split('/').last.split(/[.-]/).first
data = book_id
book_info = data.title + ',' + data.isbn
pp book_info
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