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Last active June 8, 2018 09:27
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To insert multi line text (custom font) in an image using python pillow library
from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
import textwrap
import requests
from io import BytesIO
# # load image from file
# image ="e1.jpg")
# loading image from url
image_from_url = requests.get("")
image ='RGB')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
startHeight = 820 # fix height, can be taken as an input
color = "#ffffff"
text1 = "Text1"
text2 = "Text2"
# use a truetype font
font1 = ImageFont.truetype("regular.ttf", 40)
font2 = ImageFont.truetype("regular.ttf", 40)
# get image size to align text
iw, ih = image.size
# get font size
w1, h1 = font1.getsize(text1)
w2, h2 = font2.getsize(text2)
# Calculating starting width, if you want to insert data in middle of image, calculate height in similar fashion:
textX1 = int((iw - w1) / 2)
textX2 = int((iw - w2) / 2)
# lines to wrap text beyond width
lines1 = textwrap.wrap(text1, width=40)
lines2 = textwrap.wrap(text2, width=40)
# breather to adjust height change for text wrap
breather = (len(lines1)-1)*h1 + (len(lines2) -1)*h2
y_text1 = h1
for line in lines1:
width, height = font1.getsize(line)
draw.text((int((iw - width) / 2), startHeight - breather +y_text1), line, font=font1)
y_text1 += height
y_text2 = y_text1+10
for line in lines2:
width, height = font2.getsize(line)
draw.text((int((iw - width) / 2), startHeight - breather +y_text2), line, font=font2)
y_text2 += height
# draw.text((textX1, 850), text1, font=font1, fill=color)
# draw.text((textX2, 850+h1+10), text2, font=font2, fill=color)"output.jpg")
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