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Last active October 2, 2024 08:28
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Master Report Specification

Account Master (Account)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 LOGIN ID string 256 customer Login ID, NAVER search advertiser client center Login ID
3 COMPANY NAME string 256 customer Company Name of advertiser
4 Link Status int - 10: request
- 20: authorize
- 40: reject
- 50: cancel
5 Owner Type int 0: Owner
1: Ad manager
2: Analyzer
3: Tax Manager
4: Tax Analyzer
5: NA Manager
6: NA Analyzer
7 : Ad, Tax, NA Analyzer
-1: Disabled
-2 Penalty
6 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)

Campaign Master (Campaign)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Campaign ID string 31 Campaign ID
3 Campaign Name string 256 The maximum number of characters allowed (regardless of character types) is 30 Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters can be used.
4 Campaign Type int The type for the campaign.
- 2: NAVER Shopping Ad
- 4: Brand/New Product
- 6: Local SMB Ad
5 Delivery Method int - 1: Accelerated
- 2: Standard
6 Using Period int - 0: not used
- 1: used
7 Period Start Date date The time at which the campaign starts(ISO8601)
8 Period End Date date The time at which the campaign ends(ISO8601)
9 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
10 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
11 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
12 Shared Budget ID string 31 Share Budget ID

Campaign Budget Master (CampaignBudget)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Campaign ID string 31 Campaign ID
3 Using daily budget int - 0: not used
- 1: used
4 Daily Budget int Korean Won(KRW)
5 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
6 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Biz Channel Master (BusinessChannel)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Name string 256 channel name
3 Business Channel Id string 31 Business Channel Id
4 Business Channel Type int - 1: Web Site
- 2: Phone
- 3: Address
- 4: "NAVER Booking" Service
- 5: "NAVER TALK" service
- 6: NAVER Shopping
- 8 : Place Ad
- 9 : Catalog Ad
- 10 : NAVER TV
- 11 : Brand store
- 12 : NAVER Shopping Brand
5 Channel Contents string 1024 short information by channel type.
1: Site URL
2: Phone Number
3: Address
4: "NAVER Booking" Site URL
5: "NAVER Talk" URL
6: Shopping Mall ID, Shopping Mall URL
7: Contents Url
8: SiteName
9: Catalog ID
10: Channel ID
11: SShopping Mall ID, Shopping Mall URL
12: Shopping Mall ID, Shopping Mall URL
6 PC Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
7 Mobile Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
8 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
9 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Ad group Master (Adgroup)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Campaign ID string 31 Campaign(which has this Ad Group) ID
4 Ad Group Name string 256 The maximum number of characters allowed (regardless of character types) is 30 Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters can be used.
5 Ad Group Bid amount int Korean Won(KRW), from 70 to 100,000
6 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
7 Using contents network bid int - 0: not used
- 1: used
8 Contents network bid int Korean Won(KRW)
For the minimum and maximum prices according to the [AdGroup Type], please refer to the product-specific advertisement management section of the link below.
9 PC network bidding weight int percent, from 10 to 500
10 Mobile network bidding weight int percent, from 10 to 500
11 Business Channel Id(Mobile) string 31 The unique ID of the Mobile business channel containing this ad group
12 Business Channel Id(PC) string 31 The unique ID of the PC business channel containing this ad group
13 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
14 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
15 Content Type string 32 Content type information. Only if the campaign type is 3.
- INFORMATION : Contents Ad Type is Information Type.
- PRODUCT : Contents Ad Type is Product Type.
16 AdGroup Type int - 1: NAVER PowerLink
- 2: NAVER Shopping Product Ad
- 3: NAVER PowerContents Information
- 4: NAVER PowerContents Product
- 5: NAVER Brand SearchAd
- 6: Local SMB Ad
- 7: NAVER Catalog Ad
- 8: NAVER Brand SearchAd Brand Zone
- 9: NAVER Brand Shopping SearchAd
- 10 Place ad
-11: New product search ad
17 Shared Budget ID string 31 Share Budget ID
18 Using Expanded Search int - 0: not used
- 1: used

Ad group Budget Master (AdgroupBudget)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Using Daily Budget int - 0: not used
- 1: used
4 Daily Budget int Korean Won(KRW)
5 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
6 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
7 Expanded Search Budget Ratio int percent, from 1 to 100

Ad Keyword Master (Keyword)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad Keyword ID string 31 Ad Keyword ID
4 Ad Keyword string 300 Ad Keyword.
The maximum number of characters allowed (regardless of character types) is 25. Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters, and special characters (# . & - +) can be used.
5 Ad Keyword Bid Amount int Korean Won(KRW)
For the minimum and maximum prices according to the [AD keyword type], please refer to the product-specific advertisement management section of the link below.
6 landing URL(PC) string 1024 Ad landing URL in PC Media(RFC 1738)
7 landing URL(Mobile) string 1024 Ad landing URL in mobile Media(RFC 1738)
8 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: off
9 Ad Keyword Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
10 Using Ad Group Bid Amount int - 0: not used
- 1: used
11 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
12 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
13 Ad Keyword Type int Ad Keyword Type.
Ad keyword type is a returned value only in the Shopping SearchAd Brand type.
- 0 : normal keyword
- 1 : your brand keyword
- 2 : other brand keyword

Powerlink Single Ad Master (Ad)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 Subject string 256 Title of Keyword ads.
It appears as a hyperlink when a Keyword ad is exposed. The maximum number of characters allowed (regardless of character types) is 15. Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters, and special characters (^ < >: \t \n \r \v) can be used.
6 Description string 256 Description of Keyword ads.
It appears on the right part of Title when a Keyword ad is exposed. Maximum 45 characters from minimum 20 characters regardless of character types. Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters, and special characters (^ < >: \t \n \r \v) can be used.Note that “" strings are replaced by Keyword of the corresponding Keyword ad. The Keyword can be used up to three times. An error occurs when more than 3 times are repeated.The string length, in case of containing "," is calculated after replacement is done.
7 Landing URL(PC) string 1024 Ad landing URL in PC Media(RFC 1738)
8 Landing URL(Mobile) string 1024 Ad landing URL in mobile Media(RFC 1738)
9 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
10 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
11 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Ad Extension Master (AdExtension)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Extension ID string 31 Ad Extension ID
3 Type int - 1: PHONE
- 2: Address
- 3: "NAVER Booking" Service
- 4: "NAVER TALK" service
4 Owner ID string 31 Ad Group ID or Campaign ID
5 Business channel ID(PC) string 31 The unique ID of the PC business channel containing this ad group
6 Business channel ID(Mobile) string 31 The unique ID of the Mobile business channel containing this ad group
7 Time Targeting(Monday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
8 Time Targeting(Tuesday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
9 Time Targeting(Wednesday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
10 Time Targeting(Thursday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
11 Time Targeting(Friday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
12 Time Targeting(Saturday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
13 Time Targeting(Sunday) int integer from 0 to 16777215.
This value is up to from 0(00:00) at around 23 (23:59) on "on/off" condition values operator bit.
ex)00:0001:00 = 2^0 = 1, 09:0010:00 = 2^9 = 512
Means all day if there were no value
14 ON/OFF int - 0: On
- 1: Off
15 Ad Extension Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
16 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
17 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Quality index Master (Qi)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad Keyword ID string 31 Ad Keyword ID
4 Ad Keyword string 300 Ad Keyword
5 Quality Index int 1 to 7

Label Master (Label)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Label ID string 31 Label ID(key Value)
3 Label name string 256 Label name
4 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
5 updateTm date The time at which information was updated(ISO8601)

Label setting Master (LabelRef)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Label ID string 31 Label ID(key Value)
3 Reference ID string 31 Reference Key Value(Ad group ID, Ad ID, Ad Keyword ID)
4 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
5 updateTm date The time at which information was updated(ISO8601)

Ad media Master (Media)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Type string 20 Media Type.
- media : media type
- group : group type
2 ID int The unique ID of the same type media.
3 Media name string 256 Media name
4 URL string 1024 Media URL
5 NAVER Ad Networks boolean true: this Media belongs to "NAVER Ad Networks", false : this Media dose not belong to "NAVER Ad Networks"
6 Portal Site boolean true: this Media is a portal site, false : this Media isn't a portal site
7 PC Media boolean true: This Media can be exposed by advertising sector is PC, false : This Media cannot be exposed by advertising sector is PC
8 Mobile Media boolean This Media can be exposed by advertising sector is Mobile, false : This Media cannot be exposed by advertising sector is Mobile
9 Search Ad Networks boolean true: this Media belongs to "Search Ad Networks", false : this Media dose not belong to "Search Ad Networks"
10 Contents Ad Networks boolean true: this Media belongs to "Contents Ad Networks", false : this Media dose not belong to "Contents Ad Networks"
11 Group Id int Superordinate group Id
12 Date of conclusion of a contract date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
13 Date of revocation of a contract date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)

Business Code Master (Biz)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 ID int Business ID
2 BusinessName string 100 Business name
3 SuperBusinessId int Superordinate business id
4 Level int Category level

Seasonal event Master (SeasonalEvent)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 ID int Business ID
2 Event Name string 100 Event Name
3 SuperEventId int Superordinate seasonal event id
4 Level int Category level
5 Related month information string 30 Comma(,) delimitted, related month information. ex) 8,9,10,11

Shopping Online Store Product Master (ShoppingProduct)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
6 Ad Product Name string 256 product name when ad is exposed.
7 Ad Image URL string 256 product image url when ad is exposed.
8 Bid int Korean Won(KRW), from 50 to 100,000
9 Using Ad Group Bid Amount boolean - false: not used
- true: used
10 Ad Link Status int 0: Disable.
1: Enable.
11 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
12 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
13 Product ID string 256 Unique key of Shopping Product
14 Product ID Of Mall string 256 Product Id of Mall
15 Product Name string 256 Product name
16 Product Image URL string 256 Product Image URL
17 PC Landing URL string 256 Product landing page(PC)
18 Mobile Landing URL string 256 Product landing page(Mobile)
19 Price string 256 Low Price
20 Price(Mobile) string 256 The same value as field 19 is provided before delete. (Deleted on December 1, 2024)
21 Delivery Fee string 256 delivery fee
22 NAVER Shopping Category Name 1 string 256 Category Name
23 NAVER Shopping Category Name 2 string 256 Category Name
24 NAVER Shopping Category Name 3 string 256 Category Name
25 NAVER Shopping Category Name 4 string 256 Category Name
26 NAVER Shopping Category ID 1 string 256 Category ID
27 NAVER Shopping Category ID 2 string 256 Category ID
28 NAVER Shopping Category ID 3 string 256 Category ID
29 NAVER Shopping Category ID 4 string 256 Category ID
30 Category Name of Mall string 256 Category Name

PowerContents Ad Master (ContentsAd)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 Subject string 256 Title of Keyword ads.
It appears as a hyperlink when a Keyword ad is exposed. The maximum number of characters allowed (regardless of character types) is 15. Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters, and special characters (^ < >: \t \n \r \v) can be used.
6 Description string 256 Description of Keyword ads.
It appears on the right part of Title when a Keyword ad is exposed. Maximum 45 characters from minimum 20 characters regardless of character types. Korean Hangul, alphanumeric characters, and special characters (^ < >: \t \n \r \v) can be used.Note that “" strings are replaced by Keyword of the corresponding Keyword ad. The Keyword can be used up to three times. An error occurs when more than 3 times are repeated.The string length, in case of containing "," is calculated after replacement is done.
7 Landing URL(PC) string 1024 Ad landing URL in PC Media(RFC 1738)
8 Landing URL(Mobile) string 1024 Ad landing URL in mobile Media(RFC 1738)
9 Image URL string 1024 Contents image Url
10 Company Name string 128 Company Name
11 Contents Issue Date date the day of issue contents
12 Release Date date the day of release contents
13 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
14 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
15 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Place Ad Master (PlaceAd)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
6 NAME string 256 Ad Name
7 TITLE string 256 Ad Creative Title
8 SUBTITLE string 256 Ad Creative subTitle
9 Ad Image URL string 256 Ad Creative image URL
10 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
11 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Shopping Catalog Product Master (CatalogAd)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
6 Bid int Korean Won(KRW), from 50 to 100,000
7 Using Ad Group Bid Amount boolean - false: not used
- true: used
8 Ad Link Status int 0: Disable
1: Enable
9 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
10 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
11 Product ID string 256 Unique key of Shopping Product
12 Product Name string 256 Product name
13 Product Title string 256 Product name
14 Brand string 256 Brand Name
15 Maker string 256 Maker Name
16 openDate string 256 open date
17 Product Image URL string 256 Product Image URL
18 PC Landing URL string 256 Product landing page(PC)
19 Lowest Price string 256 Low Price
20 Lowest Price(Mobile) string 256 The same value as field 19 is provided before delete. (Deleted on December 1, 2024)
21 mallCount int number of registed mall
22 reviewCount int number of review
23 scoreInfo string 256 rating of product
24 NAVER Shopping Category Name 1 string 256 Category Name 1
25 NAVER Shopping Category Name 2 string 256 Category Name 2
26 NAVER Shopping Category Name 3 string 256 Category Name 3
27 NAVER Shopping Category Name 4 string 256 Category Name 4
28 NAVER Shopping Category ID 1 string 256 Category ID 1
29 NAVER Shopping Category ID 2 string 256 Category ID 2
30 NAVER Shopping Category ID 3 string 256 Category ID 3
31 NAVER Shopping Category ID 4 string 256 Category ID 4

Shopping Ad Quality index Master (AdQi)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad ID string 31 Ad ID
3 Quality Index int 1 to 7

Shopping Brand Product Group Master (ProductGroup)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Product group ID string 31 Product Group ID
3 Business channel ID string 31 Business Channel ID
4 Name string 256 Product Group Name
5 Registration method int method of registering a product group.
- 1 : All Products.
- 2: each product or categories
6 Registered product type int Registered product type
- 1 : general product
- 2:catalog type product
7 Attribute string(json) 4000 detailed config.
"productNvmids": ["nv_mid1", "nv_mid2", "nv_mid3",....],
"excludeNvmids": ["nv_mid4", "nv_mid5", "nv_mid6",....]
- productNvmids : Product exposure priority. The priority is high from the left.
- excludeNvmids : list of excluded products. It can only exist if the product registration method is all products.
8 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
9 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Shopping Brand Product Group Relation Master (ProductGroupRel)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Product Group Relation ID string 31 Product Group Relation ID
3 Product Group ID string 31 Product Group ID
4 AD Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
5 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
6 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Criterion Master (Criterion)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Dictionary Code string 31 Referral guidelines for dictionary code.
3 Type string 10 Criterion type 'SD', 'AG', 'GN', 'RL', 'RP', 'AD'
4 Owner ID string 31 Ad Group ID
5 Bid Weight int Percentage.
6 Negative int exposure on/off.
- 0 : including
- 1 : excluding
7 ON/OFF int enable criterion
- 1 : on
- 0 : off
8 Additional Info string(json) 1000 Criterion value
only if the type is RP, Latitude, Longitude, and Radius values are provided.
9 Reg. Time date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
10 Del. Time date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Shared budget Master (SharedBudget)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Shared Budget ID string 31 Share Budget ID
3 Name string 256 name of the shared budget which can be set by the user.
4 Daily Budget int daily budget. Korean Won(KRW)
5 Delivery Method int for compatibility, not used.
6 Owner Type int unit to which the shared budget is used.
- 1: Campaign
- 2: AdGroup
7 Reg. Time date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
8 Del. Time date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)
9 Expanded Search Budget Ratio int percent, from 1 to 100

Shopping Brand Banner Ad Master (BrandBannerAd)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
6 Headlin string 256 Head line text.
7 description string 256 description text.
8 Logo image path string 256 relative path of logo image
9 Link URL string 256 Link url
10 thumnail Image path string 256 relative path of thumnail image
11 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
12 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Shopping Brand Thumbnail Ad Master (BrandThumbnailAd)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int - 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 ON/OFF int - 0: ON
- 1: OFF
6 Headline string 256 Head line text.
7 description string 256 description text.
8 extra Description string 256 extra description text.
9 Logo image path string 256 relative path of logo image
10 Link URL string 256 Link url
11 thumnail Image path string 256 relative path of thumnail image
12 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
13 delTm date The time at which the campaign was deleted(ISO8601)

Powerlink Asset Master (Asset)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Asset ID string 31 Asset ID
3 Asset Type int 1: TEXT Asset
4 Asset Inspect Status int 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 Asset Data string 4000 Contains the content of the asset. json format.
Please refer to the link below for detailed specifications.
[2024-03-20] ASSET item in Release Note
6 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
7 delTm date The time at which information was deleted(ISO8601)

Powerlink Responsive Ad AssetLink Master (AdAssetLink)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Asset Link ID string 31 Asset Link ID
3 Asset ID string 31 Asset ID
4 Ad ID string 31 AD ID
5 Link Type int The type indicates how the asset is used in the material.
1: Headline
2: Description
6 Pin string 10 Indicates the location where the advertisement appears, as set by the customer. 1 means it is displayed in the first position and 2 means it is displayed in the second position.
7 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
8 delTm date The time at which information was deleted(ISO8601)

Powerlink Responsive Ad Master (RsaAd)

No Field Name Value Max.Length Description
1 Customer ID int Customer ID
2 Ad Group ID string 31 Ad Group ID
3 Ad ID string 31 RSA Ad Creative ID
4 Ad Creative Inspect Status int 10: UNDER_REVIEW
5 Landing URL(PC) string 1024 Ad landing URL in PC Media(RFC 1738)
6 Landing URL(Mobile) string 1024 Ad landing URL in mobile Media(RFC 1738)
7 On/Off int 0: ON
1: OFF
8 regTm date The time at which information was created(ISO8601)
9 delTm date The time at which information was deleted(ISO8601)
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