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Created June 23, 2017 14:33
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logcat snippet
06-24 00:33:04.054 2315 31312 D HtcWifiDataStallTracker: mIsWifiConnected true mIsDhcpActive false supplicantStateCOMPLETED mOldWifiDisplayStatus 0mIsRoutingComplete true
06-24 00:33:04.213 5211 5241 E MP-Decision: Update arg 2
06-24 00:33:04.246 2315 4380 W SensorService: D/disable: connection.get() = 0xb81d10d0
06-24 00:33:04.246 2315 4380 W SensorService: D/disable: get sensor name = Significant Motion
06-24 00:33:04.246 2315 4380 W SensorService: D/pid=16767, uid=10252
06-24 00:33:04.247 2315 4380 W SensorService: D/Active sensors: size = 3
06-24 00:33:04.247 2315 4380 W SensorService: CM36282 Light sensor (handle=0x00000003, connections=1)
06-24 00:33:04.247 2315 4380 W SensorService: Pressure Sensor (handle=0x00000005, connections=1)
06-24 00:33:04.247 2315 4380 W SensorService: Significant Motion (handle=0x0000000e, connections=1)
06-24 00:33:04.247 16767 16767 I SensorManager: BaseEventQueue::disableSensor: Significant Motion
06-24 00:33:04.287 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@f7bf2ad
06-24 00:33:04.288 2315 4253 W SensorService: D/disable: connection.get() = 0xb85fa050
06-24 00:33:04.288 2315 4253 W SensorService: D/disable: get sensor name = Pressure Sensor
06-24 00:33:04.288 2315 4253 W SensorService: D/pid=16767, uid=10252
06-24 00:33:04.288 2315 4253 W SensorService: D/Active sensors: size = 2
06-24 00:33:04.288 2315 4253 W SensorService: CM36282 Light sensor (handle=0x00000003, connections=1)
06-24 00:33:04.288 2315 4253 W SensorService: Significant Motion (handle=0x0000000e, connections=1)
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4751 W SensorService: SensorService::listenerSensor++: mName =$1@f7bf2ad, eanble = 0, strlen(mName) = 57
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4751 W SensorService: Active Listeners: mActiveListeners.size() = 3
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4751 W SensorService: Listener[0] ={5980253 I.E...... ......ID 0,24-1080,1321 #7f100177 app:id/quick_settings_panel}
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4751 W SensorService: Listener[1] = android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl@50e72e5
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4751 W SensorService: Listener[2] =$1@a8539e2
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4751 W SensorService: listenerSensor--:
06-24 00:33:04.289 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@a8539e2
06-24 00:33:04.289 3117 3117 D SwitcherService: Added runnable com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.switcher.service.CreateRamdiskUpdaterTask@cb08e64 to thread pool: default
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4533 W SensorService: D/disable: connection.get() = 0xb8279f00
06-24 00:33:04.289 2315 4533 W SensorService: D/disable: get sensor name = CM36282 Light sensor
06-24 00:33:04.290 2315 4533 W SensorService: D/pid=16767, uid=10252
06-24 00:33:04.290 2315 4533 W SensorService: D/Active sensors: size = 1
06-24 00:33:04.290 2315 4533 W SensorService: Significant Motion (handle=0x0000000e, connections=1)
06-24 00:33:04.291 2315 3648 W SensorService: SensorService::listenerSensor++: mName =$1@a8539e2, eanble = 0, strlen(mName) = 57
06-24 00:33:04.291 2315 3648 W SensorService: Active Listeners: mActiveListeners.size() = 2
06-24 00:33:04.291 2315 3648 W SensorService: Listener[0] ={5980253 I.E...... ......ID 0,24-1080,1321 #7f100177 app:id/quick_settings_panel}
06-24 00:33:04.291 2315 3648 W SensorService: Listener[1] = android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl@50e72e5
06-24 00:33:04.291 2315 3648 W SensorService: listenerSensor--:
06-24 00:33:04.291 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@f2cb878
06-24 00:33:04.291 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@b0f4b51
06-24 00:33:04.291 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@f7bf2ad
06-24 00:33:04.291 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@a8539e2
06-24 00:33:04.291 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@f2cb878
06-24 00:33:04.291 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@b0f4b51
06-24 00:33:04.309 16767 16767 D WifiManager: getScanResults: Base Package Name=com.staircase3.opensignal, uid=10252
06-24 00:33:04.321 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@f7bf2ad
06-24 00:33:04.321 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@a8539e2
06-24 00:33:04.322 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@f2cb878
06-24 00:33:04.322 16767 16767 I SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl++: listener =$1@b0f4b51
06-24 00:33:04.332 3117 3154 W OpenGLRenderer: Fail to change FontRenderer cache size, it already initialized
06-24 00:33:04.333 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: setSystemUiVisibility(0x8000)
06-24 00:33:04.333 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: disable:userId=0 what=0x0 which=0x1 pkg=Window{10683c6 u0 com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.debug/com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.switcher.RomDetailActivity}
06-24 00:33:04.333 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: hiding MENU key
06-24 00:33:04.334 3125 3125 I PhoneStatusBar: updatePolicy(false,false,false,true)
06-24 00:33:04.357 3117 31319 V MbtoolConnection: mbtool version: 9.2.0
06-24 00:33:04.357 3117 31319 V MbtoolConnection: minimum version: 9.1.0
06-24 00:33:04.357 3117 31319 D CreateRamdiskUpdaterTask: Creating ramdisk updater zip for primary (version: 9.2.0-DEBUG)
06-24 00:33:04.406 5211 5241 E MP-Decision: Update arg 1
06-24 00:33:05.128 2315 2326 D PMS : acquireWL(d109f87): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 2315 1000 null
06-24 00:33:05.129 2315 2326 I BatteryService: n_update end
06-24 00:33:05.129 2315 2326 D PMS : releaseWL(d109f87): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 null
06-24 00:33:05.130 2315 2353 D HtcPowerSaver: updateBatteryInfo
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 D UsbnetService: BroadcastReceiver::onReceive+
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 D UsbnetService: onReceive BATTERY_CHANGED
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 D UsbnetService: --> pluggedType = 0, mPluggedType = 0, mScreenOff = false
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 D UsbnetService: BroadcastReceiver::onReceive-
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked: charging=false
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 D PMS : runPSCheck
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 D HtcPowerSaver: Checking...
06-24 00:33:05.135 2315 2315 I HtcPowerSaver: >> updateStatus
06-24 00:33:05.138 2315 2315 I HtcPowerSaver: << updateStatus
06-24 00:33:05.141 3125 3125 I BatteryController: status:4 health:2 level:84 unsupport:false plugged:false timeout:false
06-24 00:33:05.146 3117 31319 V CreateRamdiskUpdaterTask: Successfully created ramdisk updater zip
06-24 00:33:05.148 3117 31319 V LogUtils: Dumping logcat to /storage/emulated/0/MultiBoot/logs/ramdisk-update.log
06-24 00:33:05.166 3117 31319 I System : exec(logcat -d -v threadtime -f /storage/emulated/0/MultiBoot/logs/ramdisk-update.log * @ com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.LogUtils.dump:43)
06-24 00:33:05.194 30907 30907 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
06-24 00:33:05.196 30907 30907 I wpa_supplicant: environment dirty rate=1 [54][1][0]
06-24 00:33:05.196 2315 2970 D WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative abnormalRssiCnt = 0
06-24 00:33:05.196 2315 2970 D WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-44 linkspeed=433 freq=5745
06-24 00:33:05.215 3117 31319 D SwitcherService: Attempting to stop service
06-24 00:33:05.215 3117 31319 D SwitcherService: Not stopping: # of operations: 0, is bound: true
06-24 00:33:05.223 3117 3117 D SwitcherService: Added runnable com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.switcher.service.MbtoolTask@9a8ff3d to thread pool: default
06-24 00:33:05.223 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] Connecting to mbtool...
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 V MbtoolConnection: mbtool version: 9.2.0
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 V MbtoolConnection: minimum version: 9.1.0
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] connected
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] ----------------
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] Processing action: Flash file
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] - File URI: file:///data/user/0/com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.debug/cache/
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] - File name:
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] - Destination: primary
06-24 00:33:05.277 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.285 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] Extracting mbtool ROM installer from the zip file
06-24 00:33:05.285 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.339 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] Extracting mbtool signature from the zip file
06-24 00:33:05.339 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.343 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] Running rom-installer with arguments: [--romid, primary, /data/data/com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.debug/cache/, --skip-mount, --allow-overwrite]
06-24 00:33:05.343 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:05.444 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Creating chroot environment
06-24 00:33:05.952 4211 4316 I QCNEJ : |CORE:COM:RCVR| CNE creating socket
06-24 00:33:06.180 2315 2348 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: MESSAGE_BIND_PROFILE_SERVICE
06-24 00:33:06.484 2315 2315 D HtcASN_1.1: onSignalStrengthsChanged...
06-24 00:33:06.486 3125 3125 D TelephonyCallback: SignalStrength: 3
06-24 00:33:06.487 3125 3125 D SIGNAL_ICON: level=3/5
06-24 00:33:06.487 3125 3125 D StatusBar.NetworkController: dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_3|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_inandout_4 (gone) F]
06-24 00:33:06.488 2315 2315 D HtcASN_1.1: Keep 0: type=Wi-Fi mSimExist=true mFlightMode=false HtcLevel=3
06-24 00:33:06.832 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] ROM ID: primary
06-24 00:33:06.832 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] - /system: /system
06-24 00:33:06.832 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] - /cache: /cache
06-24 00:33:06.832 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] - /data: /data
06-24 00:33:06.832 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] - System is image file: false
06-24 00:33:06.832 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] - Cache is image file: false
06-24 00:33:06.833 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] - Data is image file: false
06-24 00:33:07.127 2315 2315 D HtcASN_1.1: onSignalStrengthsChanged...
06-24 00:33:07.127 3125 3125 D TelephonyCallback: SignalStrength: 3
06-24 00:33:07.128 3125 3125 D SIGNAL_ICON: level=3/5
06-24 00:33:07.128 3125 3125 D StatusBar.NetworkController: dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_3|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_inandout_4 (gone) F]
06-24 00:33:07.135 2315 2315 D HtcASN_1.1: Keep 0: type=Wi-Fi mSimExist=true mFlightMode=false HtcLevel=3
06-24 00:33:07.651 30251 30359 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 9(0x3132372e302e30),sn(443),hints(known),family 0,flags 13,
06-24 00:33:07.652 30251 30374 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 18(0x67726170682e66),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024,
06-24 00:33:07.653 30251 30374 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
06-24 00:33:07.654 30251 30359 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 9(0x3132372e302e30),sn(443),hints(known),family 0,flags 13,
06-24 00:33:07.655 844 31362 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 18(0x67726170682e66),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024, proc=/system/bin/netd
06-24 00:33:07.655 844 31362 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, fd error: Success(0)
06-24 00:33:07.655 844 31362 D libc : [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:103, mark:917607
06-24 00:33:07.655 30251 30375 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 15(0x692e696e737461),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024,
06-24 00:33:07.656 30251 30375 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
06-24 00:33:07.660 30251 30359 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 9(0x3132372e302e30),sn(443),hints(known),family 0,flags 13,
06-24 00:33:07.660 30251 30372 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 19(0x67726170682e69),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024,
06-24 00:33:07.661 30251 30372 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
06-24 00:33:07.662 844 31364 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 19(0x67726170682e69),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024, proc=/system/bin/netd
06-24 00:33:07.662 844 31364 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, fd error: Success(0)
06-24 00:33:07.662 844 31364 D libc : [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:103, mark:917607
06-24 00:33:07.663 844 31363 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfofornetcontext+,hn 15(0x692e696e737461),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024, proc=/system/bin/netd
06-24 00:33:07.663 844 31363 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, fd error: Success(0)
06-24 00:33:07.663 844 31363 D libc : [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:103, mark:917607
06-24 00:33:07.685 844 31362 D libc : [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
06-24 00:33:07.685 30251 30374 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
06-24 00:33:07.692 844 31364 D libc : [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
06-24 00:33:07.692 844 31363 D libc : [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
06-24 00:33:07.693 30251 30372 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
06-24 00:33:07.693 30251 30375 D libc : [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
06-24 00:33:08.201 30907 30907 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
06-24 00:33:08.214 30907 30907 I wpa_supplicant: environment dirty rate=7 [40][3][0]
06-24 00:33:08.214 2315 2970 D WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative abnormalRssiCnt = 0
06-24 00:33:08.214 2315 2970 D WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-43 linkspeed=433 freq=5745
06-24 00:33:08.336 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Running real update-binary
06-24 00:33:08.336 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Here we go!
06-24 00:33:08.349 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher]
06-24 00:33:08.349 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Elapsed time: 00:00:00.013
06-24 00:33:08.350 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Failed to run real update-binary
06-24 00:33:08.357 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Failed to flash zip file.
06-24 00:33:08.357 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] Destroying chroot environment
06-24 00:33:09.050 2315 31371 D HtcWifiDataStallTracker: mIsWifiConnected true mIsDhcpActive false supplicantStateCOMPLETED mOldWifiDisplayStatus 0mIsRoutingComplete true
06-24 00:33:09.183 2315 2348 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: MESSAGE_BIND_PROFILE_SERVICE
06-24 00:33:09.239 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] [MultiBoot] The log file was saved as MultiBoot.log on the internal storage.
06-24 00:33:09.247 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher]
06-24 00:33:09.247 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: Command returned: 1
06-24 00:33:09.247 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:09.267 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] ----------------
06-24 00:33:09.267 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:09.267 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] Completed:
06-24 00:33:09.267 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:09.267 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] 1 actions attempted
06-24 00:33:09.267 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:09.268 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] 0 actions succeeded
06-24 00:33:09.268 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:09.268 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity: [Ramdisk update flasher] 0 actions skipped
06-24 00:33:09.268 3117 31343 D RomDetailActivity:
06-24 00:33:09.268 3117 31343 D SwitcherService: Attempting to stop service
06-24 00:33:09.268 3117 31343 D SwitcherService: Not stopping: # of operations: 0, is bound: true
06-24 00:33:09.285 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: setSystemUiVisibility(0x8700)
06-24 00:33:09.285 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: disable:userId=0 what=0x0 which=0x1 pkg=Window{c37459c u0 com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.debug/com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.switcher.RomDetailActivity}
06-24 00:33:09.286 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: hiding MENU key
06-24 00:33:09.286 3125 3125 I PhoneStatusBar: updatePolicy(false,false,false,true)
06-24 00:33:09.315 3117 3154 W OpenGLRenderer: Fail to change FontRenderer cache size, it already initialized
06-24 00:33:09.317 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: setSystemUiVisibility(0x8000)
06-24 00:33:09.317 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: disable:userId=0 what=0x0 which=0x1 pkg=Window{7ac459e u0 com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.debug/com.github.chenxiaolong.dualbootpatcher.switcher.RomDetailActivity}
06-24 00:33:09.317 2315 2343 D StatusBarManagerService: hiding MENU key
06-24 00:33:09.317 3125 3125 I PhoneStatusBar: updatePolicy(false,false,false,true)
06-24 00:33:09.476 765 765 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
06-24 00:33:09.953 4211 4316 I QCNEJ : |CORE:COM:RCVR| CNE creating socket
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