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Last active October 14, 2023 02:37
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python to gen test csv files
import csv
import random
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# Define a list of more inclusive gender options
gender_options = ['Male', 'Female', 'Non-Binary', 'Trans Male', 'Trans Female', 'Genderqueer', 'Genderfluid', 'Agender', 'Other', 'Prefer Not to Say', 'Decline to State']
# Create a list to store the data
data = []
# Generate 200 lines of fictitious data
for _ in range(200):
name =
street = fake.street_address()
city =
state = fake.state_abbr()
zip_code = fake.zipcode()
# Generate the occupation with potential commas and sanitize it
occupation = fake.job().replace(',', ' ')
sex = random.choice(gender_options) # Randomly select from gender_options
age = random.randint(18, 65)
data.append([name, street, city, state, zip_code, occupation, sex, age])
# Define the CSV file name
csv_file = "test_data.csv"
# Write the data to a CSV file
with open(csv_file, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Write the header row
writer.writerow(['Name', 'Street Address', 'City', 'State', 'ZIP', 'Occupation', 'Gender', 'Age'])
# Write the data
print(f"CSV file '{csv_file}' with 200 lines of fictitious data has been generated.")
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