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Last active August 29, 2023 05:45
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scratch file while re-learning scheme in racket
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(/ 1 n))))
#lang racket
(require malt)
(define rank
(lambda (t)
(ranked t 0)))
(define ranked
(lambda (t a)
((scalar? t) a)
(else (ranked (car t) (add1 a))))))
(define shape
(lambda (t)
((scalar? t) (list))
(else (cons (length t) (shape (car t)))))))
(rank '[[[2][9]][4][7]])
(shape '[[[2][9]][4][7]])
(rank '[[[1 2][3 4]]])
(rank '[[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]]])
(shape '[[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]]])
(rank '[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]])
(shape '[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]])
#lang racket
(require malt)
(define pie 3.14)
(define a-radius 8.4)
(define an-area (* pie (* a-radius a-radius)))
(lambda (r)
(* pie
(* r r)))
(define area-of-circle
(lambda (r)
(* pie
(* r r))))
(define area-of-rectangle
(lambda (width)
(lambda (height)
(* width height))))
((area-of-rectangle 3.0) 2.0)
((= pie 4) 28)
((< pie 4) 33)
(else 17))
(define abs
(lambda (x)
((< x 0) (- 0 x))
(else x))))
(abs -2)
(abs 2)
(define silly-abs
(lambda (x)
(let ((x-is-negative (< x 0)))
(x-is-negative (- 0 x))
(else (x))))))
(silly-abs -2)
(define remainder
(lambda (x y)
((< x y) x)
(else (remainder (- x y) y)))))
(remainder 13 4)
(define add
(lambda (n m)
((zero? m) n)
(else (add1 (add n (sub1 m)))))))
(add 5 3)
(define line
(lambda (x)
(lambda (theta)
(+ (* (ref theta 0) x) (ref theta 1)))))
((line 8) '(4 6))
((line 8) (list 1.0 0.0))
((line 7.3) '(1.0 0.0))
(define line-xssquare
[2.0 1.0 4.0 3.0])
(define line-ys
[1.8 1.2 4.2 3.3])
(car '(a b c))
(cdr '(a b c))
(cons 'a '(b c))
(cons (car '(a b c))
(cdr '(d e f)))
(define square
(lambda (n)
(* n n)))
(square 5)
(load "")
(reciprocal 1/10)
(+ 1/2 1/2)
(quote (1 2 3 4 5))
(quote (+ 3 4))
(let ((x 2))
(+ x 3))
(let ((x 2) (y 3))
(+ x y))
(let ([x 3] [y 4])
(+ x y))
(let ([+ *])
(+ 2 3))
(let ([double (lambda (x) (+ x x))])
(double 12)
(double (* 3 7))
(let ([double-cons (lambda (x) (cons x x))])
(double-cons 'a))
(let ([double-any (lambda (f x) (f x x))])
(double-any + 12)
(double-any + 13)
(double-any cons 'b))
(let ([x 'a]) (cons x x))
; is the same as
((lambda (x) (cons x x)) 'a)
(car '(1 2 3 4))
(cdr '(1 2 3 4))
(cadr '(1 2 3 4))
(cddr '(1 2 3 4))
(define abs
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 0)
(- 0 n)
(abs 77)
(abs -77)
(null? '(a b c))
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (and (number? n) (not (= 0 n)))
(/ 1 n)
(reciprocal 5)
(reciprocal 0)
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (and (number? n) (not (= 0 n)))
(/ 1 n)
(error "imporoper argument" n))))
(reciprocal 5)
(reciprocal 0)
(define sign
(lambda (n)
[(< n 0) -1]
[(> n 0) 1]
[else 0])))
(sign -1)
(sign -20)
(sign 20)
(sign 0)
(define goodbye
(lambda ()
(define length
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(+ (length (cdr ls)) 1))))
(length '(a b c d))
(length '(a b c))
(scalar? 1)
(scalar? -1)
(scalar? -1.0000009)
(length '[1 2 3])
(length '[[1 2 3][4 5 6.6]])
(cons 'a '[b c])
; (define rank
; (lambda (t)
; (cond
; ((scalar? t) 0)
; (else (add1 (rank (car t))))))) ; this is the wrapped version
(define rank
(lambda (t)
(ranked t 0)))
(define ranked
(lambda (t a)
((scalar? t) a)
(else (ranked (car t) (add1 a))))))
(define shape
(lambda (t)
((scalar? t) (list))
(else (cons (length t) (shape (car t)))))))
(rank '[[[2][9]][4][7]])
(shape '[[[2][9]][4][7]])
(rank '[[[1 2][3 4]]])
(rank '[[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]]])
(shape '[[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]]])
(rank '[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]])
(shape '[[1 2 2.2][3 4 4.4]])
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