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Last active October 17, 2023 08:41
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Read all data from Firestore by a cursor and resolve the Bandwidth Exhausted error
How can we read all data from a firestore collection?
When you are reading a hug collection doc by doc from Firebase these problems happens for you:
1. firestore cursor is not proper as a powerful cursor as to be able make this task done.
2. after few thousands request you will get Bandwidth Exhausted error.
You need 2 hings for resolving abou problems:
1. A powerfull cursor
2. A child-process manager
Why cursor?
firebase default cursor cant read all data automatically and needs your interaction to tell it go next part, gor next part...
so we need a cursor to tell firebase cursor go next part automatically.
Why child-process?
After reading thousands docs Bandwidth Exhausted error will happened,
I figured out if we stop running process and run a new process we can pass the error and continue the job.
so we need a child-process manager to do it for us.
For implementing these two things we need two scripts: parent (index.js) and child (cursor.js)
Parent is the child-process manager. Child is the cursor. they can send message for each other and have colaboration.
This is the scenario:
- Parent got collection detail from developer
- Then run a cursor as a child-process and provides some basic info about the collection
- Then child goes through a collection and read documents until it gets [8 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED] error, then send a message to parent to inform it from the error.
- Then parent kills child and create a new one and tells it where to start reading again.
// Parent Script =============================
// ===========================================
// you can call it index.js
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
async function readAllDocs({
// collection name
// you should provide a key to sort all docs by it
// total documents on each request
limit = 1000,
// it's a callback being called per document
}) {
return new Promise(async (done) => {
let allowContinue = true;
let lastId = null;
let counter = 0;
// This is a scoped function being called continuously
// it will run the child script and listen to its messages
// each time the error of Bandwidth Exhausted happened it kills the child script and run it again
// until there were no documents anymore
const runChild = () => {
console.log('run cursor for', collection);
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// Running new child process
const child = childProcess
// path to child script
path.join(__dirname, 'cursor.js'),
// process options
// pass a set of environment variables
// to child process
env: {
lastId, collection, limit, orderBy
// listen to child messages
child.on('message', async (data) => {
// When message contains a document
if (data.type == 'DOC') {
if (onDoc) onDoc(data.doc, counter);
// When reading collection has been done
else if (data.type == 'DONE') {
// make this false to stop the while cycle
allowContinue = false
// When "Bandwidth Exhausted" error happened
// this child will be killed
else if (data.type == 'ERROR') {
// make this true to continue the while cycle
allowContinue = true;
// store last document id for running a new child
lastId = data.lastId;
// start new child process while condition is true
while (allowContinue) {
await runChild();
// stop reading
// Now you can start to read a collection
collection: 'users',
orderBy: 'uid',
onDoc: (doc, index) => {
// do something with the current doc
// Child Script ==============================
// ===========================================
// you can call it cursor.js
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
async function runCursor({
// collection name
// total documents on each call
limit = 1000,
// on document read
}) {
let lastDoc;
let lastId = process.env.lastId || null;
let allowGoAhead = true;
let orderBy = process.env.orderBy;
if (lastId) {
// Get last document from last killed process
await admin.firestore().collection(collection).doc(lastId).get()
.then(sp => {
if (sp.exists) lastDoc = sp
// this is a inner function
// it will be used in while section
const getDocs = () => {
let query = admin.firestore().collection(collection).orderBy(orderBy).limit(limit)
if (lastDoc) {
// define where to start to read
// last doc exists
query = query.startAfter(lastDoc)
return query.get().then(sp => {
if ( > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
const doc =[i];
// run onDoc call back
if (onDoc) onDoc(doc);
// define end of this part
lastDoc =[ - 1]
// continue the cursor
allowGoAhead = true
} else {
// stop cursor if there is not more docs
allowGoAhead = false;
}).catch(error => {
// Inform parent process from this error
process.send({ type: 'ERROR', lastId:, error });
while (allowGoAhead) {
await getDocs();
collection: process.env.collection,
limit: parseInt(process.env.limit),
onDoc: (doc) => {
process.send({ type: 'DOC', doc: });
onDone: () => {
process.send({ type: 'DONE' });
That's it
Use these scripts to read all documents from a firestore collection
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