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Last active April 9, 2024 03:39
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ivan .vimrc
syntax on
set number
set t_Co=256
set updatetime=300
filetype indent on
set colorcolumn=79
colorscheme evening
" config from
set tabstop=4 " Size of a hard tabstop (ts).
set shiftwidth=4 " Size of an indentation (sw).
set expandtab " Always uses spaces instead of tab characters (et).
set softtabstop=4 " Number of spaces a <Tab> counts for. When 0, featuer is off (sts).
set autoindent " Copy indent from current line when starting a new line.
set smarttab " Inserts blanks on a <Tab> key (as per sw, ts and sts).
" enabling auto save
" source:
autocmd TextChanged,TextChangedI <buffer> silent write
" bakups
set backup " make backup files
set backupdir=~/.vim-tmp,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp
" make spaces visibles:
set listchars+=eol:¬,tab:>·,trail:~,space:␣
" xterm 256 colors fg:
" ANSI/VT100 color control sequences reference:
highlight NonText cterm=NONE ctermfg=240 ctermbg=NONE
highlight SpecialKey cterm=NONE ctermfg=240 ctermbg=NONE
set list
" to turn it off:
" set nolist
" Powerline
let g:powerline_pycmd="py3"
set rtp+=/usr/share/powerline/bindings/vim
set laststatus=2
" Plug Installation:
" curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
" to install plugins declared in ~/.vimrc:
" :w
" :so %
" :PlugInstall
" Plug Extensions begins
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim'
call plug#end()
let g:ale_fixers = {
\ 'javascript': ['eslint']
\ }
" Plug Extensions ends
let g:ale_sign_error = '❌'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '⚠️'
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
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