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Last active October 31, 2023 20:51
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Building your own jsc


➜  WebKit git:(main) ./WebKitBuild/Debug/jsc
dyld[8692]: Symbol not found: __ZN3JSC27retrieveTypeImportAttributeEPNS_14JSGlobalObjectERKN3WTF7HashMapINS2_6RefPtrINS2_17UniquedStringImplENS2_12RawPtrTraitsIS5_EENS2_21DefaultRefDerefTraitsIS5_EEEENS2_6StringENS2_11DefaultHashISA_EENS2_10HashTraitsISA_EENSE_ISB_EENS2_15HashTableTraitsEEE
  Referenced from: <BD3D10DA-F74B-3755-8B54-29D1F10163E5> /Users/xxinliu/Devel/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/jsc (built for macOS 14.0 which is newer than running OS)
  Expected in:     <957522FA-9B44-3C8F-9BD4-A209C728B133> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
[1]    8692 abort      ./WebKitBuild/Debug/jsc

The problem here is JSC depends on WTF(who would name its library that? it seems the acronym of webkit's template framework). Dynamic loader has difficulty to resolve this symbol in WTF. we need to teach dynamic laoder to get from what you built

one way to around arount it. ./Tools/Scripts/run-jsc --debug This is equivalence of DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/Users/xxinliu/Devel/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug /Users/xxinliu/Devel/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/jsc --useDollarVM=1

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