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Last active April 23, 2021 23:14
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Express JS Pagination with Mongoose

Add Pagination to Posts Index

  • Seed some post data
    • Install faker npm i -S faker
    • Create a seeds.js file in the root directory /surf-shop and open it
    • Require faker const faker = require('faker');
    • Require Post model const Post = require('./models/post');
    • Write an async function that removes existing posts and runs a loop that generates 40 posts
     async function seedPosts() {
     	await Post.remove({});
     	for(const i of new Array(40)) {
     			const post = {		
     				title: faker.lorem.word(),
     				description: faker.lorem.text(),
     				author: {
     			    '_id' : '5bb27cd1f986d278582aa58c',
     			    'username' : 'ian'
     			await Post.create(post);
     	console.log('40 new posts created');
    • Export the function module.exports = seedPosts;
    • Require the seedPosts function and invoke it in app.js
     const seedPosts = require('./seeds');
  • Install mongoose-paginate npm i -S mongoose-paginate
  • Add mongoose-paginate to Post model
     const mongoosePaginate = require('mongoose-paginate');
  • Update postIndex method in /controllers/posts.js to include pagination in query
     // Posts Index
     async postIndex(req, res, next) {
     	let posts = await Post.paginate({}, {
     		page: || 1,
     		limit: 10
     	}); = Number(;
     	res.render('posts/index', { posts, title: 'Posts Index' });
  • Update loop over posts in /views/posts/index.ejs so that it loops over now
     <% { %>
  • Create a paginatePosts.ejs partial in /views/partials
     <div style="margin: 20px 0">
     <% if( - 1) { %>
     	<a href="/posts?page=<%= - 1 %>">Prev</a>
     <% } %>
     <% for(let i = 1; i <= posts.pages; i++) { %>
     	<a href="/posts?page=<%= i %>" <%= i === ? 'style=color:#000' : '' %>><%= i %></a>
     <% } %>
     <% if(( + 1) <= posts.pages) { %>
     	<a href="/posts?page=<%= + 1 %>">Next</a>
     <% } %>
  • Include the partial in your /views/posts/index.ejs view (I include it twice, once above the posts loop and once below) <% include ../partials/paginatePosts %>
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