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Created March 7, 2017 15:25
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Histogram of Oriented Gradients
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
import glob
from skimage.feature import hog
# Read in our vehicles and non-vehicles
images = glob.glob('*.jpeg')
cars = []
notcars = []
for image in images:
if 'image' in image or 'extra' in image:
# Define a function to return HOG features and visualization
def get_hog_features(img, orient, pix_per_cell, cell_per_block, vis=False, feature_vec=True):
if vis == True:
# Use skimage.hog() to get both features and a visualization
features, hog_image = hog(img, orientations=orient, pixels_per_cell=(pix_per_cell, pix_per_cell),
cells_per_block=(cell_per_block, cell_per_block), visualise=vis, feature_vector=False)
return features, hog_image
# Use skimage.hog() to get features only
features = [] # Remove this line
features = hog(img, orientations=orient, pixels_per_cell=(pix_per_cell, pix_per_cell),
cells_per_block=(cell_per_block, cell_per_block), visualise=vis, feature_vector=feature_vec)
return features
# Generate a random index to look at a car image
ind = np.random.randint(0, len(cars))
# Read in the image
image = mpimg.imread(cars[ind])
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
# Define HOG parameters
orient = 9
pix_per_cell = 8
cell_per_block = 2
# Call our function with vis=True to see an image output
features, hog_image = get_hog_features(gray, orient,
pix_per_cell, cell_per_block,
vis=True, feature_vec=False)
# Plot the examples
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Example Car Image')
plt.imshow(hog_image, cmap='gray')
plt.title('HOG Visualization')
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