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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Heavy machinery
country value
Argentina 12915.8
Australia 13789.6
Austria 63377.1
Belarus 7016.1
Belgium 92795.8
Brazil 38250.3
Bulgaria 4449.6
Canada 119425.5
China 965289
Chinese Taipei 144086.1
Costa Rica 3116.9
Croatia 3302.7
Czech Republic 84844
Denmark 25249.3
Estonia 5404.1
Finland 21618.5
France 214376.2
Germany 679164.3
Greece 3015.6
Hong Kong 273500.7
Hungary 55389
India 39728.6
Indonesia 22779.1
Ireland 12817.4
Israel 15509.1
Italy 171530.4
Japan 476027.8
Saudi Arabia 11566.1
South Korea 287840.9
Lithuania 5255.8
Luxembourg 7580.8
Malaysia 86411.9
Mexico 201536.8
Morocco 4417.3
Netherlands 186041.9
Norway 12671
Philippines 31013.3
Poland 68688.8
Portugal 15554
Romania 23330.5
Russia 19420.1
Singapore 185148.2
Slovakia 44372.5
Slovenia 11490.4
South Africa 15992.7
Spain 91530.3
Sweden 64575.9
Switzerland 43035.7
Thailand 92927.7
Tunisia 5214
Turkey 37444.3
Ukraine 12956.5
United Arab Emirates 24602.8
United Kingdom 163042.8
United States 626730.9
Vietnam 28770.1
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