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#enemy #health #Unity #3D #FPS
using UnityEngine;
public class Target : MonoBehaviour
public float healt = 50f;//this is our enemy health
public Animator anim;//this is our enemy animator
bool die;//die animation will appear when enemy is shaw (bool means ture or false not truth or dare)
private void Start()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();//where do we get animator component?
public void Takedamage(float amout)//how do we take a damage when player shoot
healt -= amout;//health will minus of amout what does it mean? it mean when player shoot enemy (health will -1 (50-1=49)but in shooting script player will take 10 so (50-10=40)) myan myan thay
if(healt<= 0f)//if health is less than 0 enemy will die(-1/0)
Die();//how do we die?
void Die()
anim.SetBool("isDie", true);//we make a animation call die with a bool of "isDie" and it true (appear)
Destroy(gameObject, 1.5f);//we don't want enemy shaw body so we destory it in 1.5sec
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