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Last active December 19, 2015 04:28
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Save nazarov-yuriy/5896856 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package org.epic.perleditor.editors.perl;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.*;
import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor;
import org.epic.core.model.ISourceElement;
import org.epic.core.util.PerlExecutor;
import org.epic.perleditor.PerlEditorPlugin;
import org.epic.perleditor.editors.PartitionTypes;
import org.epic.perleditor.editors.PerlPartitioner;
import org.epic.perleditor.preferences.CodeAssistPreferences;
import org.epic.perleditor.templates.*;
import org.epic.perleditor.templates.perl.*;
* Perl completion processor.
public class PerlCompletionProcessor implements IContentAssistProcessor
private static final IPerlCompletionProposal[] NO_PROPOSALS =
new IPerlCompletionProposal[0];
// public to enable unit testing
public static Pattern MODULE_PREFIX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([A-Za-z0-9_]+(::|->))+");
public static Pattern VAR_PREFIX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+(::|->)$");
private final IContextInformationValidator fValidator = new Validator();
private final PerlCompletionProposalComparator fComparator = new PerlCompletionProposalComparator();
private final TextEditor fTextEditor;
private final TemplateEngine fTemplateEngine;
public PerlCompletionProcessor(TextEditor textEditor)
fTextEditor = textEditor;
ContextType contextType = getContextType();
if (contextType != null) fTemplateEngine = new TemplateEngine(contextType);
else fTemplateEngine = null;
public ICompletionProposal[] computeCompletionProposals(
ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset)
// get the current document's text, up to caret position
IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
ITextSelection selection = (ITextSelection) viewer.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
if (selection.getLength() > 0) return NO_PROPOSALS;
String lastTextLine = null;
int lastLine = document.getLineOfOffset(documentOffset);
int lineStartOffset = document.getLineOffset(lastLine);
lastTextLine = document.get(
lineStartOffset, documentOffset - lineStartOffset);
catch (BadLocationException ble)
// TODO what to do here?
String moduleNamePrefix = getModuleNamePrefix(lastTextLine);
if (moduleNamePrefix != null)
return computeModuleNameProposals(
viewer, documentOffset, moduleNamePrefix);
String className = getClassName(documentOffset, document);
return className != null
? computeMethodProposals(viewer, documentOffset, className)
: sort(concatenate(
computeVariableProposals(viewer, documentOffset),
computeTemplateProposals(viewer, documentOffset)
public IContextInformation[] computeContextInformation(
ITextViewer viewer,
int documentOffset)
return null;
public char[] getCompletionProposalAutoActivationCharacters()
String activationChars = PerlEditorPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getString(CodeAssistPreferences.AUTO_ACTIVATION_CHARS);
return activationChars.toCharArray();
public char[] getContextInformationAutoActivationCharacters()
return null;
public IContextInformationValidator getContextInformationValidator()
return fValidator;
public String getErrorMessage()
return null;
private ICompletionProposal[] computeMethodProposals(
ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset, String className)
List proposals = getProposalsForClassname(className);
ContextType contextType = getContextType();
if (contextType != null)
SubroutineEngine subroutineEngine = new SubroutineEngine(contextType);
(String[]) proposals.toArray(new String[proposals.size()]));
return subroutineEngine.getResults();
else return new IPerlCompletionProposal[0];
private ICompletionProposal[] computeModuleNameProposals(
ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset, String moduleNamePrefix)
ModuleCompletionHelper completionHelper = ModuleCompletionHelper.getInstance();
return completionHelper.getProposals(moduleNamePrefix, documentOffset, viewer);
private IPerlCompletionProposal[] computeTemplateProposals(
ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset)
fTemplateEngine.complete(viewer, documentOffset);
return fTemplateEngine.getResults();
private IPerlCompletionProposal[] computeVariableProposals(ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset)
if (!PerlEditorPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(
CodeAssistPreferences.INSPECT_VARIABLES)) return NO_PROPOSALS;
ContextType contextType = getContextType();
if (contextType == null) return NO_PROPOSALS;
Set variables = getCompletionVariables(viewer, documentOffset);
VariableEngine varsEngine = new VariableEngine(contextType);
(String[]) variables.toArray(new String[variables.size()]));
return varsEngine.getResults();
* Gets variable/filedescriptor info from source file
private Set getCompletionVariables(
ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset)
List variablesModel = new ArrayList();
Set variables = new HashSet();
String variableChars = "%$@";
String filehandleChars = "<";
documentOffset = getCompletionStartOffset(
variableChars + filehandleChars);
if (documentOffset < viewer.getDocument().getLength())
String key = viewer.getDocument().get(documentOffset, 1);
if (variableChars.indexOf(key) != -1)
variablesModel = getVariableElements(viewer, documentOffset);
else if (filehandleChars.indexOf(key) != -1)
variablesModel =
for (Iterator i = variablesModel.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
ISourceElement elem = (ISourceElement);
String name = elem.getName();
// Only insert variables once
if (!variables.contains(name))
if (name.startsWith("@"))
variables.add("$" + name.substring(1) + "[]");
else if (name.startsWith("%"))
variables.add("$" + name.substring(1) + "{}");
catch (BadLocationException ex)
ex.printStackTrace(); // TODO log it
return variables;
private List getVariableElements(ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset)
throws BadLocationException
IDocument doc = viewer.getDocument();
IDocumentPartitioner p =
((IDocumentExtension3) doc).getDocumentPartitioner(
if (!(p instanceof PerlPartitioner)) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
ITypedRegion[] regions =
((PerlPartitioner) p)
.computePartitioning(0, documentOffset);
List elements = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < regions.length; i++)
if (regions[i].getType().equals(PartitionTypes.VARIABLE))
String name = doc.get(regions[i].getOffset(), regions[i].getLength());
if (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(1) == '{') continue; // ignore ${@foo} and the like
elements.add(new SourceElement(
name, regions[i].getOffset(), regions[i].getLength()));
return elements;
private String getClassName(int documentOffset, IDocument document)
// Find offset just after the -> or :: for which completion is requested
documentOffset =
getCompletionStartOffset(document, documentOffset, "_");
String text = document.get(0, documentOffset);
if (!text.endsWith("->") && !text.endsWith("::")) return null;
// Get the object name
int lineNo = document.getLineOfOffset(documentOffset);
String line = text.substring(document.getLineOffset(lineNo));
// Lines can end with "->" of "::"
if (VAR_PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(line).find())
String objName = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf('$'));
objName = objName.indexOf("->") != -1
? objName.substring(0, objName.indexOf("->"))
: objName.substring(0, objName.indexOf("::"));
String className = findTypedLexical(objName, text);
if (className == null) className = findConstructorCall(objName, text);
return className;
Matcher m = MODULE_PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (m.find())
// strip -> or :: from the end
String str =;
return str.substring(0, str.length()-2);
else return null;
catch (Exception ex)
return null; // TODO error handling
private String findConstructorCall(String objName, String text)
// Try to find something like "my $foo = Some::Class->..."
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\" + objName + "\\s*=\\s*([a-zA-Z:->0-9_]+)(->|::|;)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
String className = null;
while (m.find()) className =;
return className;
private String findTypedLexical(String objName, String text)
// Try to find typed lexical like "my Some::Class $foo = ...;"
// or "my __PACKAGE__ $foo = ...;"
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("my\\s+(\\S+)\\s+\\" + objName + "\\s*=");
Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
int foundAt = -1;
String className = null;
while (m.find())
className =;
foundAt = m.start(1);
if (className != null)
if ("__PACKAGE__".equals(className))
// Find most recent "package ...;" line before
// the typed lexical was introduced
p = Pattern.compile("\\s*package\\s+(\\S+)\\s*;");
m = p.matcher(text);
while (m.find() && m.start(1) < foundAt)
className =;
// not found? bad luck
if ("__PACKAGE__".equals(className)) return null;
return className;
private List getProposalsForClassname(String className)
String perlCode =
"use "
+ className
+ ";\n\n"
+ "@classes = qw(" + className + ");\n"
+ "push(@classes, @" + className + "::ISA);\n"
+ "foreach $class (@classes) {\n"
+ "next if ($class eq 'Exporter');\n"
+ "%symtab = eval '%'.$class.'::';\n"
+ "foreach $name (keys %symtab) {\n"
+ " next if($name !~ /[a-z]/ || $name =~ /^_/);\n"
+ " if(defined &{$class.'::'.$name}) {\n"
+ " $proposals{$name.'()'} = 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "print join(\"\\n\", sort keys %proposals);";
PerlExecutor executor = new PerlExecutor();
return executor.execute(fTextEditor, null, perlCode).getStdoutLines();
catch (CoreException e)
return new ArrayList();
* Orders the given proposals.
private IPerlCompletionProposal[] sort(IPerlCompletionProposal[] proposals)
Arrays.sort(proposals, fComparator);
return proposals;
* Finds the content assist start offset: the offset just after
* the sequence of characters triggering the completion. For example,
* if the completion was requested after typing "$foo->ab", the method
* would return the offset just after "$foo->".
* @param document document in which completion was requested
* @param caretOffset offset at which completion was requested
* @return offset
private int getCompletionStartOffset(
IDocument document,
int caretOffset,
String specialChars)
throws BadLocationException
while (stepLeft(document, caretOffset, specialChars)) caretOffset--;
if (stepLeft(document, caretOffset, specialChars)) caretOffset--;
return caretOffset;
private ContextType getContextType()
return ContextTypeRegistry.getInstance().getContextType("perl"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private String getModuleNamePrefix(String line)
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
"\\s*use[ \\t]+(\\S*)\\s*$", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
return matcher.matches() ? : null;
private boolean stepLeft(IDocument doc, int offset, String specialChars)
throws BadLocationException
offset != 0 &&
(Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(doc.getChar(offset - 1)) ||
specialChars.indexOf(doc.getChar(offset - 1)) != -1);
private static IPerlCompletionProposal[] concatenate(
IPerlCompletionProposal[] a,
IPerlCompletionProposal[] b)
IPerlCompletionProposal[] result =
new IPerlCompletionProposal[b.length + a.length];
System.arraycopy(b, 0, result, 0, b.length);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, b.length, a.length);
return result;
* Simple content assist tip closer. The tip is valid in a range
* of 5 characters around its popup location.
private static class Validator
implements IContextInformationValidator, IContextInformationPresenter
protected int fInstallOffset;
public boolean isContextInformationValid(int offset)
return Math.abs(fInstallOffset - offset) < 5;
public void install(
IContextInformation info,
ITextViewer viewer,
int offset)
fInstallOffset = offset;
public boolean updatePresentation(
int documentPosition,
TextPresentation presentation)
return false;
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