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Last active December 8, 2017 09:29
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import csv
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
import traceback
import itertools
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
# base comparison method -- any comparison method has to inherit it
class Comparison(object):
# TODO consider storing whole row, instead of a title
# so a link to an article can be given when displaying results
def __init__(self, titles, lowercase):
self.titles = 2*[None]
if (lowercase):
self.titles[0] = titles[0].lower()
self.titles[1] = titles[1].lower()
self.titles[0] = titles[0]
self.titles[1] = titles[1]
def setMetric(self, metric):
self.metric = metric
def toString(self):
s = "M=" + str(self.metric) + "\n"
s = s + "- " + self.titles[0] + "\n"
s = s + "- " + self.titles[1] + "\n"
return s
# comparison method #1
class ComparisonTokenSet(Comparison):
def __init__(self, titles, lowercase):
super(ComparisonTokenSet, self).__init__(titles, lowercase)
super(ComparisonTokenSet, self).setMetric(fuzz.token_set_ratio(self.titles[0], self.titles[1]))
# comparison method #2
class ComparisonTokenSort(Comparison):
def __init__(self, titles, lowercase):
super(ComparisonTokenSort, self).__init__(titles, lowercase)
super(ComparisonTokenSort, self).setMetric(fuzz.token_sort_ratio(self.titles[0], self.titles[1]))
# util function to get list of comparison methods - to verify cmdline validity
def getComparisonMethods():
return map(lambda x: x.__name__, Comparison.__subclasses__())
# util function go get comparison object type based on a string passed from cmdline
def getComparisonType(method):
return next((x for x in Comparison.__subclasses__() if x.__name__ == method), None)
def calculateCombinationsNumber(titlesNumber):
return titlesNumber * (titlesNumber-1) / 2
# print iterations progress -
def printProgress(iteration, total, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, bar_length=100):
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
bar_length - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
str_format = "{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}"
percents = str_format.format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filled_length = int(round(bar_length * iteration / float(total)))
bar = '█' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length)
sys.stdout.write('\r%s |%s| %s%s %s' % (prefix, bar, percents, '%', suffix)),
if iteration == total:
# bells and whistles; reads .csv file, creates requested comparisons, and returns list of results
def dumpstat(inputfile="pubmed_result.csv", limitinput=5, limitoutput=5, method='tokenset', lowercase=True):
if method not in getComparisonMethods():
raise NotImplementedError("method " + method + " is not implemented")
# list of titles limited to 'limitoutput'
titles = []
# read .csv with entries
with open(inputfile, mode="r") as fv:
reader = csv.DictReader(fv)
index = 0
for row in reader:
# respect the limits
index = index + 1
if (index > limitinput):
# skip malformed rows -- not sure why we're getting them
if (row['Title'] == 'Title'):
# list of comparisons
# FIXME can be lower than calculated if file is a small one
totalComparisons = calculateCombinationsNumber(limitinput)
comparisons = []
# TODO run comparisons in parallel
index = 0
for pair in itertools.combinations(titles, r=2):
c = getComparisonType(method)(pair, lowercase)
# FIXME wasting a lot of memory here makes it impossible to work on big sets.
# Maybe append only if better than worst of top 'limitinput' best ones
# and use a fixed-width container capped to 'limitinput'
if ((index % 1000) == 0):
printProgress(index, totalComparisons, "Working... ")
index = index + 1
printProgress(totalComparisons, totalComparisons, "Compared!")
# sort the comparison results, so better ones are first
comparisons.sort(key=lambda x: x.metric, reverse=True)
# display results
index = 0
for c in comparisons:
if (index > limitoutput):
print (c.toString())
index = index + 1
def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111
'''Command line options.'''
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
# Setup argument parser
parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose", action='store_true', help="be verbose", default=True)
parser.add_argument("--lowercase", dest="lowercase", action='store_true', help="make lowercase before comparison")
parser.add_argument("--limitinput", dest="limitinput", type=int, help="number of titles to compare", default=sys.maxint)
parser.add_argument("--limitoutput", dest="limitoutput", type=int, help="number of comparisons to return", default=10)
parser.add_argument("--data", dest="filedata", nargs='?', help="file to read titles from [default: %(default)s]", default='pubmed_result.csv')
parser.add_argument("--method", dest="method", nargs='?', help="comparison method to use, one of: {" + ', '.join(getComparisonMethods()) + "} [default: %(default)s]", default=getComparisonMethods()[0])
# Process arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
if (args.verbose):
print "====="
print "data = " + args.filedata
print "limitinput = " + str(args.limitinput)
print "limitoutput = " + str(args.limitoutput)
print "method = " + str(args.method)
print "lowercase = " + str(args.lowercase)
print "====="
print "max number of combinations to check: " + str(calculateCombinationsNumber(args.limitinput))
dumpstat(args.filedata, args.limitinput, args.limitoutput, args.method, args.lowercase)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
### handle keyboard interrupt ###
return 0
except Exception, e:
return 2
if __name__ == "__main__":
michal@e6540:~/workspace/liclipse/plagiat$ time python ./ --lowercase --limitoutput 300 --limitinput 5500 --method ComparisonTokenSet
data = pubmed_result.csv
limitinput = 5500
limitoutput = 300
method = ComparisonTokenSet
lowercase = True
max number of combinations to check: 15122250
Compared! |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0%
- pathogenesis of lafora disease: transition of soluble glycogen to insoluble polyglucosan.
- lafora disease.
- cloning mice.
- crispr/cas9-mediated gene manipulation to create single-amino-acid-substituted and floxed mice with a cloning-free method.
- cloning mice.
- from cloning neural development genes to functional studies in mice, 30 years of advancements.
- corrigendum: asymmetric parental genome engineering by cas9 during mouse meiotic exit.
- asymmetric parental genome engineering by cas9 during mouse meiotic exit.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- correction of a genetic disease by crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- erratum: genomic variants in mouse model induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate improperly mimic human colorectal cancer.
- genomic variants in mouse model induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate improperly mimic human colorectal cancer.
- abnormal glycogen chain length pattern, not hyperphosphorylation, is critical in lafora disease.
- lafora disease.
- crispr/cas9-mediated gene manipulation to create single-amino-acid-substituted and floxed mice with a cloning-free method.
- cloning-free crispr.
- the evolutionary capacitor hsp90 buffers the regulatory effects of mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- liver-specific knockout of arginase-1 leads to a profound phenotype similar to inducible whole body arginase-1 deficiency.
- arginase-1 deficiency.
- pronuclear injection-based targeted transgenesis.
- one-step generation of multiple transgenic mouse lines using an improved pronuclear injection-based targeted transgenesis (i-pitt).
- erratum to: trans effects of chromosome aneuploidies on dna methylation patterns in human down syndrome and mouse models.
- trans effects of chromosome aneuploidies on dna methylation patterns in human down syndrome and mouse models.
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- erratum to: cytoplasm-predominant pten associates with increased region-specific brain tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine d2 receptors in mouse model with autistic traits.
- cytoplasm-predominant pten associates with increased region-specific brain tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine d2 receptors in mouse model with autistic traits.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- arginase-1 deficiency.
- strategies to rescue the consequences of inducible arginase-1 deficiency in mice.
- corrigendum: extensive microrna-mediated crosstalk between lncrnas and mrnas in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- extensive microrna-mediated crosstalk between lncrnas and mrnas in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- activity-dependent dynamics of the transcription factor of camp-response element binding protein in cortical neurons revealed by single-molecule imaging.
- activity-dependent dynamics of the transcription factor creb in cortical neurons revealed by single-molecule imaging.
- erratum to: deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse occyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the dna methylation landscape.
- deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse oocyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the dna methylation landscape.
- runx3 in immunity, inflammation and cancer.
- runx3 at the interface of immunity, inflammation and cancer.
- single-cell transcriptome and epigenomic reprogramming of cardiomyocyte-derived cardiac progenitor cells.
- epigenomic reprogramming of adult cardiomyocyte-derived cardiac progenitor cells.
- multicolor spectral analyses of mitotic and meiotic mouse chromosomes involved in multiple robertsonian translocations. ii. the nmri/cd and cd/ta hybrid strains.
- multicolor spectral analyses of mitotic and meiotic mouse chromosomes involved in multiple robertsonian translocations. i. the cd/cremona hybrid strain.
- crispr libraries and screening.
- coralina: a universal method for the generation of grna libraries for crispr-based screening.
- identification and functional analysis of long non-coding rnas in human and mouse early embryos based on single-cell transcriptome data.
- identification and analysis of mouse non-coding rna using transcriptome data.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- generation of genetically modified mice using the crispr-cas9 genome-editing system.
- single-cut genome editing restores dystrophin expression in a new mouse model of muscular dystrophy.
- postnatal genome editing partially restores dystrophin expression in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy.
- genome editing in mouse zygotes and embryonic stem cells by introducing sgrna/cas9 expressing plasmids.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- a mouse model of hereditary coproporphyria identified in an enu mutagenesis screen.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- somatic genome editing goes viral.
- pancreatic cancer modeling using retrograde viral vector delivery and in vivo crispr/cas9-mediated somatic genome editing.
- toll-like receptors: potential targets for lupus treatment.
- toll-like receptors in systemic lupus erythematosus: potential for personalized treatment.
- circadian control of global transcription.
- chip-seq and rna-seq methods to study circadian control of transcription in mammals.
- continuous blockade of cxcr4 results in dramatic mobilization and expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
- ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells.
- divergence patterns of genic copy number variation in natural populations of the house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) reveal three conserved genes with major population-specific expansions.
- genomic copy number variation in mus musculus.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- role of the dna repair glycosylase ogg1 in the activation of murine splenocytes.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing corrects dystrophin mutation in skeletal muscle stem cells in a mouse model of muscle dystrophy.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- cellular reprogramming, genome editing, and alternative crispr cas9 technologies for precise gene therapy of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- duchenne muscular dystrophy: crispr/cas9 treatment.
- male infertility is responsible for nearly half of the extinction observed in the mouse collaborative cross.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- muscle-specific crispr/cas9 dystrophin gene editing ameliorates pathophysiology in a mouse model for duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- duchenne muscular dystrophy: crispr/cas9 treatment.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2017: community knowledge resource for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- the potential role of 8-oxoguanine dna glycosylase-driven dna base excision repair in exercise-induced asthma.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- exploring novel candidate genes from the mouse genome informatics database: potential implications for avian migration research.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- dbsuper: a database of super-enhancers in mouse and human genome.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- orthology for comparative genomics in the mouse genome database.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- mouse genome database: from sequence to phenotypes and disease models.
- single-step generation of conditional knockout mouse embryonic stem cells.
- rapid knockout and reporter mouse line generation and breeding colony establishment using eucomm conditional-ready embryonic stem cells: a case study.
- a central role of trax in the atm-mediated dna repair.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- combinations of chromosome transfer and genome editing for the development of cell/animal models of human disease and humanized animal models.
- development of humanized mice in the age of genome editing.
- an efficient method for generation of bi-allelic null mutant mouse embryonic stem cells and its application for investigating epigenetic modifiers.
- generation and application of mouse-rat allodiploid embryonic stem cells.
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- highly efficient mouse genome editing by crispr ribonucleoprotein electroporation of zygotes.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- replication study: melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent prex2 mutations.
- registered report: melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent prex2 mutations.
- generating mouse models using crispr-cas9-mediated genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cell lines using talen and double-nicking crispr/cas9.
- genome editing in mice using tale nucleases.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem/progenitor cells using engineered nucleases.
- hotspots of de novo point mutations in induced pluripotent stem cells.
- the number of point mutations in induced pluripotent stem cells and nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells depends on the method and somatic cell type used for their generation.
- data on the effect of in utero exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on genome-wide patterns of dna methylation in lung tissues.
- dna methylation in lung tissues of mouse offspring exposed in utero to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
- crispr/cas9 - mediated precise targeted integration in vivo using a double cut donor with short homology arms.
- homology-mediated end joining-based targeted integration using crispr/cas9.
- effective biomedical document classification for identifying publications relevant to the mouse gene expression database (gxd).
- the mouse gene expression database (gxd): 2017 update.
- initial characterization of behavior and ketamine response in a mouse knockout of the post-synaptic effector gene anks1b.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- single-cell transcriptome analysis of fish immune cells provides insight into the evolution of vertebrate immune cell types.
- evolution of the unspliced transcriptome.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- exome-wide single-base substitutions in tissues and derived cell lines of the constitutive fhit knockout mouse.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- beyond knockouts: the international knockout mouse consortium delivers modular and evolving tools for investigating mammalian genes.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- expanding the mammalian phenotype ontology to support automated exchange of high throughput mouse phenotyping data generated by large-scale mouse knockout screens.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- utilising the resources of the international knockout mouse consortium: the australian experience.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- gene therapies that restore dystrophin expression for the treatment of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- duchenne muscular dystrophy: crispr/cas9 treatment.
- generation and application of mammalian haploid embryonic stem cells.
- generation and application of mouse-rat allodiploid embryonic stem cells.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- comparative genomics: one for all.
- orthology for comparative genomics in the mouse genome database.
- comparative genomics: one for all.
- application of comparative transcriptional genomics to identify molecular targets for pediatric ibd.
- excavating the genome: large-scale mutagenesis screening for the discovery of new mouse models.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- landscape of dna methylation on the marsupial x.
- influence of the prader-willi syndrome imprinting center on the dna methylation landscape in the mouse brain.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2017: community knowledge resource for the laboratory mouse.
- an efficient method for generation of bi-allelic null mutant mouse embryonic stem cells and its application for investigating epigenetic modifiers.
- generation and application of mammalian haploid embryonic stem cells.
- functional validation of atf4 and gadd34 in neuro2a cells by crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing.
- functional validation of tensin2 sh2-ptb domain by crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing.
- generation of knock-in mouse by genome editing.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing in wild-derived mice: generation of tamed wild-derived strains by mutation of the a (nonagouti) gene.
- generation of knock-in mouse by genome editing.
- generation of an oocyte-specific cas9 transgenic mouse for genome editing.
- crispr/cas9-mediated gene manipulation to create single-amino-acid-substituted and floxed mice with a cloning-free method.
- self-cloning crispr.
- self-cloning crispr.
- in vivo blunt-end cloning through crispr/cas9-facilitated non-homologous end-joining.
- self-cloning crispr.
- cloning-free crispr.
- the role of mdm2 amplification and overexpression in tumorigenesis.
- gene amplification-associated overexpression of the rna editing enzyme adar1 enhances human lung tumorigenesis.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- in vivo blunt-end cloning through crispr/cas9-facilitated non-homologous end-joining.
- cloning-free crispr.
- assessment of microrna expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells and spermatozoa by next generation sequencing.
- next generation sequencing analysis reveals segmental patterns of microrna expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells.
- transcriptional response in mouse thyroid tissue after 211at administration: effects of absorbed dose, initial dose-rate and time after administration.
- transcriptional response in normal mouse tissues after i.v. (211)at administration - response related to absorbed dose, dose rate, and time.
- amino acid substitutions associated with avian h5n6 influenza a virus adaptation to mice.
- amino acid substitutions involved in the adaptation of a novel highly pathogenic h5n2 avian influenza virus in mice.
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- efficient crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing in mice by zygote electroporation of nuclease.
- p53 and tap63 participate in the recombination-dependent pachytene arrest in mouse spermatocytes.
- the atm signaling cascade promotes recombination-dependent pachytene arrest in mouse spermatocytes.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- collaborative cross and diversity outbred data resources in the mouse phenome database.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- informatics resources for the collaborative cross and related mouse populations.
- complete genome sequence of acinetobacter sp. strain ncu2d-2 isolated from a mouse.
- complete genome sequence of turicibacter sp. strain h121, isolated from the feces of a contaminated germ-free mouse.
- genetic architecture of atherosclerosis in mice: a systems genetics analysis of common inbred strains.
- the genetic architecture of nafld among inbred strains of mice.
- pd-l1 genetic overexpression or pharmacological restoration in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells reverses autoimmune diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome informatics (mgi) resource: genetic, genomic, and biological knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 infection and adult t-cell leukemia.
- effects of expressing human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (htlv-i) oncoprotein tax on dok1, dok2 and dok3 gene expression in mice.
- human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 infection and adult t-cell leukemia.
- human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (htlv-1) tax requires cadm1/tslc1 for inactivation of the nf-κb inhibitor a20 and constitutive nf-κb signaling.
- shared genetic regulatory networks for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in multiple populations of diverse ethnicities in the united states.
- zinc and diabetes.
- a five-repeat micro-dystrophin gene ameliorated dystrophic phenotype in the severe dba/2j-mdx model of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- jagged 1 rescues the duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotype.
- engineered epidermal progenitor cells can correct diet-induced obesity and diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- tex19.1 promotes spo11-dependent meiotic recombination in mouse spermatocytes.
- the atm signaling cascade promotes recombination-dependent pachytene arrest in mouse spermatocytes.
- identification and characterization of a foxa2-regulated transcriptional enhancer at a type 2 diabetes intronic locus that controls gckr expression in liver cells.
- zinc and diabetes.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing corrects dystrophin mutation in skeletal muscle stem cells in a mouse model of muscle dystrophy.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cell lines using talen and double-nicking crispr/cas9.
- expression and functional assessment of candidate type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes identify four new genes contributing to human insulin secretion.
- zinc and diabetes.
- targeted dna methylation in pericentromeres with genome editing-based artificial dna methyltransferase.
- editing dna methylation in the mammalian genome.
- using hescs to probe the interaction of the diabetes-associated genes cdkal1 and mt1e.
- zinc and diabetes.
- dna modifications and alzheimer's disease.
- modifiers and readers of dna modifications and their impact on genome structure, expression, and stability in disease.
- the zinc finger e-box-binding homeobox 1 (zeb1) promotes the conversion of mouse fibroblasts into functional neurons.
- chemical conversion of mouse fibroblasts into functional dopaminergic neurons.
- genetic and small molecule disruption of the aid/rad51 axis similarly protects nonobese diabetic mice from type 1 diabetes through expansion of regulatory b lymphocytes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- long-term alterations to dna methylation as a biomarker of prenatal alcohol exposure: from mouse models to human children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
- associative dna methylation changes in children with prenatal alcohol exposure.
- genetics of obesity: can an old dog teach us new tricks?
- systems genetics of obesity.
- the transcription factor nfatc2 regulates β-cell proliferation and genes associated with type 2 diabetes in mouse and human islets.
- zinc and diabetes.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- visualization of results from systems genetics studies in chromosomal context.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- a suite of tools for biologists that improve accessibility and visualization of large systems genetics datasets: applications to the hybrid mouse diversity panel.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- defining the influence of germline variation on metastasis using systems genetics approaches.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- the hybrid mouse diversity panel: a resource for systems genetics analyses of metabolic and cardiovascular traits.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- genetic architecture of atherosclerosis in mice: a systems genetics analysis of common inbred strains.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- systems genetics of intravenous cocaine self-administration in the bxd recombinant inbred mouse panel.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- application of quantitative metabolomics in systems genetics in rodent models of complex phenotypes.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- a systems genetics study of swine illustrates mechanisms underlying human phenotypic traits.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- systems genetics identifies sestrin 3 as a regulator of a proconvulsant gene network in human epileptic hippocampus.
- emerging roles of glis3 in neonatal diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- differential gene dosage effects of diabetes-associated gene glis3 in pancreatic β cell differentiation and function.
- zinc and diabetes.
- transposon mutagenesis identifies candidate genes that cooperate with loss of transforming growth factor-beta signaling in mouse intestinal neoplasms.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- inhibition of dna methyltransferase 1 increases nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group a member 1 expression and decreases blood glucose in type 2 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- microinjection-based generation of mutant mice with a double mutation and a 0.5 mb deletion in their genome by the crispr/cas9 system.
- generation of site-specific mutant mice using the crispr/cas9 system.
- an integrative study identifies kcnc2 as a novel predisposing factor for childhood obesity and the risk of diabetes in the korean population.
- zinc and diabetes.
- structural organization of the inactive x chromosome in the mouse.
- bipartite structure of the inactive mouse x chromosome.
- zinc and diabetes.
- serotonin as a new therapeutic target for diabetes mellitus and obesity.
- zinc and diabetes.
- unexpected partial correction of metabolic and behavioral phenotypes of alzheimer's app/psen1 mice by gene targeting of diabetes/alzheimer's-related sorcs1.
- zinc and diabetes.
- type 1 diabetes genetic susceptibility and dendritic cell function: potential targets for treatment.
- zinc and diabetes.
- genetic association of long-chain acyl-coa synthetase 1 variants with fasting glucose, diabetes, and subclinical atherosclerosis.
- zinc and diabetes.
- a20 inhibits β-cell apoptosis by multiple mechanisms and predicts residual β-cell function in type 1 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- genetic architecture of early pre-inflammatory stage transcription signatures of autoimmune diabetes in the pancreatic lymph nodes of the nod mouse reveals significant gene enrichment on chromosomes 6 and 7.
- zinc and diabetes.
- ptpn22 and cd2 variations are associated with altered protein expression and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice.
- zinc and diabetes.
- phenotypic characterization of mice carrying homozygous deletion of klf11, a gene in which mutations cause human neonatal and mody vii diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- ptprd silencing by dna hypermethylation decreases insulin receptor signaling and leads to type 2 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- the pathogenic role of persistent milk signaling in mtorc1- and milk-microrna-driven type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- sequence diversity, intersubgroup relationships, and origins of the mouse leukemia gammaretroviruses of laboratory and wild mice.
- origins of the endogenous and infectious laboratory mouse gammaretroviruses.
- rag2 and xlf/cernunnos interplay reveals a novel role for the rag complex in dna repair.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- nuclear localization of the dna repair scaffold xrcc1: uncovering the functional role of a bipartite nls.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- genomic copy number variation in mus musculus.
- connecting anxiety and genomic copy number variation: a genome-wide analysis in cd-1 mice.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- simulation and estimation of gene number in a biological pathway using almost complete saturation mutagenesis screening of haploid mouse cells.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- piggybac transposon-based insertional mutagenesis in mouse haploid embryonic stem cells.
- genome-wide discovery of long intergenic noncoding rnas and their epigenetic signatures in the rat.
- mutations in the noncoding genome.
- replication stress in hematopoietic stem cells in mouse and man.
- a short g1 phase imposes constitutive replication stress and fork remodelling in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- complete genome sequence of a strain of bifidobacterium pseudolongum isolated from mouse feces and associated with improved organ transplant outcome.
- complete genome sequence of acinetobacter sp. strain ncu2d-2 isolated from a mouse.
- highly variable genomic landscape of endogenous retroviruses in the c57bl/6j inbred strain, depending on individual mouse, gender, organ type, and organ location.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- a modifier of huntington's disease onset at the mlh1 locus.
- chromosome substitution strain assessment of a huntington's disease modifier locus.
- a14 comprehensive characterisation and evolutionary analysis of endogenous retroviruses in the mouse genome.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- functional validation of atf4 and gadd34 in neuro2a cells by crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- the hope and hype of crispr-cas9 genome editing: a review.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- detection of rna polymerase ii in mouse embryos during zygotic genome activation using immunocytochemistry.
- rna fish to study zygotic genome activation in early mouse embryos.
- identification of the early and late responder genes during the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from mouse fibroblasts.
- generation of integration-free induced neural stem cells from mouse fibroblasts.
- comparative dynamics of 5-methylcytosine reprogramming and tet family expression during preimplantation mammalian development in mouse and sheep.
- maternal sin3a regulates reprogramming of gene expression during mouse preimplantation development.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- crispr/cas9 mediated genome editing in es cells and its application for chimeric analysis in mice.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- crispr/cas9-mediated insertion of loxp sites in the mouse dock7 gene provides an effective alternative to use of targeted embryonic stem cells.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- generating crispr/cas9 mediated monoallelic deletions to study enhancer function in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- integration and fixation preferences of human and mouse endogenous retroviruses uncovered with functional data analysis.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- precision cancer mouse models through genome editing with crispr-cas9.
- generating mouse models using crispr-cas9-mediated genome editing.
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- improved genome editing efficiency and flexibility using modified oligonucleotides with talen and crispr-cas9 nucleases.
- genome editing in mice using tale nucleases.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- insertion of sequences at the original provirus integration site of mouse rosa26 locus using the crispr/cas9 system.
- generation of genetically modified mice using the crispr-cas9 genome-editing system.
- generation of site-specific mutant mice using the crispr/cas9 system.
- the role of human endogenous retroviruses in brain development and function.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- genomic landscapes of endogenous retroviruses unveil intricate genetics of conventional and genetically-engineered laboratory mouse strains.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- trim33 binds and silences a class of young endogenous retroviruses in the mouse testis; a novel component of the arms race between retrotransposons and the host genome.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- towards autotrophic tissue engineering: photosynthetic gene therapy for regeneration.
- photosynthetic biomaterials: a pathway towards autotrophic tissue engineering.
- mutations in the noncoding genome.
- assessing recent selection and functionality at long noncoding rna loci in the mouse genome.
- comprehensive dna methylation analysis of retrotransposons in male germ cells.
- locus-specific dna methylation analysis of retrotransposons in es, somatic and cancer cells using high-throughput targeted repeat element bisulfite sequencing.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the histone methyltransferase setdb1 represses endogenous and exogenous retroviruses in b lymphocytes.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the krab zinc finger protein zfp809 is required to initiate epigenetic silencing of endogenous retroviruses.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the decline of human endogenous retroviruses: extinction and survival.
- landscape of dna methylation on the marsupial x.
- erratum to: deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse occyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the dna methylation landscape.
- landscape of dna methylation on the marsupial x.
- deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse oocyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the dna methylation landscape.
- knockdown of heat shock proteins hspa6 (hsp70b') and hspa1a (hsp70-1) sensitizes differentiated human neuronal cells to cellular stress.
- differential targeting of hsp70 heat shock proteins hspa6 and hspa1a with components of a protein disaggregation/refolding machine in differentiated human neuronal cells following thermal stress.
- knockdown of heat shock proteins hspa6 (hsp70b') and hspa1a (hsp70-1) sensitizes differentiated human neuronal cells to cellular stress.
- dynamics of the association of heat shock protein hspa6 (hsp70b') and hspa1a (hsp70-1) with stress-sensitive cytoplasmic and nuclear structures in differentiated human neuronal cells.
- replication stress in hematopoietic stem cells in mouse and man.
- ssb1 and ssb2 cooperate to regulate mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by resolving replicative stress.
- distinguishing states of arrest: genome-wide descriptions of cellular quiescence using chip-seq and rna-seq analysis.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- role of rad51ap1 in homologous recombination dna repair and carcinogenesis.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- x chromosome evolution in cetartiodactyla.
- a genome survey sequencing of the java mouse deer (tragulus javanicus) adds new aspects to the evolution of lineage specific retrotransposons in ruminantia (cetartiodactyla).
- standardized, systemic phenotypic analysis reveals kidney dysfunction as main alteration of kctd1 (i27n) mutant mice.
- generation and standardized, systemic phenotypic analysis of pou3f3l423p mutant mice.
- subpial adeno-associated virus 9 (aav9) vector delivery in adult mice.
- adeno-associated virus vector mediated delivery of the hbv genome induces chronic hepatitis b virus infection and liver fibrosis in mice.
- rna fish to study zygotic genome activation in early mouse embryos.
- detection and characterization of small noncoding rnas in mouse gametes and embryos prior to zygotic genome activation.
- chip-seq analysis of genomic binding regions of five major transcription factors highlights a central role for zic2 in the mouse epiblast stem cell gene regulatory network.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- a mouse tissue transcription factor atlas.
- substituting mouse transcription factor pou4f2 with a sea urchin orthologue restores retinal ganglion cell development.
- generation of lif-independent induced pluripotent stem cells from canine fetal fibroblasts.
- identification of the early and late responder genes during the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from mouse fibroblasts.
- tracking the embryonic stem cell transition from ground state pluripotency.
- jun-mediated changes in cell adhesion contribute to mouse embryonic stem cell exit from ground state pluripotency.
- the mouse gene expression database (gxd): 2017 update.
- the mouse gene expression database: new features and how to use them effectively.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cell lines using talen and double-nicking crispr/cas9.
- motif oriented high-resolution analysis of chip-seq data reveals the topological order of ctcf and cohesin proteins on dna.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- [viral superantigens].
- convergent capture of retroviral superantigens by mammalian herpesviruses.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- therapeutic genome editing by combined viral and non-viral delivery of crispr system components in vivo.
- liver chip-seq analysis in fgf19-treated mice reveals shp as a global transcriptional partner of srebp-2.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- csaw: a bioconductor package for differential binding analysis of chip-seq data using sliding windows.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- crystallization and x-ray diffraction analysis of the hmg domain of the chondrogenesis master regulator sox9 in complex with a chip-seq-identified dna element.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- description of an optimized chip-seq analysis pipeline dedicated to genome wide identification of e4f1 binding sites in primary and transformed mefs.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- de novo chip-seq analysis.
- papst, a user friendly and powerful java platform for chip-seq peak co-localization analysis and beyond.
- single-step generation of conditional knockout mouse embryonic stem cells.
- conditional knockout mouse models of cancer.
- crispr libraries and screening.
- analysing the outcome of crispr-aided genome editing in embryos: screening, genotyping and quality control.
- crispr libraries and screening.
- compact and highly active next-generation libraries for crispr-mediated gene repression and activation.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- crispr/cas9-mediated insertion of loxp sites in the mouse dock7 gene provides an effective alternative to use of targeted embryonic stem cells.
- ribosomal dna copy number loss and sequence variation in cancer.
- concerted copy number variation balances ribosomal dna dosage in human and mouse genomes.
- protective efficacy of zika vaccine in ag129 mouse model.
- comparative studies of infectivity, immunogenicity and cross-protective efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccines containing nucleoprotein from cold-adapted or wild-type influenza virus in a mouse model.
- protective efficacy of zika vaccine in ag129 mouse model.
- putative function of hypothetical proteins expressed by clostridium perfringens type a strains and their protective efficacy in mouse model.
- somatic genome editing with crispr/cas9 generates and corrects a metabolic disease.
- somatic genome editing goes viral.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- generation of a knockout mouse embryonic stem cell line using a paired crispr/cas9 genome engineering tool.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- correction of a genetic disease by crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- in vivo and in vitro disease modeling with crispr/cas9.
- somatic genome editing goes viral.
- modeling invasive lobular breast carcinoma by crispr/cas9-mediated somatic genome editing of the mammary gland.
- somatic genome editing goes viral.
- adenovirus-mediated somatic genome editing of pten by crispr/cas9 in mouse liver in spite of cas9-specific immune responses.
- modification of three amino acids in sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide renders mice susceptible to infection with hepatitis d virus in vivo.
- hepatitis d virus infection of mice expressing human sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide.
- genome-wide alteration of 5-hydroxymenthylcytosine in a mouse model of alzheimer's disease.
- genome-wide disruption of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in a mouse model of autism.
- highly efficient mouse genome editing by crispr ribonucleoprotein electroporation of zygotes.
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- highly efficient mouse genome editing by crispr ribonucleoprotein electroporation of zygotes.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- highly efficient mouse genome editing by crispr ribonucleoprotein electroporation of zygotes.
- efficient crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing in mice by zygote electroporation of nuclease.
- mapping the genomic architecture of adaptive traits with interspecific introgressive origin: a coalescent-based approach.
- interspecific introgressive origin of genomic diversity in the house mouse.
- characterization of gene expression in mouse embryos at the 1-cell stage.
- characterization of the structure and expression of mouse itpa gene and its related sequences in the mouse genome.
- notch signaling in postnatal joint chondrocytes, but not subchondral osteoblasts, is required for articular cartilage and joint maintenance.
- a dual role for notch signaling in joint cartilage maintenance and osteoarthritis.
- genome-wide analysis of histone acetylation dynamics during mouse embryonic stem cell neural differentiation.
- genome-wide copy number profiling of mouse neural stem cells during differentiation.
- transcriptional response in mouse thyroid tissue after 211at administration: effects of absorbed dose, initial dose-rate and time after administration.
- dose-specific transcriptional responses in thyroid tissue in mice after (131)i administration.
- efficient generation of genome-modified mice using campylobacter jejuni-derived crispr/cas.
- zygote-mediated generation of genome-modified mice using streptococcus thermophilus 1-derived crispr/cas system.
- composition and dosage of a multipartite enhancer cluster control developmental expression of ihh (indian hedgehog).
- developmental expression of paraoxonase 2.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing corrects dystrophin mutation in skeletal muscle stem cells in a mouse model of muscle dystrophy.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing corrects dystrophin mutation in skeletal muscle stem cells in a mouse model of muscle dystrophy.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- complex trait analyses of the collaborative cross: tools and databases.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- using the collaborative cross to study the role of genetic diversity in cancer-related phenotypes.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- influenza h3n2 infection of the collaborative cross founder strains reveals highly divergent host responses and identifies a unique phenotype in cast/eij mice.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- the founder strains of the collaborative cross express a complex combination of advantageous and deleterious traits for male reproduction.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- genome wide identification of sars-cov susceptibility loci using the collaborative cross.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- splicing landscape of the eight collaborative cross founder strains.
- disrupting interactions between β-catenin and activating tcfs reconstitutes ground state pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- interactions between pluripotency factors specify cis-regulation in embryonic stem cells.
- treatment of dyslipidemia using crispr/cas9 genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- comparative analysis of osteoblast gene expression profiles and runx2 genomic occupancy of mouse and human osteoblasts in vitro.
- comparative transcriptomics in human and mouse.
- comparative transcriptomics in human and mouse.
- comprehensive comparative homeobox gene annotation in human and mouse.
- comparative transcriptomics in human and mouse.
- comparative analysis of genome maintenance genes in naked mole rat, mouse, and human.
- a mouse tissue transcription factor atlas.
- sex- and tissue-specific functions of drosophila doublesex transcription factor target genes.
- development of humanized mice in the age of genome editing.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- dynamic landscape of alternative polyadenylation during retinal development.
- regulation of alternative polyadenylation by nkx2-5 and xrn2 during mouse heart development.
- genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing during human heart development.
- genome-wide analysis of dna methylation dynamics during early human development.
- amino acid substitutions involved in the adaptation of a novel highly pathogenic h5n2 avian influenza virus in mice.
- adaptive amino acid substitutions enhance the virulence of a novel human h7n9 influenza virus in mice.
- functional characterization of the 12p12.1 renal cancer-susceptibility locus implicates bhlhe41.
- functional characterization of rad52 as a lung cancer susceptibility gene in the 12p13.33 locus.
- aav-mediated crispr/cas gene editing of retinal cells in vivo.
- correction of a genetic disease by crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- zygote-mediated generation of genome-modified mice using streptococcus thermophilus 1-derived crispr/cas system.
- generation of genetically modified mice using the crispr-cas9 genome-editing system.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing of mouse small intestinal organoids.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- sirt7 promotes genome integrity and modulates non-homologous end joining dna repair.
- lrf maintains genome integrity by regulating the non-homologous end joining pathway of dna repair.
- the impact of toxoplasma gondii on the mammalian genome.
- affinity-seq detects genome-wide prdm9 binding sites and reveals the impact of prior chromatin modifications on mammalian recombination hotspot usage.
- role of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels in alzheimer's disease.
- nuclear tau and its potential role in alzheimer's disease.
- tox3 regulates neural progenitor identity.
- re1 silencing transcription factor/neuron-restrictive silencing factor regulates expansion of adult mouse subventricular zone-derived neural stem/progenitor cells in vitro.
- developmental expression of paraoxonase 2.
- distribution pattern of cytoplasmic organelles, spindle integrity, oxidative stress, octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (oct4) expression and developmental potential of oocytes following multiple superovulation.
- developmental expression of paraoxonase 2.
- expression of maternally derived khdc3, nlrp5, ooep and tle6 is associated with oocyte developmental competence in the ovine species.
- developmental expression of paraoxonase 2.
- developmental analysis of spliceosomal snrna isoform expression.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cell lines using talen and double-nicking crispr/cas9.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- adenovirus-mediated somatic genome editing of pten by crispr/cas9 in mouse liver in spite of cas9-specific immune responses.
- editing of mouse and human immunoglobulin genes by crispr-cas9 system.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- improved genome editing efficiency and flexibility using modified oligonucleotides with talen and crispr-cas9 nucleases.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- pancreatic cancer modeling using retrograde viral vector delivery and in vivo crispr/cas9-mediated somatic genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- adenovirus-mediated somatic genome editing of pten by crispr/cas9 in mouse liver in spite of cas9-specific immune responses.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- precision cancer mouse models through genome editing with crispr-cas9.
- genetic architecture of early pre-inflammatory stage transcription signatures of autoimmune diabetes in the pancreatic lymph nodes of the nod mouse reveals significant gene enrichment on chromosomes 6 and 7.
- genetic architecture of insulin resistance in the mouse.
- genome wide mapping of ubf binding-sites in mouse and human cell lines.
- genome-wide comparison of pu.1 and spi-b binding sites in a mouse b lymphoma cell line.
- gnl3 and ska3 are novel prostate cancer metastasis susceptibility genes.
- a systems genetics approach identifies cxcl14, itgax, and lpcat2 as novel aggressive prostate cancer susceptibility genes.
- structure of slitrk2-ptpδ complex reveals mechanisms for splicing-dependent trans-synaptic adhesion.
- mechanisms of splicing-dependent trans-synaptic adhesion by ptpδ-il1rapl1/il-1racp for synaptic differentiation.
- wge: a crispr database for genome engineering.
- mouse genome engineering via crispr-cas9 for study of immune function.
- the genetic architecture of the genome-wide transcriptional response to er stress in the mouse.
- genetic architecture of insulin resistance in the mouse.
- rtfadb: a database of computationally predicted associations between retrotransposons and transcription factors in the human and mouse genomes.
- the role of retrotransposons in gene family expansions in the human and mouse genomes.
- dna polymerase β: a missing link of the base excision repair machinery in mammalian mitochondria.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- dynamic landscape and regulation of rna editing in mammals.
- global analysis of mouse polyomavirus infection reveals dynamic regulation of viral and host gene expression and promiscuous viral rna editing.
- hoxa1 targets signaling pathways during neural differentiation of es cells and mouse embryogenesis.
- dynamic regulation of nanog and stem cell-signaling pathways by hoxa1 during early neuro-ectodermal differentiation of es cells.
- genome wide in vivo mouse screen data from studies to assess host regulation of metastatic colonisation.
- genome-wide in vivo screen identifies novel host regulators of metastatic colonization.
- whole exome sequencing reveals a functional mutation in the gain domain of the bai2 receptor underlying a forward mutagenesis hyperactivity qtl.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- genome organization drives chromosome fragility.
- spatial genome organization: contrasting views from chromosome conformation capture and fluorescence in situ hybridization.
- genetic engineering as a tool for the generation of mouse models to understand disease phenotypes and gene function.
- animal models of rls phenotypes.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- aav-mediated crispr/cas gene editing of retinal cells in vivo.
- neuroanatomy in mouse models of rett syndrome is related to the severity of mecp2 mutation and behavioral phenotypes.
- animal models of rls phenotypes.
- genome-wide mapping of in vivo erα-binding sites in male mouse efferent ductules.
- genome wide mapping of ubf binding-sites in mouse and human cell lines.
- targeted deletion of an entire chromosome using crispr/cas9.
- analysis of noncanonical calcium-dependent protein kinases in toxoplasma gondii by targeted gene deletion using crispr/cas9.
- low-expression of tmem100 is associated with poor prognosis in non-small-cell lung cancer.
- high expression of p62 protein is associated with poor prognosis and aggressive phenotypes in endometrial cancer.
- dynamic regulation of small rnaome during the early stage of cardiac differentiation from pluripotent embryonic stem cells.
- lack of rybp in mouse embryonic stem cells impairs cardiac differentiation.
- mouse rif1 is a regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (pp1).
- hepatic protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3b (ppp1r3b) promotes hepatic glycogen synthesis and thereby regulates fasting energy homeostasis.
- a mouse tissue transcription factor atlas.
- the transcription factor nfatc2 regulates β-cell proliferation and genes associated with type 2 diabetes in mouse and human islets.
- a mouse tissue transcription factor atlas.
- protein delivery of an artificial transcription factor restores widespread ube3a expression in an angelman syndrome mouse brain.
- a mouse tissue transcription factor atlas.
- compound hierarchical correlated beta mixture with an application to cluster mouse transcription factor dna binding data.
- a mouse tissue transcription factor atlas.
- re1 silencing transcription factor/neuron-restrictive silencing factor regulates expansion of adult mouse subventricular zone-derived neural stem/progenitor cells in vitro.
- runx3 in immunity, inflammation and cancer.
- gene expression architecture of mouse dorsal and tail skin reveals functional differences in inflammation and cancer.
- runx3 in immunity, inflammation and cancer.
- chronic inflammation induces a novel epigenetic program that is conserved in intestinal adenomas and in colorectal cancer.
- expanding the genetic code of mus musculus.
- genetic differentiation within and away from the chromosomal rearrangements characterising hybridising chromosomal races of the western house mouse (mus musculus domesticus).
- muscle-specific crispr/cas9 dystrophin gene editing ameliorates pathophysiology in a mouse model for duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- in vivo genome editing improves muscle function in a mouse model of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- sex difference in egfr pathways in mouse kidney-potential impact on the immune system.
- dcir in the "osteo-immune" system.
real 14m25,818s
user 14m21,128s
sys 0m4,580s
michal@e6540:~/workspace/liclipse/plagiat$ time python ./ --lowercase --limitoutput 200 --limitinput 6000 --method ComparisonTokenSet && time python ./ --lowercase --limitoutput 200 --limitinput 6000 --method ComparisonTokenSort
data = pubmed_result.csv
limitinput = 6000
limitoutput = 200
method = ComparisonTokenSet
lowercase = True
max number of combinations to check: 17997000
Compared! |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0%
- pathogenesis of lafora disease: transition of soluble glycogen to insoluble polyglucosan.
- lafora disease.
- cloning mice.
- crispr/cas9-mediated gene manipulation to create single-amino-acid-substituted and floxed mice with a cloning-free method.
- cloning mice.
- from cloning neural development genes to functional studies in mice, 30 years of advancements.
- corrigendum: asymmetric parental genome engineering by cas9 during mouse meiotic exit.
- asymmetric parental genome engineering by cas9 during mouse meiotic exit.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- correction of a genetic disease by crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- erratum: genomic variants in mouse model induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate improperly mimic human colorectal cancer.
- genomic variants in mouse model induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate improperly mimic human colorectal cancer.
- abnormal glycogen chain length pattern, not hyperphosphorylation, is critical in lafora disease.
- lafora disease.
- crispr/cas9-mediated gene manipulation to create single-amino-acid-substituted and floxed mice with a cloning-free method.
- cloning-free crispr.
- the evolutionary capacitor hsp90 buffers the regulatory effects of mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- liver-specific knockout of arginase-1 leads to a profound phenotype similar to inducible whole body arginase-1 deficiency.
- arginase-1 deficiency.
- pronuclear injection-based targeted transgenesis.
- one-step generation of multiple transgenic mouse lines using an improved pronuclear injection-based targeted transgenesis (i-pitt).
- erratum to: trans effects of chromosome aneuploidies on dna methylation patterns in human down syndrome and mouse models.
- trans effects of chromosome aneuploidies on dna methylation patterns in human down syndrome and mouse models.
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- erratum to: cytoplasm-predominant pten associates with increased region-specific brain tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine d2 receptors in mouse model with autistic traits.
- cytoplasm-predominant pten associates with increased region-specific brain tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine d2 receptors in mouse model with autistic traits.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- arginase-1 deficiency.
- strategies to rescue the consequences of inducible arginase-1 deficiency in mice.
- corrigendum: extensive microrna-mediated crosstalk between lncrnas and mrnas in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- extensive microrna-mediated crosstalk between lncrnas and mrnas in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- complete mitochondrial genome of the gray mouse lemur, microcebus murinus (primates, cheirogaleidae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- sequencing and analysis of complete mitochondrial genome of apodemus draco (rodentia: arvicolinae).
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- corrigendum to "disruption of the potassium channel regulatory subunit kcne2 causes iron-deficient anemia" [experimental hematology, vol. 42, issue 12, p1053-1058.e1].
- disruption of the potassium channel regulatory subunit kcne2 causes iron-deficient anemia.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- mouse genome editing using the crispr/cas system.
- activity-dependent dynamics of the transcription factor of camp-response element binding protein in cortical neurons revealed by single-molecule imaging.
- activity-dependent dynamics of the transcription factor creb in cortical neurons revealed by single-molecule imaging.
- erratum to: deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse occyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the dna methylation landscape.
- deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse oocyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the dna methylation landscape.
- runx3 in immunity, inflammation and cancer.
- runx3 at the interface of immunity, inflammation and cancer.
- single-cell transcriptome and epigenomic reprogramming of cardiomyocyte-derived cardiac progenitor cells.
- epigenomic reprogramming of adult cardiomyocyte-derived cardiac progenitor cells.
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- mouse genome editing using the crispr/cas system.
- multicolor spectral analyses of mitotic and meiotic mouse chromosomes involved in multiple robertsonian translocations. ii. the nmri/cd and cd/ta hybrid strains.
- multicolor spectral analyses of mitotic and meiotic mouse chromosomes involved in multiple robertsonian translocations. i. the cd/cremona hybrid strain.
- crispr libraries and screening.
- coralina: a universal method for the generation of grna libraries for crispr-based screening.
- identification and functional analysis of long non-coding rnas in human and mouse early embryos based on single-cell transcriptome data.
- identification and analysis of mouse non-coding rna using transcriptome data.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- generation of genetically modified mice using the crispr-cas9 genome-editing system.
- single-cut genome editing restores dystrophin expression in a new mouse model of muscular dystrophy.
- postnatal genome editing partially restores dystrophin expression in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy.
- genome editing in mouse zygotes and embryonic stem cells by introducing sgrna/cas9 expressing plasmids.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- a mouse model of hereditary coproporphyria identified in an enu mutagenesis screen.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- somatic genome editing goes viral.
- pancreatic cancer modeling using retrograde viral vector delivery and in vivo crispr/cas9-mediated somatic genome editing.
- toll-like receptors: potential targets for lupus treatment.
- toll-like receptors in systemic lupus erythematosus: potential for personalized treatment.
- expression and localization of nlrp4g in mouse preimplantation embryo.
- localization and expression of histone h2a variants during mouse oogenesis and preimplantation embryo development.
- circadian control of global transcription.
- chip-seq and rna-seq methods to study circadian control of transcription in mammals.
- continuous blockade of cxcr4 results in dramatic mobilization and expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
- ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- mouse genome editing using the crispr/cas system.
- divergence patterns of genic copy number variation in natural populations of the house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) reveal three conserved genes with major population-specific expansions.
- genomic copy number variation in mus musculus.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- role of the dna repair glycosylase ogg1 in the activation of murine splenocytes.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing corrects dystrophin mutation in skeletal muscle stem cells in a mouse model of muscle dystrophy.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- cellular reprogramming, genome editing, and alternative crispr cas9 technologies for precise gene therapy of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- duchenne muscular dystrophy: crispr/cas9 treatment.
- male infertility is responsible for nearly half of the extinction observed in the mouse collaborative cross.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- muscle-specific crispr/cas9 dystrophin gene editing ameliorates pathophysiology in a mouse model for duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- duchenne muscular dystrophy: crispr/cas9 treatment.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2017: community knowledge resource for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- the potential role of 8-oxoguanine dna glycosylase-driven dna base excision repair in exercise-induced asthma.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- exploring novel candidate genes from the mouse genome informatics database: potential implications for avian migration research.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- dbsuper: a database of super-enhancers in mouse and human genome.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- orthology for comparative genomics in the mouse genome database.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- mouse genome database: from sequence to phenotypes and disease models.
- mouse genome database 2016.
- the mouse genome database (mgd): facilitating mouse as a model for human biology and disease.
- single-step generation of conditional knockout mouse embryonic stem cells.
- rapid knockout and reporter mouse line generation and breeding colony establishment using eucomm conditional-ready embryonic stem cells: a case study.
- a central role of trax in the atm-mediated dna repair.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- combinations of chromosome transfer and genome editing for the development of cell/animal models of human disease and humanized animal models.
- development of humanized mice in the age of genome editing.
- an efficient method for generation of bi-allelic null mutant mouse embryonic stem cells and its application for investigating epigenetic modifiers.
- generation and application of mouse-rat allodiploid embryonic stem cells.
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- highly efficient mouse genome editing by crispr ribonucleoprotein electroporation of zygotes.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- generation of genetically modified mice using the crispr-cas9 genome-editing system.
- mouse genome editing using the crispr/cas system.
- replication study: melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent prex2 mutations.
- registered report: melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent prex2 mutations.
- generating mouse models using crispr-cas9-mediated genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cell lines using talen and double-nicking crispr/cas9.
- genome editing in mice using tale nucleases.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem/progenitor cells using engineered nucleases.
- hotspots of de novo point mutations in induced pluripotent stem cells.
- the number of point mutations in induced pluripotent stem cells and nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells depends on the method and somatic cell type used for their generation.
- data on the effect of in utero exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on genome-wide patterns of dna methylation in lung tissues.
- dna methylation in lung tissues of mouse offspring exposed in utero to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
- crispr/cas9 - mediated precise targeted integration in vivo using a double cut donor with short homology arms.
- homology-mediated end joining-based targeted integration using crispr/cas9.
- effective biomedical document classification for identifying publications relevant to the mouse gene expression database (gxd).
- the mouse gene expression database (gxd): 2017 update.
- initial characterization of behavior and ketamine response in a mouse knockout of the post-synaptic effector gene anks1b.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- single-cell transcriptome analysis of fish immune cells provides insight into the evolution of vertebrate immune cell types.
- evolution of the unspliced transcriptome.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- exome-wide single-base substitutions in tissues and derived cell lines of the constitutive fhit knockout mouse.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- beyond knockouts: the international knockout mouse consortium delivers modular and evolving tools for investigating mammalian genes.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- expanding the mammalian phenotype ontology to support automated exchange of high throughput mouse phenotyping data generated by large-scale mouse knockout screens.
- the eif2a knockout mouse.
- utilising the resources of the international knockout mouse consortium: the australian experience.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- gene therapies that restore dystrophin expression for the treatment of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- duchenne muscular dystrophy: crispr/cas9 treatment.
- generation and application of mammalian haploid embryonic stem cells.
- generation and application of mouse-rat allodiploid embryonic stem cells.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- comparative genomics: one for all.
- orthology for comparative genomics in the mouse genome database.
- comparative genomics: one for all.
- application of comparative transcriptional genomics to identify molecular targets for pediatric ibd.
- excavating the genome: large-scale mutagenesis screening for the discovery of new mouse models.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- mouse enu mutagenesis to understand immunity to infection: methods, selected examples, and perspectives.
- molecular and cellular regulation of skeletal myogenesis.
- transcriptional regulation of important cellular processes in skeletal myogenesis through interferon-γ.
- landscape of dna methylation on the marsupial x.
- influence of the prader-willi syndrome imprinting center on the dna methylation landscape in the mouse brain.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2017: community knowledge resource for the laboratory mouse.
- an efficient method for generation of bi-allelic null mutant mouse embryonic stem cells and its application for investigating epigenetic modifiers.
- generation and application of mammalian haploid embryonic stem cells.
- functional validation of atf4 and gadd34 in neuro2a cells by crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing.
- functional validation of tensin2 sh2-ptb domain by crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing.
- generation of knock-in mouse by genome editing.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing in wild-derived mice: generation of tamed wild-derived strains by mutation of the a (nonagouti) gene.
- generation of knock-in mouse by genome editing.
- generation of an oocyte-specific cas9 transgenic mouse for genome editing.
- crispr/cas9-mediated gene manipulation to create single-amino-acid-substituted and floxed mice with a cloning-free method.
- self-cloning crispr.
- self-cloning crispr.
- in vivo blunt-end cloning through crispr/cas9-facilitated non-homologous end-joining.
- self-cloning crispr.
- cloning-free crispr.
- the potential role of 8-oxoguanine dna glycosylase-driven dna base excision repair in exercise-induced asthma.
- the role of 8-oxoguanine dna glycosylase-1 in inflammation.
- the role of mdm2 amplification and overexpression in tumorigenesis.
- gene amplification-associated overexpression of the rna editing enzyme adar1 enhances human lung tumorigenesis.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- erratum: electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- electroporation enables the efficient mrna delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates crispr/cas9-based genome editing.
- in vivo blunt-end cloning through crispr/cas9-facilitated non-homologous end-joining.
- cloning-free crispr.
- assessment of microrna expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells and spermatozoa by next generation sequencing.
- next generation sequencing analysis reveals segmental patterns of microrna expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells.
- transcriptional response in mouse thyroid tissue after 211at administration: effects of absorbed dose, initial dose-rate and time after administration.
- transcriptional response in normal mouse tissues after i.v. (211)at administration - response related to absorbed dose, dose rate, and time.
- syntaxin-binding protein stxbp5 inhibits endothelial exocytosis and promotes platelet secretion.
- platelet secretion and hemostasis require syntaxin-binding protein stxbp5.
- amino acid substitutions associated with avian h5n6 influenza a virus adaptation to mice.
- amino acid substitutions involved in the adaptation of a novel highly pathogenic h5n2 avian influenza virus in mice.
- genome editing in mouse and rat by electroporation.
- efficient crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing in mice by zygote electroporation of nuclease.
- p53 and tap63 participate in the recombination-dependent pachytene arrest in mouse spermatocytes.
- the atm signaling cascade promotes recombination-dependent pachytene arrest in mouse spermatocytes.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- collaborative cross and diversity outbred data resources in the mouse phenome database.
- genomes of the mouse collaborative cross.
- informatics resources for the collaborative cross and related mouse populations.
- complete genome sequence of acinetobacter sp. strain ncu2d-2 isolated from a mouse.
- complete genome sequence of turicibacter sp. strain h121, isolated from the feces of a contaminated germ-free mouse.
- genetic architecture of atherosclerosis in mice: a systems genetics analysis of common inbred strains.
- the genetic architecture of nafld among inbred strains of mice.
- pancreatic cancer modeling using retrograde viral vector delivery and in vivo crispr/cas9-mediated somatic genome editing.
- crispr-cas9 knockin mice for genome editing and cancer modeling.
- pd-l1 genetic overexpression or pharmacological restoration in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells reverses autoimmune diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- mouse genome database (mgd)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- mouse genome informatics (mgi) resource: genetic, genomic, and biological knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse.
- human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 infection and adult t-cell leukemia.
- effects of expressing human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (htlv-i) oncoprotein tax on dok1, dok2 and dok3 gene expression in mice.
- human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 infection and adult t-cell leukemia.
- human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (htlv-1) tax requires cadm1/tslc1 for inactivation of the nf-κb inhibitor a20 and constitutive nf-κb signaling.
- shared genetic regulatory networks for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in multiple populations of diverse ethnicities in the united states.
- zinc and diabetes.
- a five-repeat micro-dystrophin gene ameliorated dystrophic phenotype in the severe dba/2j-mdx model of duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- jagged 1 rescues the duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotype.
- engineered epidermal progenitor cells can correct diet-induced obesity and diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- tex19.1 promotes spo11-dependent meiotic recombination in mouse spermatocytes.
- the atm signaling cascade promotes recombination-dependent pachytene arrest in mouse spermatocytes.
- identification and characterization of a foxa2-regulated transcriptional enhancer at a type 2 diabetes intronic locus that controls gckr expression in liver cells.
- zinc and diabetes.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing corrects dystrophin mutation in skeletal muscle stem cells in a mouse model of muscle dystrophy.
- crispr-cas9-mediated gene editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
- genome editing in mouse spermatogonial stem cell lines using talen and double-nicking crispr/cas9.
- expression and functional assessment of candidate type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes identify four new genes contributing to human insulin secretion.
- zinc and diabetes.
- targeted dna methylation in pericentromeres with genome editing-based artificial dna methyltransferase.
- editing dna methylation in the mammalian genome.
- using hescs to probe the interaction of the diabetes-associated genes cdkal1 and mt1e.
- zinc and diabetes.
- dna modifications and alzheimer's disease.
- modifiers and readers of dna modifications and their impact on genome structure, expression, and stability in disease.
- the zinc finger e-box-binding homeobox 1 (zeb1) promotes the conversion of mouse fibroblasts into functional neurons.
- chemical conversion of mouse fibroblasts into functional dopaminergic neurons.
- genetic and small molecule disruption of the aid/rad51 axis similarly protects nonobese diabetic mice from type 1 diabetes through expansion of regulatory b lymphocytes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- long-term alterations to dna methylation as a biomarker of prenatal alcohol exposure: from mouse models to human children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
- associative dna methylation changes in children with prenatal alcohol exposure.
- genetics of obesity: can an old dog teach us new tricks?
- systems genetics of obesity.
- the transcription factor nfatc2 regulates β-cell proliferation and genes associated with type 2 diabetes in mouse and human islets.
- zinc and diabetes.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- visualization of results from systems genetics studies in chromosomal context.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- a suite of tools for biologists that improve accessibility and visualization of large systems genetics datasets: applications to the hybrid mouse diversity panel.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- defining the influence of germline variation on metastasis using systems genetics approaches.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- the hybrid mouse diversity panel: a resource for systems genetics analyses of metabolic and cardiovascular traits.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- genetic architecture of atherosclerosis in mice: a systems genetics analysis of common inbred strains.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- systems genetics of intravenous cocaine self-administration in the bxd recombinant inbred mouse panel.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- application of quantitative metabolomics in systems genetics in rodent models of complex phenotypes.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- a systems genetics study of swine illustrates mechanisms underlying human phenotypic traits.
- systems genetics of obesity.
- systems genetics identifies sestrin 3 as a regulator of a proconvulsant gene network in human epileptic hippocampus.
- emerging roles of glis3 in neonatal diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- differential gene dosage effects of diabetes-associated gene glis3 in pancreatic β cell differentiation and function.
- zinc and diabetes.
- transposon mutagenesis identifies candidate genes that cooperate with loss of transforming growth factor-beta signaling in mouse intestinal neoplasms.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- inhibition of dna methyltransferase 1 increases nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group a member 1 expression and decreases blood glucose in type 2 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- microinjection-based generation of mutant mice with a double mutation and a 0.5 mb deletion in their genome by the crispr/cas9 system.
- generation of site-specific mutant mice using the crispr/cas9 system.
- an integrative study identifies kcnc2 as a novel predisposing factor for childhood obesity and the risk of diabetes in the korean population.
- zinc and diabetes.
- structural organization of the inactive x chromosome in the mouse.
- bipartite structure of the inactive mouse x chromosome.
- zinc and diabetes.
- serotonin as a new therapeutic target for diabetes mellitus and obesity.
- zinc and diabetes.
- unexpected partial correction of metabolic and behavioral phenotypes of alzheimer's app/psen1 mice by gene targeting of diabetes/alzheimer's-related sorcs1.
- zinc and diabetes.
- type 1 diabetes genetic susceptibility and dendritic cell function: potential targets for treatment.
- zinc and diabetes.
- genetic association of long-chain acyl-coa synthetase 1 variants with fasting glucose, diabetes, and subclinical atherosclerosis.
- zinc and diabetes.
- a20 inhibits β-cell apoptosis by multiple mechanisms and predicts residual β-cell function in type 1 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- genetic architecture of early pre-inflammatory stage transcription signatures of autoimmune diabetes in the pancreatic lymph nodes of the nod mouse reveals significant gene enrichment on chromosomes 6 and 7.
- zinc and diabetes.
- ptpn22 and cd2 variations are associated with altered protein expression and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice.
- zinc and diabetes.
- phenotypic characterization of mice carrying homozygous deletion of klf11, a gene in which mutations cause human neonatal and mody vii diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- ptprd silencing by dna hypermethylation decreases insulin receptor signaling and leads to type 2 diabetes.
- zinc and diabetes.
- the pathogenic role of persistent milk signaling in mtorc1- and milk-microrna-driven type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- zinc and diabetes.
- shared molecular pathways and gene networks for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus in women across diverse ethnicities.
- sequence diversity, intersubgroup relationships, and origins of the mouse leukemia gammaretroviruses of laboratory and wild mice.
- origins of the endogenous and infectious laboratory mouse gammaretroviruses.
- rag2 and xlf/cernunnos interplay reveals a novel role for the rag complex in dna repair.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- nuclear localization of the dna repair scaffold xrcc1: uncovering the functional role of a bipartite nls.
- [the role of parp2 in dna repair].
- genomic copy number variation in mus musculus.
- connecting anxiety and genomic copy number variation: a genome-wide analysis in cd-1 mice.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- simulation and estimation of gene number in a biological pathway using almost complete saturation mutagenesis screening of haploid mouse cells.
- enu mutagenesis in the mouse.
- piggybac transposon-based insertional mutagenesis in mouse haploid embryonic stem cells.
- genome-wide discovery of long intergenic noncoding rnas and their epigenetic signatures in the rat.
- mutations in the noncoding genome.
- replication stress in hematopoietic stem cells in mouse and man.
- a short g1 phase imposes constitutive replication stress and fork remodelling in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- complete genome sequence of a strain of bifidobacterium pseudolongum isolated from mouse feces and associated with improved organ transplant outcome.
- complete genome sequence of acinetobacter sp. strain ncu2d-2 isolated from a mouse.
- highly variable genomic landscape of endogenous retroviruses in the c57bl/6j inbred strain, depending on individual mouse, gender, organ type, and organ location.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- a modifier of huntington's disease onset at the mlh1 locus.
- chromosome substitution strain assessment of a huntington's disease modifier locus.
- a14 comprehensive characterisation and evolutionary analysis of endogenous retroviruses in the mouse genome.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- functional validation of atf4 and gadd34 in neuro2a cells by crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- the hope and hype of crispr-cas9 genome editing: a review.
- the development of a viral mediated crispr/cas9 system with doxycycline dependent grna expression for inducible in vitro and in vivo genome editing.
- detection of rna polymerase ii in mouse embryos during zygotic genome activation using immunocytochemistry.
- rna fish to study zygotic genome activation in early mouse embryos.
- identification of the early and late responder genes during the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from mouse fibroblasts.
- generation of integration-free induced neural stem cells from mouse fibroblasts.
- comparative dynamics of 5-methylcytosine reprogramming and tet family expression during preimplantation mammalian development in mouse and sheep.
- maternal sin3a regulates reprogramming of gene expression during mouse preimplantation development.
- targeting of heat shock protein hspa6 (hsp70b') to the periphery of nuclear speckles is disrupted by a transcription inhibitor following thermal stress in human neuronal cells.
- localization of heat shock protein hspa6 (hsp70b') to sites of transcription in cultured differentiated human neuronal cells following thermal stress.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- crispr/cas9 mediated genome editing in es cells and its application for chimeric analysis in mice.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- crispr/cas9-mediated insertion of loxp sites in the mouse dock7 gene provides an effective alternative to use of targeted embryonic stem cells.
- crispr/cas9 genome editing in embryonic stem cells.
- generating crispr/cas9 mediated monoallelic deletions to study enhancer function in mouse embryonic stem cells.
- integration and fixation preferences of human and mouse endogenous retroviruses uncovered with functional data analysis.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- [genome editing in mouse with crispr/cas system].
- precision cancer mouse models through genome editing with crispr-cas9.
- generating mouse models using crispr-cas9-mediated genome editing.
- advantages of using the crispr/cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
- improved genome editing efficiency and flexibility using modified oligonucleotides with talen and crispr-cas9 nucleases.
- genome editing in mice using tale nucleases.
- editing the mouse genome using the crispr-cas9 system.
- insertion of sequences at the original provirus integration site of mouse rosa26 locus using the crispr/cas9 system.
- generation of genetically modified mice using the crispr-cas9 genome-editing system.
- generation of site-specific mutant mice using the crispr/cas9 system.
- the role of human endogenous retroviruses in brain development and function.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- genomic landscapes of endogenous retroviruses unveil intricate genetics of conventional and genetically-engineered laboratory mouse strains.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- trim33 binds and silences a class of young endogenous retroviruses in the mouse testis; a novel component of the arms race between retrotransposons and the host genome.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- towards autotrophic tissue engineering: photosynthetic gene therapy for regeneration.
- photosynthetic biomaterials: a pathway towards autotrophic tissue engineering.
- mutations in the noncoding genome.
- assessing recent selection and functionality at long noncoding rna loci in the mouse genome.
- mutations in the noncoding genome.
- generation of site-specific mutations in the rat genome via crispr/cas9.
- comprehensive dna methylation analysis of retrotransposons in male germ cells.
- locus-specific dna methylation analysis of retrotransposons in es, somatic and cancer cells using high-throughput targeted repeat element bisulfite sequencing.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the histone methyltransferase setdb1 represses endogenous and exogenous retroviruses in b lymphocytes.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the krab zinc finger protein zfp809 is required to initiate epigenetic silencing of endogenous retroviruses.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the decline of human endogenous retroviruses: extinction and survival.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- setdb1 is required for germline development and silencing of h3k9me3-marked endogenous retroviruses in primordial germ cells.
- mammalian endogenous retroviruses.
- the distribution of insertionally polymorphic endogenous retroviruses in breast cancer patients and cancer-free controls.
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