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Created January 1, 2023 20:23
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Simulation study for the Medium article: Event Studies for Causal Inference: The Dos and Don'ts - A guide to avoiding the common pitfalls of event studies
# Simulation study for the Medium article:
# Event Studies for Causal Inference: The Dos and Don'ts -
# A guide to avoiding the common pitfalls of event studies
# This code simulates a panel dataset and then runs event studies
# Different scenarios are created to demonstrate pitfalls of event studies
# The simulaiton part of the code is adapted from Andrew Baker's awesome blog:
# Also see a relevant package and blog by Sant'Anna & Callaway:
rm(list = ls())
theme_set(theme_clean() + theme(plot.background = element_blank()))
select <- dplyr::select
# Simulate data -----------------------------------------------------------
# Create a function that takes in the number of units, the number of periods,
# a treatment effect per period (tau_cum), and
# cohort periods (in which periods a cohort is treated).
# If a cohort period is greater than the end observation period this means that
# this cohort is untreated during the observation period.
# Create a function to calculate the dependent variable throughout
calc_dep_var <- function(constant, unit_fe, period_fe, tau_cum, error){
dep_var = constant + unit_fe + period_fe + tau_cum + error
constant = 80 # set the constant so that the outcome variable makes sense for the example
make_data <- function(num_unit, num_period,tau, cohort_periods){
end_period = num_period-1 # periods start from 0
# Fixed Effects ------------------------------------------------
# unit fixed effects
unit <- tibble(
unit = 1:num_unit,
unit_fe = rnorm(num_unit, 0, .1),
# Assign units to different treatment cohorts
cohort_period = sample(cohort_periods, num_unit, replace = TRUE),
# generate treatment effect
mu = rnorm(num_unit, tau, 0.2))
# period fixed effects
period <- tibble(
period = 0:end_period,
period_fe = rnorm(num_period, 0, .1))
# Trend Break -------------------------------------------------------------
# make main dataset
# full interaction of unit X period
tot_num_obs = num_unit*num_period
expand_grid(unit = 1:num_unit, period = 0:end_period) %>%
left_join(., unit) %>%
left_join(., period) %>%
# make error term and get treatment indicators and treatment effects
mutate(error = rnorm(tot_num_obs, 0, 0.5),
treat = ifelse(period >= cohort_period, 1, 0),
tau = ifelse(treat == 1, mu, 0)) %>%
# calculate cumulative treatment effects
group_by(unit) %>%
mutate(tau_cum = cumsum(tau)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# calculate the dep variable
mutate(dep_var = calc_dep_var(constant, unit_fe, period_fe, tau_cum,error))
# Make data
num_unit <- 10000
num_period <- 5
cohort_periods <- c(2,3,99) # Cohort period 99 is the untreated cohort
tau <- 1.00 # For each treated period the treatment effect accumulates by this number
data <- make_data(num_unit, num_period, tau, cohort_periods)
data <-
setnames(data, 'dep_var', 'hrs_listened')
setkeyv(data, c('cohort_period', 'unit', 'period'))
select_cols <- c('unit', 'period', 'cohort_period','treat','hrs_listened')
kable(head(data[, ..select_cols]), 'simple')
kable(summary(data[, ..select_cols]), 'simple')
# We have 10000 units and 5 periods (incl. 0). This makes a total of 50000 observations.
avg_dv_period <- data[, .(mean_hrs_listened = mean(hrs_listened)), by = c('cohort_period','period')]
# The treatment effect changes overtime
avg_treat_period <- data[treat == 1, .(mean_treat_effect = mean(tau_cum)), by = c('cohort_period','period')]
# Final plot showing the outcome over time
cbPalette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
ggplot(avg_dv_period, aes(fill=factor(cohort_period), y=mean_hrs_listened, x=period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Period", y = "Hours", title = 'Average music listening (hours)',
caption = 'Cohort 2 is the early treated, cohort 3 is the late treated and cohort 99 is the never treated group.') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_fill_manual(values=cbPalette) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.5, color = '#999999', lty = 5)+
geom_vline(xintercept = 2.5, color = '#E69F00', lty = 5) +
geom_text(label = 'Cohort period 2 is treated',aes(1.4,83), color = '#999999', angle = 90)+
geom_text(label = 'Cohort period 3 is treated',aes(2.4,83), color = '#E69F00', angle = 90) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment cohort period"))
# Treatment effect
ggplot(avg_treat_period, aes(fill=factor(cohort_period), y=mean_treat_effect, x=period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + #coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Period", y = "Hours", title = 'True treatment effect (hrs)',
caption = 'Cohort 2 is the early treated, cohort 3 is the late treated and cohort 99 is the never treated group.') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_fill_manual(values=cbPalette) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment cohort period"))
# Create relative time dummies to use in the regression
data <- data %>%
# make relative year indicator
mutate(rel_period = ifelse(cohort_period == 99,99,period - cohort_period))
data <- data %>%
dummy_cols(select_columns = "rel_period")
rel_per_dummies <- colnames(data)[grepl('rel_period_', colnames(data))]
# Change name w/ minuses to handle them more easily
rel_per_dummies_new<-gsub('-','min', rel_per_dummies)
setnames(data, rel_per_dummies, rel_per_dummies_new)
# Event studies in the simple situation -----------------------------------
# Event study
covs <- setdiff(rel_per_dummies_new, c('rel_period_99','rel_period_min1'))
covs_collapse <- paste0(covs, collapse='+')
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
# Create function to report simple event study results
tbl_res_rel_period <- function(model){
res <-$coeftable, keep.rownames = T)
res[, rn := gsub('rel_period_','', rn)]
res[, rn := as.numeric(gsub('min','-', rn))]
res <- res %>%
mutate_at(vars(-rn), funs(round(., 2)))
setnames(res, 'rn','Relative period')
setorder(res, by = 'Relative period')
kable(tbl_res_rel_period(model), 'simple')
# Event study with cohort specific treatment effects
# Create dummies for the cohort-period
data <- data %>%
dummy_cols(select_columns = "cohort_period")
cohort_dummies <- c('cohort_period_2','cohort_period_3')
# Create interactions between relative period and cohort dummies
interact <-, covs))
# Ps. one can drop rel_period_min3 for cohort 2 and
# rel_period_2 for cohort 3 as these observations don't exist
# but I'll let the regression drop these
interact[, interaction := paste0(cohort_dummies,':',covs)]
interact_covs <- interact$interaction
interact_covs_collapse <- paste0(interact_covs,collapse = '+')
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',interact_covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
# Two variables are naturally dropped because the most negative relative time period
# for cohort 2 is -2 and for the cohort period 3,
# we only have relative period up to 1.
# The results are consistent with the true effects. There are no statistically
# significant effects pre-treatment and there are positive treatment effects
# after the treatment
# Report period-cohort event study result
tbl_res_period_cohort <- function(model){
res <-$coeftable, keep.rownames = T)
res[, 'Cohort period' := as.numeric(str_extract(rn, "(?i)(?<=cohort_period_)\\d+"))]
res[, rn := gsub('cohort_period_3','', rn)]
res[, rn := gsub('cohort_period_2','', rn)]
res[, rn := gsub(':','', rn)]
res[, rn := gsub('rel_period_','', rn)]
res[, rn := as.numeric(gsub('min','-', rn))]
res <- res %>%
mutate_at(vars(-rn), funs(round(., 2)))
setnames(res, 'rn','Relative period')
setorderv(res, c('Cohort period','Relative period'))
setcolorder(res, 'Cohort period')
kable(tbl_res_period_cohort(model), format = 'simple')
# 1. Anticipation ---------------------------------------------------------
tau_cum_anticipation = .5 # set how much anticipation is going to be there
data_anticip <- copy(data) # make a copy
summary(data_anticip[rel_period ==-1]$tau_cum)
# Include some anticipation: there is already a positive effect before the treatment implementation
data_anticip[rel_period ==-1, hrs_listened := calc_dep_var(constant,unit_fe,period_fe,tau_cum_anticipation,error)]
# Summarize the dependent variable over relative period
avg_dep_anticip <- data_anticip[rel_period != 99, .(mean_hrs_listened = mean(hrs_listened)), (rel_period)]
setorder(avg_dep_anticip, 'rel_period')
rel_periods <- sort(unique(avg_dep_anticip$rel_period))
ggplot(avg_dep_anticip, aes(y=mean_hrs_listened, x=rel_period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity", fill = 'deepskyblue') + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Relative period", y = "Hours", title = 'Average music listening over relative time period',
caption = 'Only for the treated units') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = min(rel_periods):max(rel_periods))
# The dependent variable is already starting to pick up at rel.period = -1
# Event study
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data_anticip, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
kable(tbl_res_rel_period(model) , 'simple')
# Now prev times are minus and the treatment effect in the post are not true even though I changed nothing
# The issue is that I still use the rel.period. -1 as the reference period
# Use release period -2 as the reference period instead
covs_anticip <- setdiff(c(covs,'rel_period_min1'),'rel_period_min2')
covs_anticip_collapse <- paste0(covs_anticip,collapse = '+')
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',covs_anticip_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data_anticip, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
kable(tbl_res_rel_period(model) , 'simple')
# Now, we can see that the treatment effects (TEs) are accurately estimated
# Plus, you can also see that there is no effect in rel. period -3 but there
# is already a positive treatment effect in the rel. period -1
# 2. Heterogeneity -------------------------------------------------------
# Until now, the dynamics of the TE between the treatment groups are the same
# They are affected by the treatment in the same fashion overtime
# However, what if the first treated group is affected much more positively?
data_hetero <- copy(data)
# calculate tau
data_hetero[cohort_period==2, tau := 1.5*tau]
# calculate tau_cum
setkeyv(data_hetero, c('unit', 'period')) # order
data_hetero[cohort_period==2, tau_cum := cumsum(tau), by = unit]
# calculate the dependent variable
data_hetero[cohort_period==2, hrs_listened := calc_dep_var(constant,unit_fe,period_fe,tau_cum,error)]
# Visualize
avg_dv_period <- data_hetero[, .(mean_hrs_listened = mean(hrs_listened)), by = c('cohort_period','period')] # Graph this
ggplot(avg_dv_period, aes(fill=factor(cohort_period), y=mean_hrs_listened, x=period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Period", y = "Hours", title = 'Average music listening (hours)',
caption = 'Cohort 2 is the early treated, cohort 3 is the late treated and cohort 99 is the never treated group.',
subtitle = 'Treatment effect heterogeneity across cohorts') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_fill_manual(values=cbPalette) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.5, color = '#999999', lty = 5)+
geom_vline(xintercept = 2.5, color = '#E69F00', lty = 5) +
geom_text(label = 'Cohort period 2 is treated',aes(1.4,83), color = '#999999', angle = 90)+
geom_text(label = 'Cohort period 3 is treated',aes(2.4,83), color = '#E69F00', angle = 90) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment cohort period"))
# Treatment effect
avg_treat_period <- data_hetero[treat == 1, .(mean_treat_effect = mean(tau_cum)), by = c('cohort_period','period')]
ggplot(avg_treat_period, aes(fill=factor(cohort_period), y=mean_treat_effect, x=period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + #coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Period", y = "Hours", title = 'True treatment effect (hrs)',
caption = 'Cohort 2 is the early treated and cohort 3 is the late treated group.',
subtitle = 'Treatment effect heterogeneity across cohorts') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_fill_manual(values=cbPalette) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment cohort period"))
# Event study
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data_hetero, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
kable(tbl_res_rel_period(model), 'simple')
# Event study with cohort specific treatment effects
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',interact_covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data_hetero, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
kable(tbl_res_period_cohort(model), 'simple')
# 3. Under-identification -------------------------------------------------
# Just drop the non treated group
# see what happens
data_under_id <- data[cohort_period != 99]
avg_dv_period <- data_under_id[, .(mean_hrs_listened = mean(hrs_listened)), by = c('cohort_period','period')]
ggplot(avg_dv_period, aes(fill=factor(cohort_period), y=mean_hrs_listened, x=period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Period", y = "Hours", title = 'Average music listening (hours)',
caption = 'Cohort 2 is the early treated and cohort 3 is the late treated group (cohort 99 is excluded).') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_fill_manual(values=cbPalette) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.5, color = '#999999', lty = 5)+
geom_vline(xintercept = 2.5, color = '#E69F00', lty = 5) +
geom_text(label = 'Cohort period 2 is treated',aes(1.4,83), color = '#999999', angle = 90)+
geom_text(label = 'Cohort period 3 is treated',aes(2.4,83), color = '#E69F00', angle = 90) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment cohort period"))
# Graph true treat effect (it is the same as the original)
avg_treat_period <- data_under_id[treat == 1, .(mean_treat_effect = mean(tau_cum)), by = c('cohort_period','period')]
ggplot(avg_treat_period, aes(fill=factor(cohort_period), y=mean_treat_effect, x=period)) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + #coord_cartesian(ylim=c(79,85))+
labs(x = "Period", y = "Hours", title = 'True treatment effect (hrs)',
caption = 'Cohort 2 is the early treated, cohort 3 is the late treated group.',
subtitle = 'Treatment effect heterogeneity across cohorts') +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12)) + scale_fill_manual(values=cbPalette) +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Treatment cohort period"))
# Event study
# Just running a regular event study w/o changing anything
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data_under_id, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
summary(model) # --> crazy results. let's exclude the most negative relative time period dummy.
kable(tbl_res_rel_period(model), 'simple')
# Use the most negative and also 1 period before as the reference period
# The most negative relative time period is -3, exclude that in addition to the regular -1
covs <- setdiff(rel_per_dummies_new, c('rel_period_99','rel_period_min1', 'rel_period_min3'))
covs_collapse <- paste0(covs, collapse='+')
formula <- as.formula(paste0('hrs_listened ~ ',covs_collapse))
model <- feols(formula,
data = data_under_id, = "unit",
fixef = c("unit", "period"))
summary(model) # --> no longer crazy results! Accurately estimating the TEs.
kable(tbl_res_rel_period(model), 'simple')
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