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Last active February 17, 2023 13:18
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Difference-in-differences with variation in treatment timing - Simulation
# Simulate the data
# The simulaiton part of the code is adapted from Andrew Baker's awesome blog:
# Also see a relevant package and blog by Sant'Anna & Callaway:
rm(list = ls())
select <- dplyr::select
# Utilities: set theme and choose a palette for the graphs
theme_set(theme_clean() + theme(plot.background = element_blank()))
cbPalette <- c("#0072B2", "#D55E00")
# Initiate the data -----------------------------------------------------------
# Create a function that takes in the number of units, the number of periods,
# a treatment effect that will accumulate overtime (tau), and
# cohort periods (in which periods a cohort is treated).
calc_dep_var <- function(constant, unit_fe, period_fe, tau_cum, error){
dep_var = constant + unit_fe + period_fe + tau_cum + error
init_data <- function(num_unit, num_period, tau, cohort_periods, constant){
end_period = num_period-1 # periods start from 0
# Fixed Effects ------------------------------------------------
# unit fixed effects
unit <- tibble(
unit = 1:num_unit,
unit_fe = rnorm(num_unit, 0, .1),
# Assign units to different treatment cohorts
cohort_period = sample(cohort_periods, num_unit, replace = TRUE),
# generate treatment effect
mu = rnorm(num_unit, tau, 0.2))
# period fixed effects
period <- tibble(
period = 0:end_period,
period_fe = rnorm(num_period, 0, .1))
# Trend Break -------------------------------------------------------------
# make main dataset
# full interaction of unit X period
tot_num_obs = num_unit*num_period
expand_grid(unit = 1:num_unit, period = 0:end_period) %>%
left_join(., unit) %>%
left_join(., period) %>%
# make error term and get treatment indicators and treatment effects
mutate(error = rnorm(tot_num_obs, 0, 10),
treat = ifelse(period >= cohort_period, 1, 0),
tau = ifelse(treat == 1, mu, 0)) %>%
# calculate cumulative treatment effects
group_by(unit) %>%
mutate(tau_cum = cumsum(tau)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# calculate the dependent variable
mutate(dep_var = calc_dep_var(constant, unit_fe, period_fe, tau_cum,error))
# Initiate the data and add heterogeneity in treatment effects (TE) ------------
# Until now, the dynamics of the TE between the treatment groups are the same
# They are affected by the treatment in the same fashion overtime
# However, what if the first treated group is affected much more positively?
sim_data <- function(...){
constant = 80
data <- = 1000,
num_period = 5,
tau = 1.00,
cohort_periods = c(2,3),
constant = constant))
setnames(data, 'dep_var', 'hrs_listened')
setkeyv(data, c('cohort_period', 'unit', 'period'))
# Introduce heterogeneity in treatment effects
# calculate the new tau
data[cohort_period==2, tau := 4*tau]
# calculate tau_cum
setkeyv(data, c('unit', 'period')) # order
data[cohort_period==2, tau_cum := cumsum(tau), by = unit]
# calculate the dependent variable
data[cohort_period==2, hrs_listened := calc_dep_var(constant,unit_fe,period_fe,tau_cum,error)]
setkeyv(data, c('unit', 'period'))
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