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Created April 23, 2023 16:20
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# Install and load the required packages
# devtools::install_github("synth-inference/synthdid")
library(fixest) # Fixed-effects regression
# Set seed for reproducibility
source('sim_data.R') # Import simulation function and some utilities
dt <- sim_data()
# Convert the data into a matrix
setup = panel.matrices(dt, unit = 'country', time = 'period',
outcome = 'revenue', treatment = 'treat')
# Estimate treatment effect using SynthDiD
tau.hat = synthdid_estimate(setup$Y, setup$N0, setup$T0)
# Calculate standard errors
se = sqrt(vcov(tau.hat, method='jackknife'))
te_est <- sprintf('Point estimate for the treatment effect: %1.2f', tau.hat)
CI <- sprintf('95%% CI (%1.2f, %1.2f)', tau.hat - 1.96 * se, tau.hat + 1.96 * se)
# Plot treatment effect estimates
plot(tau.hat, se.method='jackknife')
# Plot control unit contributions
synthdid_units_plot(tau.hat, se.method='jackknife') +
labs(x = 'Country', y = 'Treatment effect',
caption = 'The black horizontal line shows the actual effect;
the gray ones show the endpoints of a 95% confidence interval.')
# Check for pre-treatment parallel trends
plot(tau.hat, overlay=1, se.method='jackknife')
# Check the number of treatment and control countries to report
num_treated <- length(unique(dt[treat==1]$country))
num_control <- length(unique(dt$country))-num_treated
# Create spaghetti plot with top 10 control units
top.controls = synthdid_controls(tau.hat)[1:10, , drop=FALSE]
plot(tau.hat, spaghetti.units=rownames(top.controls),
trajectory.linetype = 1, line.width=.75,
trajectory.alpha=.9, effect.alpha=.9,
diagram.alpha=1, onset.alpha=.9, ci.alpha = .3, spaghetti.line.alpha =.2,
spaghetti.label.alpha = .1, overlay = 1) +
labs(x = 'Period', y = 'Revenue', title = 'Estimation Results',
subtitle = paste0(te_est, ', ', CI, '.'),
caption = paste0('The number of treatment and control units: ', num_treated, ' and ', num_control, '.'))
fe <- feols(revenue~treat, dt, cluster = 'country', = 'country',
fixef = c('country', 'period'))
# Simulate the data
select <- dplyr::select
# Initiate the data -----------------------------------------------------------
# Create a function that takes in the number of units, the number of periods,
# a treatment effect that will accumulate overtime (tau), and
# cohort periods (in which periods a cohort is treated).
calc_dep_var <- function(constant, unit_fe, period_fe, treatment_effect, error){
dep_var = constant + unit_fe + period_fe + treatment_effect + error
init_data <- function(num_unit, num_period, treatment_effect, constant, treatment_period){
end_period = num_period-1 # periods start from 0
# Fixed Effects ------------------------------------------------
# unit fixed effects
unit <- tibble(
unit = 1:num_unit,
unit_fe = rnorm(num_unit, 0, .01),
# Assign units to treatment vs nontreatment
treatment_group = sample(c(0,1), num_unit, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.88,.12)))
# period fixed effects
period <- tibble(
period = 0:end_period,
period_fe = rnorm(num_period, 0, .01))
# Trend Break -------------------------------------------------------------
# make main dataset
# full interaction of unit X period
tot_num_obs = num_unit*num_period
expand_grid(unit = 1:num_unit, period = 0:end_period) %>%
left_join(., unit) %>%
left_join(., period) %>%
# make error term and get treatment indicators and treatment effects
mutate(error = rnorm(tot_num_obs, 0, .1),
treat = ifelse(treatment_group ==1 & period >= treatment_period, 1, 0),
treatment_effect = ifelse(treat == 1, treatment_effect, 0)) %>%
# calculate the dependent variable
mutate(dep_var = calc_dep_var(constant, unit_fe, period_fe, treatment_effect,error))
sim_data <- function(...){
constant = 80
data <- = 30,
num_period = 30,
treatment_effect = -.5,
treatment_period = 20,
constant = constant))
data[, c('unit_fe', 'error', 'period_fe', 'treatment_effect', 'treatment_group'):=NULL]
setnames(data, 'dep_var', 'revenue')
setkeyv(data, c('unit', 'period'))
setnames(data, 'unit', 'country')
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