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Last active October 7, 2019 13:46
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Learning Programming Language

Week 1

1 Introduction of Programming Language

  • Installing Requearment
  • Comailer
  • How to write Code.
  • Escape sequence
    • \t \b, \n, "
  • Key Word Variable & Data Type
  • Format specifier
    • %b,%d,%c,%f
  • Comment
  • sizeof()


2 Input-Output Problems - ASCII Value for Character - Lower to UpperCase
- Uper TO Lowercase
- Uper TO Lowercaseuseing Library Function - Convert Decimal to octal - Convert Octal to hexadecimal - Convert Dcimal to hexaDecimal

Week 2

  1. Operator

    • Arithmetic Operator

      • (+, -, /, *, % ) Problems
    • Addition , subtraction ,Avarage,Multiplication,deviation

    • Area of Triangle (More)

    • Farhenheit to Celtigrade

    • Assinment Oparator

      • a == b ; Problems
    • Relational Oparator

      • (<.>,==,!=,>=,<=) Problems
    • Logical Operator

      • (&&, ||, !) (and or) Problems
    • Coditional Operator

      • tarnary Oparator Problems
    • Bitwise Oparator

      • (&, |, ^,>>,<<,~) Problems
  2. Math

    • max(), min(), pow(), abs() sqrt(),log(),log10() sin() cos()ten() round(),trunc() ceil(),floor(),

Week 3

  1. Control Statement >>(if,else) Problems

    • Positive /negitive / Zero
    • Even /Odd
    • Vowel / Consonant
    • maximum/ Minimum
    • Leap Year
    • Pass/ Fail
  2. Switch

Week 4

  1. Loop (for, while, do while) Problems

    • Print 1 to 10 all Number;
    • print sum of all number 1 to 10;
    • print sum of the even number m to n;
    • print sum of the even numbers m to n;
  2. Series Problems

    • 1+2+3+.........+n
    • 1+3+5+.........+n
    • 1.5+2.5+3.5+......+n
    • i^2+2^2+3^2.....+n^2
    • 123*.........*n
    • 135*.........*n
    • i^22^23^2.....*n^2

Week ---

  1. Array Problems

  2. Pattern Problems

  3. Function Problems

  4. Structere Problems

  5. Pointer Problems

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