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Last active December 31, 2022 15:55
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Target 2023

  1. Pray Regular 5 times

  2. FullStack Web Devlopment
    a) Technologyes

    • HTML/CSS- Bootstarp
    • JavaScritp
    • React
    • API
    • NodeJS
    • Django
    • Django Rest API
    • SQL- PostgreSQL
    • NoSQL MogoDB

    c) FullStack Web Projects (Intermediate Lavel)

    • Personal Blog With Django
    • E-commarce Store
    • School Managenment System
    • Smart Delivary System
    • Project D
    • Projcet E
  3. GitHub All Importent Think.

  4. Data Structure With Implementing Project.

    • 50 Algoritham write here after Collection
  5. Data Science || Machine Learning || Research All Importent Think. a) Python

    • Data Mining -- Scrapy
    • Data Mining -- Numpy -- SciPy -- Pandas
    • Data Visualization -- Matplotlib -- Seaborn -- SciPy

    c) Docomentation Tools

    • MarkDown
    • Latex
  6. Rechece Paper || How to Write Reseach paper

  7. AI with image processing Compleate Project

  8. Improve Spoken and Writing English. and Prsentation Skill

  9. 365 problem slove from OJ . or mimum 1200 score , from Beecrowd others Not eligible

  10. Reading Book

  11. Academy Study.

    a) January to April:


b) May to August - - - -
c) September to December - Computer Architecture and Organization - Computer Networks - - Numerical Method
....................................................... 9) Youtube Contant Create Minimum 100 Video in this Year With PlayList. 10) 11) Build Up Startp Organigation

  • The Orkit
  • Computing Arena BD -- 5 Course. -- 50 Students
  • Degital Marcketing Agencey
  • Teaching
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