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Created May 15, 2021 15:43
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return {
["$schema"] = "",
version = 1,
schemas = {
name = ".adonisrc.json",
description = "AdonisJS configuration file",
fileMatch = {".adonisrc.json"},
url = ""
name = ".aiproj.json",
description = "Settings for project analysis by the application inspector",
fileMatch = {".aiproj.json"},
url = ""
name = "angular.json",
description = "Angular configuration file",
fileMatch = {"angular.json"},
url = ""
name = ".angular-cli.json",
description = "Angular CLI configuration file",
fileMatch = {".angular-cli.json", "angular-cli.json"},
url = ""
name = "Ansible Role",
description = "Ansible role task files",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"**/roles/**/tasks/*.yml", "**/roles/**/tasks/*.yaml"},
versions = {
["2.0"] = "",
["2.1"] = "",
["2.2"] = "",
["2.3"] = "",
["2.4"] = "",
["2.5"] = "",
["2.6"] = "",
["2.7"] = "",
["2.9"] = ""
name = "Ansible Playbook",
description = "Ansible playbook files",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"playbook.yml", "playbook.yaml"}
name = "Ansible Inventory",
description = "Ansible inventory files",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"inventory.yml", "inventory.yaml"}
name = "Ansible Collection Galaxy",
description = "Ansible Collection Galaxy metadata",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"galaxy.yml"}
name = "apple-app-site-association",
description = "Apple Universal Link, App Site Association",
fileMatch = {"apple-app-site-association"},
url = ""
name = "appsscript.json",
description = "Google Apps Script manifest file",
fileMatch = {"appsscript.json"},
url = ""
name = "appsettings.json",
description = "ASP.NET Core's configuration file",
fileMatch = {"appsettings.json", "appsettings.*.json"},
url = ""
name = "appveyor.yml",
description = "AppVeyor CI configuration file",
fileMatch = {"appveyor.yml"},
url = ""
name = "arc.json",
description = "A JSON schema for OpenJS Architect",
fileMatch = {"arc.json", "arc.yml", "arc.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Argo Workflows",
description = "Argo Workflow configuration file",
url = ""
name = "Avro Avsc",
description = "Avro Schema Avsc file",
fileMatch = {"*.avsc"},
url = ""
name = "Azure IoT EdgeAgent deployment",
description = "Azure IoT EdgeAgent deployment schema",
url = "",
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["1.1"] = ""
name = "Azure IoT EdgeHub deployment",
description = "Azure IoT EdgeHub deployment schema",
url = "",
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["1.1"] = "",
["1.2"] = ""
name = "Azure IoT Edge deployment",
description = "Azure IoT Edge deployment schema",
url = "",
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["1.1"] = ""
name = "Azure IoT Edge deployment template",
description = "Azure IoT Edge deployment template schema",
fileMatch = {"deployment.template.json", "deployment.*.template.json"},
url = "",
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["1.1"] = ""
name = "Azure Pipelines",
description = "Azure Pipelines YAML pipelines definition",
fileMatch = {"azure-pipelines.yml", "azure-pipelines.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Foxx Manifest",
description = "ArangoDB Foxx service manifest file",
fileMatch = {"manifest.json"},
url = ""
name = ".asmdef",
description = "Unity 3D assembly definition file",
fileMatch = {"*.asmdef"},
url = ""
name = "babelrc.json",
description = "Babel configuration file",
fileMatch = {".babelrc", "babel.config.json"},
url = ""
name = ".backportrc.json",
description = "Backport configuration file",
fileMatch = {".backportrc.json"},
url = ""
name = "batect.yml",
description = "Batect configuration file",
fileMatch = {"batect.yml", "batect-bundle.yml"},
url = ""
name = "bamboo-spec",
description = "The Bamboo Specs allows you to define Bamboo configuration as code, and have corresponding plans/deployments created or updated automatically in Bamboo",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"bamboo.yaml", "bamboo.yml"}
name = "beef-database-codegen",
description = "Beef (Business Entity Execution Framework) database code-generation configuration.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"database.beef.yaml", "database.beef.yml", "database.beef.json"}
name = "beef-entity-codegen",
description = "Beef (Business Entity Execution Framework) entity code-generation configuration.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {
name = "bitbucket-pipelines",
description = "Bitbucket Pipelines CI/CD manifest schema",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"bitbucket-pipelines.yml"}
name = "bitrise",
description = "The configuration format of the Bitrise CLI. Bitrise is a collection of tools and services to help you with the development and automation of your software projects, with a main focus on mobile apps.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"bitrise.yml", "bitrise.yaml", "bitrise.json"}
name = "bitrise-step",
description = "Steps and Workflows are the heart of how Bitrise works. A Bitrise build is simply a series of Steps. Bitrise is a collection of tools and services to help you with the development and automation of your software projects, with a main focus on mobile apps.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"step.yml"}
name = ".bootstraprc",
description = "Webpack bootstrap-loader configuration file",
fileMatch = {".bootstraprc"},
url = ""
name = "bower.json",
description = "Bower package description file",
fileMatch = {"bower.json", ".bower.json"},
url = ""
name = ".bowerrc",
description = "Bower configuration file",
fileMatch = {".bowerrc"},
url = ""
name = "behat.yml",
description = "Behat configuration file",
fileMatch = {"behat.yml", "*.behat.yml"},
url = ""
name = "bozr.suite.json",
description = "Bozr test suite file",
fileMatch = {".suite.json", ".xsuite.json"},
url = ""
name = "browser.i18n.json",
description = "browser.i18n messages.json translation file",
fileMatch = {"messages.json"},
url = ""
name = "bucklescript",
description = "BuckleScript configuration file",
fileMatch = {"bsconfig.json"},
url = ""
name = "Bukkit plugin.yml",
description = "Schema for Minecraft Bukkit plugin description files",
fileMatch = {"plugin.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Buildkite",
description = "Schema for Buildkite pipeline.yml files",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = ".build.yml",
description = "Sourcehut Build Manifest",
fileMatch = {".build.yml"},
url = "",
versions = {
["0.41.2"] = "",
["0.65.0"] = ""
name = "bundleconfig.json",
description = "Schema for bundleconfig.json files",
fileMatch = {"bundleconfig.json"},
url = ""
name = "BungeeCord plugin.yml",
description = "Schema for BungeeCord plugin description files",
fileMatch = {"plugin.yml", "bungee.yml"},
url = ""
name = "CMake Presets",
description = "Schema for CMake Presets",
fileMatch = {"CMakePresets.json", "CMakeUserPresets.json"},
url = ""
name = "Camel YAML DSL",
description = "Schema for Camel YAML DSL",
fileMatch = {"*.camel.yaml", "*.camelk.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Carafe",
description = "Schema for Carafe compatible JavaScript Bundles",
url = "",
versions = {
["draft-02"] = "",
["draft-01"] = ""
name = "CityJSON",
description = "Schema for the representation of 3D city models",
url = ""
name = "CircleCI config.yml",
description = "Schema for CircleCI 2.0 config files",
fileMatch = {".circleci/config.yml"},
url = ""
name = ".cirrus.yml",
description = "Cirrus CI configuration files",
fileMatch = {".cirrus.yml"},
url = ""
name = ".clasp.json",
description = "Google Apps Script CLI project file",
fileMatch = {".clasp.json"},
url = ""
name = "cloudify",
description = "Cloudify Blueprint",
fileMatch = {"*.cfy.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "codemagic",
description = "JSON schema for Codemagic CI/CD file configuration",
fileMatch = {"codemagic.yaml", "codemagic.yml"},
url = ""
name = "JSON schema for Codecov configuration files",
description = "Schema for codecov.yml files.",
fileMatch = {".codecov.yml", "codecov.yml"},
url = ""
name = "JSON schema for CodeShip Pro services configuration files",
description = "Schema for codeship-services.yml files.",
fileMatch = {"codeship-services.yml"},
url = ""
name = "JSON schema for CodeShip Pro steps configuration files",
description = "Schema for codeship-steps.yml files.",
fileMatch = {"codeship-steps.yml"},
url = ""
name = "compilerconfig.json",
description = "Schema for compilerconfig.json files",
fileMatch = {"compilerconfig.json"},
url = ""
name = "compile_commands.json",
description = "LLVM compilation database",
fileMatch = {"compile_commands.json"},
url = ""
name = "commands.json",
description = "Config file for Command Task Runner",
fileMatch = {"commands.json"},
url = ""
name = "cosmos.config.json",
description = "React Cosmos configuration file",
fileMatch = {"cosmos.config.json"},
url = ""
name = "Chrome Extension",
description = "Google Chrome extension manifest file",
url = ""
name = "chutzpah.json",
description = "Chutzpah configuration file",
fileMatch = {"chutzpah.json"},
url = ""
name = "contentmanifest.json",
description = "Visual Studio manifest injection file",
fileMatch = {"contentmanifest.json"},
url = ""
name = "cloud-sdk-pipeline-config-schema",
description = "SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline configuration",
fileMatch = {"pipeline_config.yml"},
url = ""
name = "cloudbuild.json",
description = "Google Cloud Build configuration file",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = "workflows.json",
description = "Google Cloud Workflows configuration file",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = "AWS CloudFormation",
description = "AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment.",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = "AWS CloudFormation Serverless Application Model (SAM)",
description = "The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM, previously known as Project Flourish) extends AWS CloudFormation to provide a simplified way of defining the Amazon API Gateway APIs, AWS Lambda functions, and Amazon DynamoDB tables needed by your serverless application.",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = "coffeelint.json",
description = "CoffeeLint configuration file",
fileMatch = {"coffeelint.json"},
url = ""
name = "composer.json",
description = "PHP Composer configuration file",
fileMatch = {"composer.json"},
url = ""
name = "component.json",
description = "Web component file",
fileMatch = {"component.json"},
url = ""
name = "config.json",
description = "ASP.NET project config file",
fileMatch = {"config.json"},
url = ""
name = "contribute.json",
description = "A JSON schema for open-source project contribution data by Mozilla",
fileMatch = {"contribute.json"},
url = ""
name = "cypress.json",
description = " test runner configuration file",
fileMatch = {"cypress.json"},
url = ""
name = ".creatomic",
description = "A config for Atomic Design 4 React generator",
fileMatch = {".creatomic"},
url = ""
name = "cspell",
description = "JSON schema for cspell configuration file",
fileMatch = {".cspell.json", "cspell.json", "cSpell.json"},
url = ""
name = ".csscomb.json",
description = "A JSON schema CSS Comb's configuration file",
fileMatch = {".csscomb.json"},
url = ""
name = ".csslintrc",
description = "A JSON schema CSS Lint's configuration file",
fileMatch = {".csslintrc"},
url = ""
name = "Dart build configuration",
description = "Configuration for Dart's build system",
url = ""
name = "Dart test config",
description = "Configuration for Dart's test package",
fileMatch = {"dart_test.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "datalogic-scan2deploy-android",
description = "Datalogic Scan2Deploy Android file",
fileMatch = {".dla.json"},
url = ""
name = "datalogic-scan2deploy-ce",
description = "Datalogic Scan2Deploy CE file",
fileMatch = {".dlc.json"},
url = ""
name = "debugsettings.json",
description = "A JSON schema for the ASP.NET DebugSettings.json files",
fileMatch = {"debugsettings.json"},
url = ""
name = "dependabot.json",
description = "A JSON schema for the Dependabot config.yml files",
fileMatch = {".dependabot/config.yml"},
url = ""
name = "dependabot-v2.json",
description = "A JSON schema for the Github Action's dependabot.yml files",
fileMatch = {".github/dependabot.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Deployer Recipe",
description = "A JSON schema for Deployer yaml recipes",
fileMatch = {"deploy.yaml", "deploy.yml"},
url = ""
name = "detekt.yml",
description = "Detekt Configuration File schema",
fileMatch = {"detekt.yml", "detekt.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "docfx.json",
description = "A JSON schema for DocFx configuraton files",
fileMatch = {"docfx.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Artifacts",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's artifacts",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/artifacts.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Bounded Context Configuration",
description = "A JSON schema for Dolittle application's bounded context configuration",
fileMatch = {"bounded-context.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Event Horizons Configuration",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's event horizon configurations",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/event-horizons.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Resources Configuration",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's resource configurations",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/resources.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Server Configuration",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's event horizon's interaction server configuration",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/server.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Tenants Configuration",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's tenant configuration",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/tenants.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Tenant Map Configuration",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's tenant mapping configurations",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/tenant-map.json"},
url = ""
name = "Dolittle Topology",
description = "A JSON schema for a Dolittle bounded context's topology",
fileMatch = {".dolittle/topology.json"},
url = ""
name = "",
description = "JSON schema for .NET CLI template host files",
fileMatch = {""},
url = ""
name = "drone.json",
description = "Drone CI configuration file",
fileMatch = {".drone.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Drush site aliases",
description = "JSON Schema for Drush 9 site aliases file",
fileMatch = {"sites/*.site.yml"},
url = ""
name = "dss-2.0.0.json",
description = "Digital Signature Service Core Protocols, Elements, and Bindings Version 2.0",
url = ""
name = "dvc.yaml",
description = "JSON Schema for dvc.yaml file",
fileMatch = {"dvc.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Eclipse Che Devfile",
description = "JSON schema for Eclipse Che Devfiles",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"devfile.yaml", ".devfile.yaml"}
name = "ecosystem.json",
description = "pm2 ecosystem config file",
fileMatch = {"ecosystem.json", "ecosystem.yml", "ecosystem.yaml"},
url = ""
name = ".esmrc.json",
description = "Configuration files for the esm module/package in Node.js",
fileMatch = {".esmrc", ".esmrc.json", ".esmrc.js", ".esmrc.cjs", ".esmrc.mjs"},
url = ""
name = "Esquio",
description = "JSON schema for Esquio configuration files",
url = ""
name = "epr-manifest.json",
description = "Entry Point Regulation manifest file",
fileMatch = {"epr-manifest.json"},
url = ""
name = "electron-builder configuration file.",
description = "JSON schema for electron-build configuration file.",
fileMatch = {"electron-builder.json"},
url = ""
name = "evcc.yaml",
description = "JSON schema for evcc configuration file.",
fileMatch = {"evcc*.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Expo SDK",
description = "JSON schema for Expo SDK app manifest",
fileMatch = {"app.json"},
url = "",
versions = {
["37.0.0"] = "",
["38.0.0"] = "",
["39.0.0"] = "",
["40.0.0"] = ""
name = ".eslintrc",
description = "JSON schema for ESLint configuration files",
fileMatch = {".eslintrc", ".eslintrc.json", ".eslintrc.yml", ".eslintrc.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Facets - FSDL - Application",
description = "Facets Stack Definition Language for Applications",
fileMatch = {"**/application/instances/*.json"},
url = ""
name = "fabric.mod.json",
description = "Metadata file used by the Fabric mod loader",
fileMatch = {"fabric.mod.json"},
url = ""
name = ".ffizer.yaml",
description = "JSON schema for ffizer template configuration files",
fileMatch = {".ffizer.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Foundry VTT - Manifest",
description = "JSON schema for Foundry VTT system.json and module.json files.",
fileMatch = {"system.json", "module.json"},
url = ""
name = "Foundry VTT - Template",
description = "JSON schema for Foundry VTT template.json files.",
fileMatch = {"template.json"},
url = ""
name = "function.json",
description = "JSON schema for Azure Functions function.json files",
fileMatch = {"function.json"},
url = ""
name = "geojson.json",
description = "GeoJSON format for representing geographic data.",
url = ""
name = "GitVersion",
description = "The output from the GitVersion tool",
fileMatch = {"gitversion.json"},
url = ""
name = "GitHub Action",
description = "YAML schema for GitHub Actions",
fileMatch = {"action.yml", "action.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "GitHub Funding",
description = "YAML schema for GitHub Funding",
fileMatch = {".github/FUNDING.yml", ".github/funding.yml", ".github/funding.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "GitHub Workflow",
description = "YAML schema for GitHub Workflow",
fileMatch = {".github/workflows/**.yml", ".github/workflows/**.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "gitlab-ci",
description = "JSON schema for configuring Gitlab CI",
fileMatch = {"*.gitlab-ci.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Gitpod Configuration",
description = "JSON schema for configuring",
fileMatch = {".gitpod.yml"},
url = ""
name = "global.json",
description = "ASP.NET global configuration file",
fileMatch = {"global.json"},
url = ""
name = "golangci-lint Configuration",
description = "golangci-lint configuration file",
fileMatch = {".golangci.yml", ".golangci.yaml", ".golangci.toml", ".golangci.json"},
url = ""
name = "Grafana 5.x Dashboard",
description = "JSON Schema for Grafana 5.x Dashboards",
url = ""
name = "GraphQL Mesh",
description = "JSON Schema for GraphQL Mesh config file",
url = "",
fileMatch = {
name = "GraphQL Config",
description = "JSON Schema for GraphQL Config config file",
url = "",
fileMatch = {
name = "GraphQL Code Generator",
description = "JSON Schema for GraphQL Code Generator config file",
url = "",
fileMatch = {
name = "Grunt copy task",
description = "Grunt copy task configuration file",
fileMatch = {"copy.json"},
url = ""
name = "Grunt clean task",
description = "Grunt clean task configuration file",
fileMatch = {"clean.json"},
url = ""
name = "Grunt cssmin task",
description = "Grunt cssmin task configuration file",
fileMatch = {"cssmin.json"},
url = ""
name = "Grunt JSHint task",
description = "Grunt JSHint task configuration file",
fileMatch = {"jshint.json"},
url = ""
name = "Grunt Watch task",
description = "Grunt Watch task configuration file",
fileMatch = {"watch.json"},
url = ""
name = "Grunt base task",
description = "Schema for standard Grunt tasks",
fileMatch = {"grunt/*.json", "*-tasks.json"},
url = ""
name = "haxelib.json",
description = "Haxelib manifest",
fileMatch = {"haxelib.json"},
url = ""
name = "Hayson",
description = "Project Haystack data",
fileMatch = {"*.hayson.json", "*.hayson.yaml", "*.hayson.yml"},
url = ""
name = "host.json",
description = "JSON schema for Azure Functions host.json files",
fileMatch = {"host.json"},
url = ""
name = "host-meta.json",
description = "Schema for host-meta JDR files",
fileMatch = {"host-meta.json"},
url = ""
name = ".htmlhintrc",
description = "HTML Hint configuration file",
fileMatch = {".htmlhintrc"},
url = ""
name = "hydra.yml",
description = "ORY Hydra configuration file",
fileMatch = {"hydra.json", "hydra.yml", "hydra.yaml", "hydra.toml"},
url = ""
name = "imageoptimizer.json",
description = "Schema for imageoptimizer.json files",
fileMatch = {"imageoptimizer.json"},
url = ""
name = "ioBroker JSON UI",
description = "Schema for ioBroker JSON-based admin user interfaces - config, custom and tabs",
fileMatch = {"jsonConfig.json", "jsonCustom.json", "jsonTab.json"},
url = ""
name = "ioBroker Package manifest",
description = "Schema for ioBroker adapters io-package file",
fileMatch = {"io-package.json"},
url = ""
name = "Jekyll configuration",
description = "Schema for Jekyll _config.yml",
fileMatch = {"_config.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Jenkins X Pipelines",
description = "Jenkins X Pipeline YAML configuration files",
fileMatch = {"jenkins-x*.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Jenkins X Requirements",
description = "Jenkins X Requirements YAML configuration file",
fileMatch = {"jx-requirements.yml"},
url = ""
name = "JFrog File Spec",
description = "JFrog File Spec schema definition",
fileMatch = {"**/filespecs/*.json", "*filespec*.json", "*.filespec"},
url = ""
name = "Jovo Language Models",
description = "JSON Schema for Jovo language Models (",
url = ""
name = ".jsbeautifyrc",
description = "js-beautify configuration file",
fileMatch = {".jsbeautifyrc"},
url = ""
name = ".jsbeautifyrc-nested",
description = "js-beautify configuration file allowing nested `js`, `css`, and `html` attributes",
fileMatch = {".jsbeautifyrc"},
url = ""
name = ".jscsrc",
description = "JSCS configuration file",
fileMatch = {".jscsrc", "jscsrc.json"},
url = ""
name = ".jshintrc",
description = "JSHint configuration file",
fileMatch = {".jshintrc"},
url = ""
name = ".jsinspectrc",
description = "JSInspect configuration file",
fileMatch = {".jsinspectrc"},
url = ""
name = "JSON-API",
description = "JSON API document",
fileMatch = {"*.schema.json"},
url = ""
name = "JSON Document Transform",
description = "JSON Document Transofrm",
url = ""
name = "JSON Feed",
description = "JSON schema for the JSON Feed format",
fileMatch = {"feed.json"},
url = "",
versions = {
["1"] = "",
["1.1"] = ""
name = "*.jsonld",
description = "JSON Linked Data files",
fileMatch = {"*.jsonld"},
url = ""
name = "JSONPatch",
description = "JSONPatch files",
fileMatch = {"*.patch"},
url = ""
name = "jsconfig.json",
description = "JavaScript project configuration file",
fileMatch = {"jsconfig.json"},
url = ""
name = "k3d.yaml",
description = "k3d configuration file",
fileMatch = {"k3d.yaml", "k3d.yml", ".k3d.yml", ".k3d.yaml", "*.k3d.yaml", "*.k3d.yml"},
url = "",
versions = {v1alpha2 = ""}
name = "keto.yml",
description = "ORY Keto configuration file",
fileMatch = {"keto.json", "keto.yml", "keto.yaml", "keto.toml"},
url = ""
name = "kustomization.yaml",
description = "Kubernetes native configuration management",
fileMatch = {"kustomization.yaml", "kustomization.yml"},
url = ""
name = "launchsettings.json",
description = "A JSON schema for the ASP.NET LaunchSettings.json files",
fileMatch = {"launchsettings.json"},
url = ""
name = "lerna.json",
description = "A JSON schema for lerna.json files",
fileMatch = {"lerna.json"},
url = ""
name = "libman.json",
description = "JSON schema for client-side library config files",
fileMatch = {"libman.json"},
url = ""
name = "local.settings.json",
description = "JSON schema for Azure Functions local.settings.json files",
fileMatch = {"local.settings.json"},
url = ""
name = "localazy.json",
description = "JSON schema for Localazy CLI configuration file. More info at",
fileMatch = {"localazy.json"},
url = ""
name = "lsdlschema.json",
description = "JSON schema for Linguistic Schema Definition Language files",
fileMatch = {"*.lsdl.yaml", "*.lsdl.json"},
url = ""
name = "Mega-Linter configuration",
description = "JSON schema for Mega-Linter configuration file (for Mega-Linter users)",
fileMatch = {".mega-linter.yml", "*.mega-linter-config.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Mega-Linter descriptor",
description = "JSON schema for Mega-Linter descriptor files (for Mega-Linter contributors)",
fileMatch = {"*.megalinter-descriptor.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Microsoft Band Web Tile",
description = "Microsoft Band Web Tile manifest file",
url = ""
name = "mimetypes.json",
description = "JSON Schema for mime type collections",
fileMatch = {"mimetypes.json"},
url = ""
name = ".mocharc",
description = "JSON schema for MochaJS configuration files",
fileMatch = {".mocharc.json", ".mocharc.jsonc", ".mocharc.yml", ".mocharc.yaml"},
url = ""
name = ".modernizrrc",
description = "Webpack modernizr-loader configuration file",
fileMatch = {".modernizrrc"},
url = ""
name = "mycode.json",
description = "JSON schema for mycode.js files",
fileMatch = {"mycode.json"},
url = ""
name = "Netlify config schema",
description = "This schema describes the YAML config that Netlify uses",
fileMatch = {"admin/config*.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Nightwatch.js",
description = "nightwatch.js schema",
fileMatch = {"nightwatch.json"},
url = ""
name = "ninjs (News in JSON)",
description = "A JSON Schema for ninjs by the IPTC. News and publishing information. See",
url = "",
versions = {
["1.3"] = "",
["1.2"] = "",
["1.1"] = "",
["1.0"] = ""
name = "nest-cli",
description = "A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications 🚀.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {".nestcli.json", ".nest-cli.json", "nest-cli.json", "nest.json"}
name = "nlu.json",
description = "Schema for NPM-Link-Up",
fileMatch = {"nlu.json", ".nlu.json"},
url = ""
name = ".nodehawkrc",
description = "JSON schema for .nodehawkrc configuration files.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {".nodehawkrc"}
name = "nodemon.json",
description = "JSON schema for nodemon.json configuration files.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"nodemon.json"}
name = ".npmpackagejsonlintrc",
description = "Configuration file for npm-package-json-lint",
fileMatch = {".npmpackagejsonlintrc", "npmpackagejsonlintrc.json", ".npmpackagejsonlintrc.json"},
url = ""
name = "nuget-project.json",
description = "JSON schema for NuGet project.json files.",
url = "",
versions = {["3.3.0"] = ""}
name = "nswag.json",
description = "JSON schema for nswag configuration",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"nswag.json"}
name = "oathkeeper.yml",
description = "ORY Oathkeeper configuration file",
fileMatch = {"oathkeeper.json", "oathkeeper.yml", "oathkeeper.yaml", "oathkeeper.toml"},
url = ""
name = "ocelot.json",
description = "JSON schema for the Ocelot Api Gateway.",
fileMatch = {"ocelot.json"},
url = ""
name = "omnisharp.json",
description = "Omnisharp Configuration file",
fileMatch = {"omnisharp.json"},
url = ""
name = "openapi.json",
description = "A JSON schema for Open API documentation files",
fileMatch = {"openapi.json", "openapi.yml", "openapi.yaml"},
url = "",
versions = {
["3.0"] = "",
["3.1"] = ""
name = "openfin.json",
description = "OpenFin application configuration file",
url = ""
name = "kratos.yml",
description = "ORY Kratos configuration file",
fileMatch = {"kratos.json", "kratos.yml", "kratos.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "package.json",
description = "NPM configuration file",
fileMatch = {"package.json"},
url = ""
name = "package.manifest",
description = "Umbraco package configuration file",
fileMatch = {"package.manifest"},
url = "",
versions = {
["8.0.0"] = "",
["7.0.0"] = ""
name = "Packer",
description = "Packer template JSON configuration",
fileMatch = {"packer.json"},
url = ""
name = "pgap_yaml_input_reader",
description = "NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP) input metadata (submol) JSON/YAML configuration file",
fileMatch = {"submol*.json", "submol*.yml", "submol*.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "pattern.json",
description = "Patternplate pattern manifest file",
fileMatch = {"pattern.json"},
url = ""
name = ".pmbot.yml",
description = "Pmbot configuration file",
fileMatch = {".pmbot.yml"},
url = ""
name = "PocketMine plugin.yml",
description = "PocketMine plugin manifest file",
fileMatch = {"plugin.yml"},
url = ""
name = ".pre-commit-config.yml",
description = "pre-commit configuration file",
fileMatch = {".pre-commit-config.yml", ".pre-commit-config.yaml"},
url = ""
name = ".phraseapp.yml",
description = "PhraseApp configuration file",
fileMatch = {".phraseapp.yml"},
url = ""
name = "prettierrc.json",
description = ".prettierrc configuration file",
fileMatch = {".prettierrc", ".prettierrc.json", ".prettierrc.yml", ".prettierrc.yaml"},
url = "",
versions = {["1.8.2"] = ""}
name = "prisma.yml",
description = "prisma.yml service definition file",
fileMatch = {"prisma.yml"},
url = ""
name = "project.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
fileMatch = {"project.json"},
url = "",
versions = {
["1.0.0-beta3"] = "",
["1.0.0-beta4"] = "",
["1.0.0-beta5"] = "",
["1.0.0-beta6"] = "",
["1.0.0-beta8"] = "",
["1.0.0-rc1"] = "",
["1.0.0-rc1-update1"] = "",
["1.0.0-rc2"] = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-beta3.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-beta4.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-beta5.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-beta6.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-beta8.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-rc1.json",
description = "ASP.NET vNext project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "project-1.0.0-rc2.json",
description = ".NET Core project configuration file",
url = ""
name = "prometheus.json",
description = "Prometheus configuration file",
fileMatch = {"prometheus.yml"},
url = ""
name = "prometheus.rules.json",
description = "Prometheus rules file",
fileMatch = {"*.rules"},
url = ""
name = "proxies.json",
description = "JSON schema for Azure Function Proxies proxies.json files",
fileMatch = {"proxies.json"},
url = ""
name = "pubspec.yaml",
description = "Schema for pubspecs, the format used by Dart's dependency manager",
fileMatch = {"pubspec.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "pyrseas-0.8.json",
description = "Pyrseas database schema versioning for Postgres databases, v0.8",
fileMatch = {"pyrseas-0.8.json"},
url = ""
name = "Red-DiscordBot Сog",
description = "Red-DiscordBot Сog metadata file",
fileMatch = {"info.json"},
url = ""
name = "Red-DiscordBot Сog Repo",
description = "Red-DiscordBot Сog Repo metadata file",
fileMatch = {"info.json"},
url = ""
name = "*.resjson",
description = "Windows App localization file",
fileMatch = {"*.resjson"},
url = ""
name = "JSON Resume",
description = "A JSON format to describe resumes",
fileMatch = {"resume.json"},
url = ""
name = "Renovate",
description = "Renovate config file (",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = "RoadRunner",
description = "Spiral Roadrunner config file schema",
url = "",
fileMatch = {".rr*.yml", ".rr*.yaml"},
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["2.0"] = ""
name = "sarif-1.0.0.json",
description = "Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) version 1",
url = ""
name = "sarif-2.0.0.json",
description = "Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) version 2",
url = ""
name = "sarif-2.1.0-rtm.2",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF), Version 2.1.0-rtm.2",
url = ""
name = "sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.2",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) External Property File Format, Version 2.1.0-rtm.2",
url = ""
name = "sarif-2.1.0-rtm.3",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF), Version 2.1.0-rtm.3",
url = ""
name = "sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.3",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) External Property File Format, Version 2.1.0-rtm.3",
url = ""
name = "sarif-2.1.0-rtm.4",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF), Version 2.1.0-rtm.4",
url = ""
name = "sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.4",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) External Property File Format, Version 2.1.0-rtm.4",
url = ""
name = "sarif-2.1.0-rtm.5",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF), Version 2.1.0-rtm.5",
url = ""
name = "sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.5",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) External Property File Format, Version 2.1.0-rtm.5",
url = ""
name = "sarif-2.1.0",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF), Version 2.1.0",
url = ""
name = "sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0",
description = "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) External Property File Format, Version 2.1.0",
url = ""
name = "Schema Catalog",
description = "JSON Schema catalog files compatible with",
url = ""
name = " - Action",
description = "JSON Schema for Action as defined by",
url = ""
name = " - ContactPoint",
description = "JSON Schema for ContactPoint as defined by",
url = ""
name = " - Place",
description = "JSON Schema for Place as defined by",
url = ""
name = " - Thing",
description = "JSON Schema for Thing as defined by",
url = ""
name = "Semgrep Rule",
description = "Semgrep code scanning patterns and rules",
fileMatch = {".semgrep/**.yaml", ".semgrep/**.yml", ".semgrep.yaml", ".semgrep.yml"},
url = ""
name = "settings.job",
description = "Azure Webjob settings file",
fileMatch = {"settings.job"},
url = ""
name = "skyuxconfig.json",
description = "SKY UX CLI configuration file",
fileMatch = {"skyuxconfig.json", "skyuxconfig.*.json"},
url = ""
name = "snapcraft",
description = "snapcraft project (",
fileMatch = {".snapcraft.yaml", "snapcraft.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Solidarity",
description = "CLI config for enforcing environment settings",
fileMatch = {".solidarity", ".solidarity.json"},
url = ""
name = "Source Maps v3",
description = "Source Map files version 3",
fileMatch = {"*.map"},
url = ""
name = "Sponge Mixin configuration",
description = "Configuration file for SpongePowered's Mixin library",
fileMatch = {"*.mixins.json"},
url = ""
name = ".sprite files",
description = "Schema for image sprite generation files",
fileMatch = {"*.sprite"},
url = ""
name = "Azure Static Web Apps configuration file",
description = "Documentation:",
fileMatch = {"staticwebapp.config.json"},
url = ""
name = "StackHead CLI config",
description = "Configuration file for StackHead CLI. See",
fileMatch = {".stackhead-cli.yml"},
url = ""
name = "StackHead module configuration",
description = "Configuration file for StackHead modules. See",
fileMatch = {"stackhead-module.yml"},
url = ""
name = "StackHead project definition",
description = "Project definition file for deploying projects with StackHead. See",
fileMatch = {"*.stackhead.yml", "*.stackhead.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Stryker Mutator",
description = "Configuration file for Stryker Mutator, the mutation testing framework for JavaScript and friends. See",
fileMatch = {"stryker.conf.json", "stryker-*.conf.json"},
url = ""
name = "StyleCop Analyzers Configuration",
description = "Configuration file for StyleCop Analyzers",
fileMatch = {"stylecop.json"},
url = ""
name = ".stylelintrc",
description = "Configuration file for stylelint",
fileMatch = {".stylelintrc", "stylelintrc.json", ".stylelintrc.json"},
url = ""
name = "Swagger API 2.0",
description = "Swagger API 2.0 schema",
fileMatch = {"swagger.json"},
url = ""
name = "Taurus",
description = "Taurus bzt cli framework config",
fileMatch = {"bzt.yml", "bzt.yaml", "taurus.yml", "taurus.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "template.json",
description = "JSON schema .NET template files",
fileMatch = {".template.config/template.json"},
url = ""
name = "templatsources.json",
description = "SideWaffle template source schema",
fileMatch = {"templatesources.json"},
url = ""
name = "tmLanguage",
description = "Language grammar description files in Textmate and compatible editors",
fileMatch = {"*.tmLanguage.json"},
url = ""
name = ".travis.yml",
description = "Travis CI configuration file",
fileMatch = {".travis.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Traefik v2",
description = "Traefik v2 YAML configuration file",
fileMatch = {"traefik.yml", "traefik.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Traefik v2 File Provider",
description = "Traefik v2 Dynamic Configuration File Provider",
url = ""
name = "tsconfig.json",
description = "TypeScript compiler configuration file",
fileMatch = {"tsconfig.json"},
url = ""
name = "tsd.json",
description = "JSON schema for DefinatelyTyped description manager (TSD)",
fileMatch = {"tsd.json"},
url = ""
name = "tsdrc.json",
description = "TypeScript Definition manager (tsd) global settings file",
fileMatch = {".tsdrc"},
url = ""
name = "ts-force-config.json",
description = "Generated Typescript classes for Salesforce",
fileMatch = {"ts-force-config.json"},
url = ""
name = "tslint.json",
description = "TypeScript Lint configuration file",
fileMatch = {"tslint.json", "tslint.yaml", "tslint.yml"},
url = ""
name = "typewiz.json",
description = "Typewiz configuration file",
fileMatch = {"typewiz.json"},
url = ""
name = "typings.json",
description = "Typings TypeScript definitions manager definition file",
fileMatch = {"typings.json"},
url = ""
name = "typingsrc.json",
description = "Typings TypeScript definitions manager configuration file",
fileMatch = {".typingsrc"},
url = ""
name = "up.json",
description = "Up configuration file",
fileMatch = {"up.json"},
url = ""
name = "UI5 Manifest",
description = "UI5 Manifest (manifest.json)",
fileMatch = {"webapp/manifest.json", "src/main/webapp/manifest.json"},
url = ""
name = "ui5.yaml",
description = "UI5 Tooling Configuration File (ui5.yaml)",
fileMatch = {"ui5.yaml", "*-ui5.yaml", "*.ui5.yaml", "ui5-deploy.yaml", "ui5-dist.yaml", "ui5-local.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "vega.json",
description = "Vega visualization specification file",
fileMatch = {"*.vg", "*.vg.json"},
url = ""
name = "vega-lite.json",
description = "Vega-Lite visualization specification file",
fileMatch = {"*.vl", "*.vl.json"},
url = ""
name = "Vela Pipeline Configuration",
description = "Vela Pipeline Configuration File",
fileMatch = {".vela.yml", ".vela.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "version.json",
description = "A project version descriptor file used by Nerdbank.GitVersioning",
fileMatch = {"version.json"},
url = ""
name = "vim-addon-info",
description = "JSON schema for vim plugin addon-info.json metadata files",
fileMatch = {"*vim*/addon-info.json"},
url = ""
name = "vsls.json",
description = "Visual Studio Live Share configuration file",
fileMatch = {".vsls.json"},
url = ""
name = "",
description = "JSON schema for Visual Studio template host file",
fileMatch = {""},
url = ""
name = "vs-nesting.json",
description = "JSON schema for Visual Studio's file nesting feature",
fileMatch = {"*.filenesting.json", ".filenesting.json"},
url = ""
name = ".vsconfig",
description = "JSON schema for Visual Studio component configuration files",
fileMatch = {"*.vsconfig"},
url = ""
name = ".vsext",
description = "JSON schema for Visual Studio extension pack manifests",
fileMatch = {"*.vsext"},
url = ""
name = "VSIX CLI publishing",
description = "JSON schema for Visual Studio extension publishing",
fileMatch = {"vs-publish.json"},
url = ""
name = "vss-extension.json",
description = "JSON Schema for Azure DevOps Extensions",
fileMatch = {"vss-extension.json"},
url = ""
name = "WebExtensions",
description = "JSON schema for WebExtension manifest files",
fileMatch = {"manifest.json"},
url = ""
name = "Web App Manifest",
description = "Web Application manifest file",
fileMatch = {"manifest.json", "*.webmanifest"},
url = ""
name = "webjobs-list.json",
description = "Azure Webjob list file",
fileMatch = {"webjobs-list.json"},
url = ""
name = "webjobpublishsettings.json",
description = "Azure Webjobs publish settings file",
fileMatch = {"webjobpublishsettings.json"},
url = ""
name = "Web types",
description = "JSON standard for web component libraries metadata",
fileMatch = {"web-types.json", "*.web-types.json"},
url = ""
{name = "JSON-stat 2.0", description = "JSON-stat 2.0 Schema", url = ""},
name = "KSP-AVC",
description = "The .version file format for KSP-AVC",
fileMatch = {"*.version"},
url = ""
name = "KSP-CKAN",
description = "Metadata spec for KSP-CKAN",
fileMatch = {"*.ckan"},
url = ""
name = "JSON Schema Draft 4",
description = "Meta-validation schema for JSON Schema Draft 4",
url = ""
name = "JSON Schema Draft 7",
description = "Meta-validation schema for JSON Schema Draft 7",
url = ""
name = "JSON Schema Draft 8",
description = "Meta-validation schema for JSON Schema Draft 8",
url = ""
name = "xunit.runner.json",
description = " runner configuration file",
fileMatch = {"xunit.runner.json"},
url = ""
name = "servicehub.service.json",
description = "Microsoft ServiceHub Service",
fileMatch = {"*.servicehub.service.json"},
url = ""
name = "servicehub.config.json",
description = "Microsoft ServiceHub Configuration",
fileMatch = {"servicehub.config.json"},
url = ""
name = ".cryproj engine-5.2",
description = "A JSON schema for CRYENGINE projects (.cryproj files)",
fileMatch = {"*.cryproj"},
url = ""
name = ".cryproj engine-5.3",
description = "A JSON schema for CRYENGINE projects (.cryproj files)",
fileMatch = {"*.cryproj"},
url = ""
name = ".cryproj engine-5.4",
description = "A JSON schema for CRYENGINE projects (.cryproj files)",
fileMatch = {"*.cryproj"},
url = ""
name = ".cryproj engine-5.5",
description = "A JSON schema for CRYENGINE projects (.cryproj files)",
fileMatch = {"*.cryproj"},
url = ""
name = ".cryproj engine-dev",
description = "A JSON schema for CRYENGINE projects (.cryproj files)",
fileMatch = {"*.cryproj"},
url = ""
name = ".cryproj (generic)",
description = "A JSON schema for CRYENGINE projects (.cryproj files)",
fileMatch = {"*.cryproj"},
url = ""
name = "typedoc.json",
description = "A JSON schema for the Typedoc configuration file",
fileMatch = {"typedoc.json"},
url = ""
name = "huskyrc",
description = "Husky can prevent bad `git commit`, `git push` and more 🐶 woof!",
fileMatch = {".huskyrc", ".huskyrc.json"},
url = ""
name = ".lintstagedrc",
description = "JSON schema for lint-staged config",
fileMatch = {".lintstagedrc", ".lintstagedrc.json"},
url = ""
name = "mta.yaml",
description = "A JSON schema for MTA projects v3.3",
fileMatch = {"mta.yaml", "mta.yml"},
url = ""
name = "mtad.yaml",
description = "A JSON schema for MTA deployment descriptors v3.3",
fileMatch = {"mtad.yaml", "mtad.yml"},
url = ""
name = ".mtaext",
description = "A JSON schema for MTA extension descriptors v3.3",
fileMatch = {"*.mtaext"},
url = ""
name = "xs-app.json",
description = "JSON schema for the SAP Application Router v8.2.2",
fileMatch = {"xs-app.json"},
url = ""
name = "Opctl",
description = "Opctl schema for describing an op",
url = "",
fileMatch = {".opspec/*/*.yml", ".opspec/*/*.yaml"}
name = "HEMTT",
description = "HEMTT Project File",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"hemtt.json", "hemtt.toml"},
versions = {["0.6.2"] = ""}
name = "now",
description = "ZEIT Now project configuration file",
fileMatch = {"now.json"},
url = ""
name = "taskcat",
description = "taskcat",
fileMatch = {".taskcat.yml"},
url = ""
name = "BizTalkServerApplicationSchema",
description = "BizTalk server application inventory json file.",
fileMatch = {"BizTalkServerInventory.json"},
url = ""
name = "httpmockrc",
description = "Http-mocker is a tool for mock local requests or proxy remote requests.",
fileMatch = {".httpmockrc", ".httpmock.json"},
url = ""
name = "neoload",
description = "Neotys as-code load test specification, more at:",
fileMatch = {".nl.yaml", ".nl.yml", ".nl.json", ".neoload.yaml", ".neoload.yml", ".neoload.json"},
url = ""
name = "release drafter",
description = "Release Drafter configuration file",
fileMatch = {".github/release-drafter.yml"},
url = ""
name = "zuul",
description = "Zuul CI configuration file",
fileMatch = {"*zuul.d/*.yaml", "*/.zuul.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Briefcase",
description = "Microsoft Briefcase configuration file",
fileMatch = {"briefcase.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "httparchive",
description = "HTTP Archive",
fileMatch = {"*.har"},
url = ""
name = "jsdoc",
description = "JSDoc configuration file",
fileMatch = {"conf.js*", "jsdoc.js*"},
url = ""
name = "Ray",
description = "Ray autocluster configuration file",
fileMatch = {"ray-*-cluster.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Hadolint",
description = "A smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images.",
fileMatch = {".hadolint.yaml", "hadolint.yaml", ".hadolint.yml", "hadolint.yml"},
url = ""
name = "helmfile",
description = "Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts",
fileMatch = {"helmfile.yaml", "helmfile.d/**/*.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Container Structure Test",
description = "The Container Structure Tests provide a powerful framework to validate the structure of a container image.",
fileMatch = {"container-structure-test.yaml", "structure-test.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "Žinoma",
description = "Žinoma incremental build configuration",
fileMatch = {"zinoma.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Windows Package Manager Singleton Manifest",
description = "Windows Package Manager Singleton Manifest file",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"manifests/*/*/*.yaml", "manifests/?/*/*/*/*.*.yaml"},
versions = {
["0.1"] = "",
["1.0.0"] = ""
name = "Windows Package Manager Installer Manifest",
description = "Windows Package Manager Installer Manifest file, used for detailing installer specific metadata.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"manifests/?/*/*/*/*.*.installer.yaml"}
name = "Windows Package Manager Locale Manifest",
description = "Windows Package Manager Locale Manifest file, used for detailing locale specific metadata.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"manifests/?/*/*/*/*.*.locale@(.en-US|fr-FR|it-IT|ja-JP|ko-KR|pt-BR|ru-RU|zh-CN|zh-TW).yaml"}
name = ".commitlintrc",
description = "JSON schema for commitlint configuration files",
fileMatch = {".commitlintrc", ".commitlintrc.json"},
url = ""
name = "Uniswap Token List",
description = "A list of tokens compatible with the Uniswap Interface",
fileMatch = {"*.tokenlist.json"},
url = ""
name = "Yippee-Ki-JSON configuration YML",
description = "Action and rule configuration descriptor for Yippee-Ki-JSON transformations.",
fileMatch = {"**/yippee-*.yml", "**/*.yippee.yml"},
url = "",
versions = {
["1.1.2"] = "",
latest = ""
name = "docker-compose.yml",
description = "The Compose specification establishes a standard for the definition of multi-container platform-agnostic applications. ",
fileMatch = {
url = ""
name = "devinit",
description = "Devinit configuration file schema.",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"devinit.json", ".devinit.json"},
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["2.0"] = "",
["3.0"] = "",
["4.0"] = "",
["5.0"] = "",
["6.0"] = ""
name = "tsoa",
description = "JSON Schema for the tsoa configuration file",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"**/tsoa.json"}
name = "API Builder",
description = " schema",
fileMatch = {"**/api.json"},
url = ""
name = "Gradle Enterprise",
description = "Gradle Enterprise configuration schema",
fileMatch = {"*gradle-enterprise.yml", "*gradle-enterprise.yaml"},
url = "",
versions = {
["1.0"] = "",
["2.0"] = ""
name = ".yarnrc.yml",
description = "JSON Schema for Yarnrc files",
fileMatch = {".yarnrc.yml"},
url = ""
name = "beau.yml",
description = "JSON Schema for a Beaujs Requests file.",
fileMatch = {"beau.yml"},
url = ""
name = "comet",
description = "JSON Schema for a Comet Data Pipeline.",
fileMatch = {"*.comet.yaml", "*.comet.yml"},
url = ""
name = "swcrc",
description = "JSON Schema for swc configuration files.",
fileMatch = {".swcrc"},
url = ""
name = "OpenWeather Road Risk API",
description = "JSON Schema for OpenWeather Road Risk API responses.",
fileMatch = {},
url = ""
name = "OpenWeather Current Weather API",
description = "JSON Schema for OpenWeather Current Weather API responses.",
fileMatch = {},
url = ""
name = "JSON-e templates",
description = "JSON Schema for JSON-e templates.",
fileMatch = {},
url = ""
name = "Taskfile YAML Schema",
description = "JSON Schema for Taskfile files.",
fileMatch = {"Taskfile.yaml", "Taskfile.yml"},
url = ""
name = "Containerlab",
description = "JSON Schema for Containerlab topology definition files.",
fileMatch = {"*-clab.yaml", "*-clab.yml", "*.clab.yaml", "*.clab.yml"},
url = ""
name = "SpecIF",
description = "The Specification Integration Facility (SpecIF) integrates partial system models from different methods and tools in a semantic net. See and",
url = "",
fileMatch = {"*.specif", "*.specif.json"},
versions = {["1.0"] = ""}
name = "User Journey Map YAML Schema",
description = "JSON Schema for user journey map definition files.",
fileMatch = {"*.jm.yaml", "*.jm.yml"},
url = ""
name = "RKE Cluster Configuration YAML Schema",
description = "YAML Schema for the cluster.yml configuration file for RKE",
fileMatch = {"cluster.yml", "cluster.yaml"},
url = ""
name = "RKE Cluster Configuration JSON Schema",
description = "JSON Schema for the cluster.json configuration file for RKE",
fileMatch = {"cluster.json"},
url = ""
name = "Liquibase",
description = "Use this schema to get auto-suggestions for your liquibase JSON/YAML files.",
fileMatch = {"**/db/changelog/**/*.yaml", "**/db/changelog/**/*.yml", "**/db/changelog/**/*.json"},
url = ""
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