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Created October 15, 2018 07:10
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test huge 'hoge huge huga' hoga # Zero width spaces Lorem​Ipsum​Dolor​Sit​Amet​Consectetur​Adipiscing​Elit​Sed​Do​Eiusmod​Tempor​Incididunt​Ut​Labore​Et​Dolore​Magna​Aliqua​Ut​Enim​Ad​Minim​Veniam​Quis​Nostrud​Exercitation​Ullamco​Laboris​Nisi​Ut​Aliquip​Ex​Ea​Commodo​Consequat​Duis​Aute​Irure​Dolor​In​Reprehenderit​In​Voluptate​Velit​Esse​Cillum​Dolore​Eu​Fugiat​Nulla​Pariatur​Excepteur​Sint​​Occaecat​Cupidatat​Non​Proident​Sunt​In​Culpa​Qui​Officia​Deserunt​Mollit​Anim​Id​Est​Laborum   क्‍ष [ ] ] ] ]a ] ]indent tab ]indent space # Non breakable spaces  Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Consectetur Adipiscing Elit Sed Do Eiusmod Tempor Incididunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magna Aliqua Ut Enim Ad Minim Veniam Quis Nostrud Exercitation Ullamco Laboris Nisi Ut Aliquip Ex Ea Commodo Consequat Duis Aute Irure Dolor In Reprehenderit In Voluptate Velit Esse Cillum Dolore Eu Fugiat Nulla Pariatur Excepteur Sint Occaecat Cupidatat Non Proident Sunt 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦In Culpa Qui Officia Deserunt Mollit Anim Id Est Laborum 邊👩🏼a 👦🏼 国旗🇯🇵 家族👨‍👨‍👦 男の子 Unicode: U+1F466 U+1F3FC, UTF-8: F0 9F 91 A6 F0 9F 8F BC 🈯 🈯︎ 🈯️ # U+1f22f 🈲 🈲︎ 🈲️ # U+1f232 [����](88:High carat) 1️⃣ # Right double quotation mark [�](82:High code comma) [�](84:High code double comma) [�](85:Tripple dot) [�](88:High carat) [�](91:Forward single quote) [�](92:Reverse single quote) [�](93:Forward double quote) [�](94:Reverse double quote) [�](95: Message Waiting) [�](96:High hyphen) [�](97:Double hyphen) [�](99:) [�](80:) [�](90:) [�](9b:) [�](9f:) [ ](a0: no-break space) [¦](a6:Split vertical bar) [«](ab:Double less than) [»](bb:Double greater than) [¼](bc:one quarter) [½](bd:one half) [¾](be:three quarters) [¿](bf:c-single quote) [¨](a8:modifier - under curve) [±](b1:modifier - under line) [ ](1680: ogham space mark) [᠎](180e: mongolian vowel separator) [ ](2000: en quad) [ ](2001: em quad) [ ](2002: en space) [ ](2003: em space) [ ](2004: three-per-em space) [ ](2005: four-per-em space) [ ](2006: six-per-em space) [ ](2007: figure space) [ ](2008: punctuation space) [ ](2009: thin space) [ ](200a: hair space) [​](200b: zero width space) [‍](200d: zero width joiner) [–](2013:# en dash) [—](2014:# em dash) [
](2028:# line separator space) [ ](202f: narrow no-break space) [ ](205f: medium mathematical space) [ ](3000: ideographic space) [](feff: zero width no-break space) [;](37e:greek question mark) [](0:) [�](11:) [�](12:) [�](13:) [�](14:) [�](1b:) [¸](b8:cadilla) [ǀ](1c0:latin letter dental click) [∣](2223:divides) [�](3:Start of text) [‚](201a:Low quotation mark - looks like comma)" [￰](fff0) [﷽]
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