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Created November 29, 2015 20:17
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import autopy.mouse as mouse
from PIL import ImageGrab
from autopy.mouse import LEFT_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON
import time
tiles = ["224224224255","255255153255", "2553636255", "0242174255", "44139255255", "221165250255", "552340255", "255211189255", "1590242255", "2551810255", "192192192255", "2062500255"]
tileMapping = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUWXYZ"
width = 570
height = 682
x = 54
y = 142
tileWidth = 80
tileHeight = 84
boardX = 7
boardY = 8
def getSum(value):
suma = ""
for i in value:
suma = suma + str(i)
return suma
def getBoard():
board = []
screenshot = ImageGrab.grab()
for j in range(boardY):
current = ""
for i in range(boardX):
currentValue = screenshot.getpixel((x+tileWidth*i + tileWidth/4, y+tileHeight*j + tileHeight/4))
index = 33
index = tiles.index(getSum(currentValue))
print("Unidentified block")
current = current + tileMapping[index]
visited = []
for i in range(boardY):
v = []
for j in range(boardX):
def dfs(start, currentX, currentY, root):
if(currentX < 0 or currentX >= boardX or currentY < 0 or currentY >= boardY):
return '0';
return '0';
visited[currentY][currentX] = True;
if(board[currentY][currentX] == start and not root):
return "";
if(board[currentY][currentX] != '0' and not root):
return '0'
left = dfs(start, currentX-1, currentY, False);
right = dfs(start, currentX+1, currentY, False);
up = dfs(start, currentX, currentY-1, False);
down = dfs(start, currentX, currentY+1, False);
if(left != '0'):
return 'l'+left;
if(right != '0'):
return 'r'+right;
if(up != '0'):
return 'u'+up;
if(down != '0'):
return 'd'+down;
return '0';
def executeMove(startX, startY, moveSequence):
sx = x + startX * tileWidth + tileWidth/4
sy = y + startY * tileHeight + tileHeight/4
mouse.move(sx, sy)
for i in range(len(moveSequence)):
if(moveSequence[i] == 'l'):
sx = sx - tileWidth
if(moveSequence[i] == 'r'):
sx = sx + tileWidth
if(moveSequence[i] == 'u'):
sy = sy - tileHeight
if(moveSequence[i] == 'd'):
sy = sy + tileHeight
mouse.smooth_move(sx, sy)
def getBestMove(board):
minLength = 10000
bestMove = ""
bestX = 0
bestY = 0
for i in range(boardY):
for j in range(boardX):
if(board[i][j] != '0'):
for k in range(boardY):
for l in range(boardX):
visited[k][l] = False;
guess = dfs(board[i][j], j, i, True);
if(guess != '0'):
if(len(guess) < minLength):
bestMove = guess
minLength = len(guess)
bestX = j
bestY = i
if(bestMove != ""):
print("Move found, executing")
executeMove(bestX, bestY, bestMove)
print("Finished executing move")
print("No move found")
print("Getting board...")
board = getBoard();
print("Got board, finding a possible move")
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