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Created March 31, 2021 14:12
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import glob
import unittest
import re
from libads import ADS # Our Python library for parsing
class ADSTester(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.filenames = glob.glob("S*.md")
def test_splunk_no_escaped_wildcard(self):
escaped_wildcard = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\\\*")
for fn in self.filenames:
a = ADS(fn)
alerts = a.get_splunk_alerts()
for alert in alerts:
with self.subTest(filename=fn):
assert == None
def test_splunk_bad_string_escape(self):
esc_str = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\\[a-zaA-Z0-9]+")
for fn in self.filenames:
a = ADS(fn)
alerts = a.get_splunk_alerts()
for alert in alerts:
with self.subTest(filename=fn):
for cmd in alert.query.split("|"):
if re.match(r"^\s*(regex|rex)\s", cmd):
# ignore real regexp commands
assert not
def test_splunk_unbalanced_quotes(self):
for fn in self.filenames:
a = ADS(fn)
alerts = a.get_splunk_alerts()
for alert in alerts:
count = 0
with self.subTest(filename=fn):
prev = alert.query[0]
for char in alert.query[1:]:
if char == '"' and prev != "\\":
count += 1
prev = char
assert (count % 2) == 0
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