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Subscribe · Featured · Recent essays
Why developers are leaving the Facebook platform
Attitudes towards the Facebook platform have changed
Recently, Bill Gurley of Benchmark wrote a great piece on how platform companies like Facebook, iOS, Android, eBay, and others manage the ecosystem around them. It’s an important essay and I’d recommend you all read it. I found myself nodding my head as Facebook was discussed. In recent conversations with fellow entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, it’s become a common belief that Facebook has become an undesirable platform for a startup to build their company.
require 'json'
require 'csv'
hnh = JSON.parse('hackersandhustlers2.json'))
names = []
# Make a list of all the unique names in hnh
hnh.each { |post| names << post['from']['name'] }
ppl = []
names = names.uniq!
1 Nathan Bashaw 820
2 Alex Southern 313
3 Alex Schiff 307
4 Eric Jorgenson 250
5 Joe Minock 217
6 Jeff Epstein 212
7 Ajay Kapoor 188
// Scratchpad Intro
var intro =
' body {background: #DDD6B2;}',
' .container {',
' background: #fff;',
# hotness = age_in_minutes / (votes**2.5)
age_in_minutes = (((link.created_at.to_f / 60).floor * 60) - (( / 60).floor * 60)) / -60
hotness = age_in_minutes / (link.votes**2.5)
nbashaw /
Created September 26, 2012 23:41
Here's a quick tutorial that will help you hack on H&H data

Hacking H&H with Ruby

Thanks to Kyle Mulka for scraping the data and putting it in a nice .json format!

Want to use Ruby to hack on H&H data? Good. I will teach you. Some assumptions I'm making about your computer:

  1. You have ruby
  2. You have rubygems
  3. You're on OS X or Linux.

If you don't have either of those things, google around. Now let's get going!

-c[Zbmi .-=cv\~c=i\_i~/i=!===v~/~vvv|/\cc~_==c!!|~c||\_iv~_!!i_iv/~/i=c/=!//c_c=vv~c[e+/ez][)eeT[(Vz7(T=!/~-
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,YPPXQ( !\(jcc!//|c_\v~!!!c!~~!\|v_!_

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke

nbashaw@nbw-mbp:~/projects/coinbase(feature-nathan⚡) » port search memcache 1 ↵
Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider using selfupdate
apr_memcache @0.7.0 (devel)
memcached client in C
java_memcached @2.0.1 (java)
A high performance, distributed object caching system.
libmemcache @1.4.0.rc2 (devel)
C library for memcached.