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How narrowing your target market can unlock growth

Here’s all the metrics you can improve by narrowing your market:

  1. Word of mouth / virality - When you have a clear, focused marketing message (e.g. “Volley is a community for entrepreneurs to help each other” vs. “Volley is a community for people to help each other”) it becomes easier to spread to the right people. I now might think to tell an entrepreneur friend about it if they need help, whereas before I didn’t link “Volley” with “Entrepreneurs” in my mind.
  2. Conversion rate - I’m more likely to sign up for a community for entrepreneurs than a site that lets people help people, because it’s more clear what kind of help I can expect to get and give.
  3. Activation - If you have a concentration of people who share similar needs and abilities, more requests will get fulfilled quicker than if there is a huge diversity of needs from different kinds of people. Basically, you can reach market liquidity faster. This will get more people to the “
# hotness = age_in_minutes / (votes**2.5)
age_in_minutes = (((link.created_at.to_f / 60).floor * 60) - (( / 60).floor * 60)) / -60
hotness = age_in_minutes / (link.votes**2.5)
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there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke

nbashaw@nbw-mbp:~/projects/coinbase(feature-nathan⚡) » port search memcache 1 ↵
Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider using selfupdate
apr_memcache @0.7.0 (devel)
memcached client in C
java_memcached @2.0.1 (java)
A high performance, distributed object caching system.
libmemcache @1.4.0.rc2 (devel)
C library for memcached.
nbashaw / sorryWereClosed.html
Created June 28, 2012 17:29
Hides Olark before 8am and after 5pm Pacific time
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// Hide Olark before 8am and after 5pm
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<!-- 2 == required, 1 == show -->
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