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nbdd0121/ Secret

Created August 7, 2024 19:29
Find noreturn symbols from object files
#!/usr/bin/env -S cargo -Zscript
object = "0.36"
gimli = "0.31"
use gimli::read::EndianSlice;
use object::{Object, ObjectSection};
use std::error::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let name = std::env::args()
.ok_or_else(|| "no argument")?;
let data = std::fs::read(&name)?;
let file = object::File::parse(&*data)?;
let loader = |section: gimli::SectionId| -> Result<_, Box<dyn Error>> {
let data = match file.section_by_name( {
Some(section) =>,
None => &[],
Ok(EndianSlice::new(data, gimli::LittleEndian))
let dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(loader)?;
let mut iter = dwarf.units();
while let Some(header) = {
let unit = dwarf.unit(header)?;
let mut entries = unit.entries();
while let Some((_, entry)) = entries.next_dfs()? {
if entry.tag() == gimli::DW_TAG_subprogram {
let Some(attr) = entry.attr(gimli::DW_AT_linkage_name)? else {
let name = attr
.ok_or_else(|| "name is not str?")?
if let Some(attr) = entry.attr(gimli::DW_AT_noreturn)? {
if matches!(attr.value(), gimli::read::AttributeValue::Flag(true)) {
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