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Last active May 28, 2017 11:47
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CxxWrap accumulator
#include "jlcxx/jlcxx.hpp"
#include "xtensor-julia/jltensor.hpp" // Import the jltensor container definition
#include "xtensor-julia/jlarray.hpp" // Import the jltensor container definition
#include "xtensor/xmath.hpp" // xtensor import for the C++ universal functions
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "accumulator.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/min.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
using boost::accumulators::min;
using boost::accumulators::max;
template<typename accum_t>
inline typename accum_t::sample_type do_mean (accum_t const& accum) {
return mean (accum);
template<typename accum_t>
inline typename accum_t::sample_type do_count (accum_t const& accum) {
return count (accum);
template<typename accum_t>
inline typename decomplexify<typename accum_t::sample_type>::type do_var (accum_t const& accum) {
return abs_sqr (accum) - norm (mean (accum));
template<typename accum_t>
inline typename decomplexify<typename accum_t::sample_type>::type do_rms (accum_t const& accum) {
return sqrt (do_var (accum));
template<typename accum_t>
std::string do_2nd_str (accum_t const& a) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "mean: " << do_mean (a) << " rms: " << do_rms (a);
return os.str();
template<typename accum_t>
std::string do_1st_str (accum_t const& a) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << do_mean (a);
return os.str();
template<typename accum_t>
inline typename accum_t::sample_type do_min (accum_t const& accum) {
return min (accum);
template<typename accum_t>
inline typename accum_t::sample_type do_max (accum_t const& accum) {
return max (accum);
template<typename accum_t>
std::string do_extrema_str (accum_t const& a) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "min: " << do_min (a) << " max: " << do_max (a);
return os.str();
template<typename acc_t>
acc_t call (acc_t& a, typename acc_t::sample_type s) {
return a;
template<typename el_t>
void expose_2nd (const char* name, jlcxx::Module& mod) {
typedef accumulator_set<el_t,stats<tag::mean,tag::abs_sqr> > accum_t;
//.def (py::init<>()) only def constr
// .method ("call", [](accum_t& a, xt::jlarray<el_t> const& s) {
// // for (auto iter = s.storage_begin(); iter != s.storage_end(); ++iter) a(*iter);
// for (auto e : s) a(e);
// return a;
// })
//.method ("call", [](accum_t& a, el_t s) { a(s); return a; })
//.method ("call", &call<accum_t>)
// .def ("__iadd__", [](accum_t& a, xt::pyarray<el_t> const& s) {
// // for (auto iter = s.storage_begin(); iter != s.storage_end(); ++iter) a(*iter);
// for (auto e : s) a(e);
// return a;
// }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__iadd__", [](accum_t& a, el_t s) { a(s); return a; }, py::is_operator())
mod.method ("call", [](accum_t & a, el_t s) { a(s); return a;});
mod.method ("mean", [](accum_t const& a) { return mean(a); });
mod.method ("call", [](accum_t& a, xt::jlarray<el_t> const& s) {
for (auto e : s) a(e);
return a;
mod.method ("var", &do_var<accum_t>);
// .def_property_readonly ("count", &do_count<accum_t>)
// .def_property_readonly ("var", &do_var<accum_t>)
// .def_property_readonly ("rms", &do_rms<accum_t>)
// .def ("Mean", &do_mean<accum_t>)
// .def ("Var", &do_var<accum_t>)
// .def ("RMS", &do_rms<accum_t>)
// .def ("__repr__", &do_2nd_str<accum_t>)
// template<typename el_t>
// static py::object expose_1st (const char* name, py::module m) {
// typedef accumulator_set<el_t,stats<tag::mean> > accum_t;
// py::class_<accum_t> pyclass (m, name);
// pyclass
// .def (py::init<>())
// .def ("__call__", [](accum_t& a, xt::pyarray<el_t> const& s) {
// for (auto e : s) a(e);
// return a;
// }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__call__", [](accum_t& a, el_t s) { a(s); return a; }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__iadd__", [](accum_t& a, xt::pyarray<el_t> const& s) {
// for (auto e : s) a(e);
// return a;
// }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__iadd__", [](accum_t& a, el_t s) { a(s); return a; }, py::is_operator())
// .def_property_readonly ("mean", &do_mean<accum_t>)
// .def_property_readonly ("count", &do_count<accum_t>)
// .def ("__repr__", &do_1st_str<accum_t>)
// ;
// return pyclass;
// }
// template<typename el_t>
// static void expose_extrema (const char* name, py::module m) {
// typedef accumulator_set<el_t,stats<tag::min,tag::max> > accum_t;
// py::class_<accum_t> (m, name)
// .def (py::init<>())
// .def ("__call__", [](accum_t& a, xt::pyarray<el_t> const& s) {
// for (auto e : s) a(e);
// return a;
// }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__call__", [](accum_t& a, el_t s) { a(s); return a; }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__iadd__", [](accum_t& a, xt::pyarray<el_t> const& s) {
// for (auto e : s) a(e);
// return a;
// }, py::is_operator())
// .def ("__iadd__", [](accum_t& a, el_t s) { a(s); return a; }, py::is_operator())
// .def_property_readonly ("min", &do_min<accum_t>)
// .def_property_readonly ("max", &do_max<accum_t>)
// .def ("__repr__", &do_extrema_str<accum_t>)
// ;
// }
jlcxx::Module& acc = registry.create_module("accumulator");
expose_2nd<double> ("stat2nd_double", acc);
expose_2nd<complex_t> ("stat2nd_complex", acc);
// py::object stat1st_double_obj = expose_1st<double> ("stat1st_double", m);
// py::object stat1st_complex_obj = expose_1st<complex_t> ("stat1st_complex", m);
// py::object stat2nd_float_obj = expose_2nd<float> ("stat2nd_float", m);
// py::object stat2nd_complex64_obj = expose_2nd<complex64_t> ("stat2nd_complex64", m);
// py::object stat1st_float_obj = expose_1st<float> ("stat1st_float", m);
// py::object stat1st_complex64_obj = expose_1st<complex64_t> ("stat1st_complex64", m);
// // aliases
// m.attr ("accumulator_double") = stat2nd_double_obj;
// m.attr ("accumulator_complex") = stat2nd_complex_obj;
// expose_extrema<float> ("extrema_float", m);
// expose_extrema<double> ("extrema_double", m);
// expose_extrema<int32_t> ("extrema_int32", m);
// expose_extrema<int64_t> ("extrema_int64", m);
// return m.ptr();
#ifndef accumulator_hpp
#define accumulator_hpp
#include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/stats.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/moment.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <complex>
#include "Complex.H" // decomplexify
using namespace boost::accumulators;
typedef std::complex<double> complex_t;
inline double real (double x) { return x; }
inline double imag (double x) { return 0; }
inline double conj (double x) { return x; }
inline double norm (double x) { return x*x; }
template<typename T>
struct value_traits {
typedef T value_type;
template<typename T>
struct value_traits<std::complex<T> > {
typedef T value_type;
namespace boost { namespace accumulators { namespace impl {
template<typename Sample>
struct abs_sqr_accumulator
: accumulator_base {
//typedef typename Sample::value_type result_type;
typedef typename value_traits<Sample>::value_type result_type;
template<typename Args>
abs_sqr_accumulator (Args const& args) {}
template<typename Args>
void operator () (Args const& args) {
this->sum += real (args[sample]) * real (args[sample]) + imag (args[sample]) * imag (args[sample]);
template<typename Args>
result_type result (Args const& args) const {
return boost::numeric::average (this->sum, count (args));
result_type sum;
namespace boost { namespace accumulators { namespace tag {
struct abs_sqr
: depends_on< count > // depends_on<> to specify dependencies
// Define a nested typedef called 'impl' that specifies which
// accumulator implements this feature.
typedef accumulators::impl::abs_sqr_accumulator< mpl::_1 > impl;
namespace boost {
namespace accumulators {
namespace extract {
extractor< tag::abs_sqr> const abs_sqr = {};
using extract::abs_sqr;
#ifndef Complex_H
#define Complex_H
#include <complex>
typedef std::complex<double> Complex;
typedef std::complex<double> complex_t;
typedef std::complex<float> complex64_t;
typedef std::complex<long double> complex256_t;
// decomplexify ---------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
struct decomplexify_impl
typedef T type;
template <typename ELT>
struct decomplexify_impl<std::complex<ELT> >
typedef ELT type;
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T>
struct decomplexify
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type TT;
typedef typename decomplexify_impl<TT>::type type;
// complexify -----------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
struct complexify
typedef std::complex<T> type;
template <typename ELT>
struct complexify<std::complex<ELT> >
typedef std::complex<ELT> type;
using CxxWrap
using Xtensor
using accumulator: stat2nd_double, call, mean, stat2nd_complex, var
s = stat2nd_double()
call(s, 2.0)
#s2 = stat2nd_complex()
#call(s2, complex(2.0))
call(s, ones(10))
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