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Last active March 31, 2019 11:05
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Thinkful Functions
// Create a function called wisePerson that takes 2 arguments: wiseType and whatToSay.
// This function takes a block of text and presents it as a quote from the wise person.
// wiseType is the person the quote will be attributed to, and whatToSay is what the wise person will be quoted as saying.
// When called like this: wisePerson('goat', 'Hello world') should return the string 'A wise goat once said: "Hello world".'
const wisePerson = (wiseType, whatToSay) => `A wise ${wiseType} once said: "${whatToSay}"`
// Create a function that takes a single argument: whatToShout.
// The function should return an all-caps version of the string it's
// given with three exclamation points !!! at the end.
// Given the text shouter('as you can hear i am whispering'),
// the function should return "AS YOU CAN HEAR I AM WHISPERING!!!".
const whatToShout = str => `${toUpperCase(str)}!!!`
// Create a function called textNormalizer that takes a single argument: text.
// The function should return an all-lowercase string. Any spaces at the beginning
// or end of text should be stripped off.
// When called like this textNormalizer(" let's GO SURFING NOW everyone is learning
// how ") should return the value "let's go surfing now everyone is learning how".
const textNormalizer = text => {
let arr = text.split(" ").filter( element => element !== "" );
return arr.join(" ").toLowerCase();
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