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Created March 6, 2023 15:08
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Node Red - On Model 3 Charging Adjust Amperage From Car To Maximize Sun Without Grid Usage
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"func": "const right_now = msg.payload.right_powerwall_solar_now;\nconst left_estimate = msg.payload.left_powerwall_solar_estimation;\n\nif (right_now === 0)\n msg.payload = left_estimate;\nelse\n msg.payload = right_now * 2.0;\n\nmsg.topic = \"solar_current\";\n\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "Calculate the potential Right Powerwall Solar Output",
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"version": 3,
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"name": "state: Tesla Voltage",
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"version": 3,
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"halt_if_type": "str",
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"name": "Calculate Amps",
"func": "const current = msg.payload.solar_current;\nconst voltage = msg.payload.voltage;\n\n// reserve 1 kW for the house\nlet amps = ((current - 1) * 1000) / voltage;\n\nif (current === 0)\n amps = 40;\n\namps = Math.min(40, amps); // max of 40 amps allowed\namps = Math.max(5, amps); // min of 5 amps allowed\namps = Math.floor(amps);\n\nmsg.commandArgs = { amps };\n\nreturn msg;",
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