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Last active November 25, 2019 11:58
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Save nbevans/219a65ed04cc8c401a390e4acef70bdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixes MIME parsing on WebSharper OWIN middleware. Also implements request entity body limit to 20MB to prevent rogue request entity bodies. Also fixes other perf/robustness issues. Request entity bodies are streamed to file system temp file to avoid holding in memory. Search in code for "FIXUP" to find relevant edited areas. Requires reference t…
namespace WebSharper.Owin
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.IO
open System.Configuration
open System.Security.Principal
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Web
open System.Web.Security
open Microsoft.Owin
open WebSharper
open WebSharper.Sitelets
open WebSharper.Web
open System.Text
// FIXUP: The following opens are needed for various fixups (also commented as such).
open MimeKit
open Singapore.Util.Owin.Streams
module Rem = WebSharper.Core.Remoting
module Res = WebSharper.Core.Resources
module P = WebSharper.PathConventions
module M = WebSharper.Core.Metadata
type DepG = WebSharper.Core.DependencyGraph.Graph
type Env = IDictionary<string, obj>
type AppFunc = Func<Env, Task>
type MidFunc = Func<AppFunc, AppFunc>
module EnvKey =
let HttpContext = "HttpContext"
module WebSharper =
let Request = "WebSharper.Request"
let Context = "WebSharper.Context"
// Store WebSharper user identity in the environment dictionary,
// avoid overwriting principal set by OWIN authentication middleware
let User = "WebSharper.User"
let GetOrSet<'T> (env: Env) (key: string) (mk: Env -> 'T) =
match env.TryGetValue key with
| true, (:? 'T as x) -> x
| _ ->
let x = mk env
env.[key] <- x
[<NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Options =
internal {
Debug : bool
JsonProvider : Core.Json.Provider
Metadata : M.Info
Dependencies : DepG
ServerRootDirectory : string
UrlPrefix : string
RemotingServer : option<Rem.Server>
OnException : bool -> IOwinResponse -> exn -> Task
ResourceContextCache : ConcurrentDictionary<string, Res.Context>
member o.WithDebug() = o.WithDebug(true)
member o.WithDebug(d) = { o with Debug = d }
member o.WithServerRootDirectory(d) = { o with ServerRootDirectory = d }
member o.WithUrlPrefix(t) = { o with UrlPrefix = t }
member o.WithOnException(f) = { o with OnException = f }
static member DefaultOnException (debug: bool) (resp: IOwinResponse) (e: exn) =
resp.StatusCode <- 500
let trace = e.ToString()
Console.Error.WriteLine trace
resp.WriteAsync (if debug then trace else "Internal Server Error")
static member Create() =
let dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Debug = false
JsonProvider = Core.Json.Provider.Create()
Metadata = M.Info.Empty
Dependencies = DepG.Empty
ServerRootDirectory = dir
UrlPrefix = ""
RemotingServer = None
OnException = Options.DefaultOnException
ResourceContextCache = ConcurrentDictionary()
static member DefaultBinDirectory =
module private Internal =
open System.Reflection
[<NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type FormData =
Files : seq<HttpPostedFileBase>
Fields : Http.ParameterCollection
Body : Stream
type OwinCookieUserSession(ctx: IOwinContext) =
let refresh (cookie: string) =
match cookie with
| null -> ctx.Set(EnvKey.WebSharper.User, None)
| cookie ->
let ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt cookie
let principal = GenericPrincipal(FormsIdentity(ticket), [||])
ctx.Set(EnvKey.WebSharper.User, Some principal)
|> ignore
let ensureUserHasBeenRefreshed () =
if ctx.Environment.ContainsKey(EnvKey.WebSharper.User) |> not then
// Using `try ... with` because `FormsAuthentication.Decrypt`
// throws an exception when there is a cookie but its format is invalid
try refresh ctx.Request.Cookies.[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName]
with _ -> refresh null
let mkCookie (user: string) (duration: option<TimeSpan>) =
let cookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(user, duration.IsSome)
ctx.Response.Cookies.Append(cookie.Name, cookie.Value,
Domain = cookie.Domain,
Expires =
(match duration with
| Some d -> Nullable(DateTime.UtcNow.Add(d))
| None -> Nullable()),
HttpOnly = cookie.HttpOnly,
Path = cookie.Path,
Secure = cookie.Secure))
refresh cookie.Value
interface IUserSession with
member this.IsAvailable = true
member this.GetLoggedInUser() =
async {
match ctx.Get<GenericPrincipal option>(EnvKey.WebSharper.User) with
| None -> return None
| Some x ->
if x.Identity.IsAuthenticated then
return Some x.Identity.Name
else return None
member this.LoginUser(user, ?persistent) =
async {
let durationOpt =
match persistent with
| Some true -> Some (TimeSpan.FromDays(1000.*365.))
| _ -> None
mkCookie user durationOpt
member this.LoginUser(user: string, duration: TimeSpan) =
async {
mkCookie user (Some duration)
member this.Logout() =
async {
ctx.Response.Cookies.Append(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, "",
CookieOptions(Expires = Nullable(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1.))))
return refresh null
module O2W =
let Method (m: string) : Http.Method =
match m.ToLower() with
| "connect" -> Http.Method.Connect
| "delete" -> Http.Method.Delete
| "get" -> Http.Method.Get
| "head" -> Http.Method.Head
| "options" -> Http.Method.Options
| "post" -> Http.Method.Post
| "put" -> Http.Method.Put
| "trace" -> Http.Method.Trace
| s -> Http.Method.Custom s
let Headers (headers: IHeaderDictionary) : seq<Http.Header> =
seq {
for KeyValue(k, vs) in headers do
for v in vs do
yield Http.Header.Custom k v
let Query (query: IReadableStringCollection) : Http.ParameterCollection =
seq {
for KeyValue(k, vs) in query do
for v in vs do
yield (k, v)
let Cookies (cookies: RequestCookieCollection) : HttpCookieCollection =
let coll = HttpCookieCollection()
for KeyValue(k, v) in cookies do
coll.Add(HttpCookie(k, v))
let ParseFormData (req: IOwinRequest) =
// The legacy "HttpMultipartParser" library that is originally used by WebSharper.Owin contains critical bugs and performance issues.
// To do this, we copied from the original source for the appropriate version of WebSharper v4.1 and then edited it as indicated.
// Original source:
// Github Issue:
// 1. This has been swapped out to use MimeKit which is more robust and supported.
// 2. MimeKit is only used to parse `multipart/form-data` requests. For "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" requests a simple query string parser built-in to .net is used.
// 3. LengthLimitingStream is used to prevent certain forms of DoS/misuse of the system.
// 4. We (temp file, deleted on closure) buffer the request bodies to the file system to prevent holding potentially large request bodies in memory.
// 5. Stricter Content-Type header handling was added.
// 6. The `Http.Request` will no longer honour the `Files` member as typically expected for multipart/form-data requests. This is because nothing in SSP will ever use file uploads in this way - at least not as of 18/09/2019.
// 7. The `Http.Request` will no longer honour the `Body` member as typically expected, for all requests. This is because nothing in SSP will access the raw request body stream; so it is useless to hold a reference to it.
// 8. Removed the old WebSharper way of parsing the charset (encoding) via the GetCharset function; it now uses MimeKit to do the Content-Type header parsing to determine encoding.
let getEncoding (ct:ContentType) =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ct.Charset) then
let prepareBody (preambleEmitter:Stream->unit) =
let body = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".tmp"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, 1024*32, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose)
preambleEmitter body
use lls = LengthLimitingStream.MegaBytes(req.Body, 20, leaveOpen = true)
lls.CopyTo(body, 1024*32)
body.Position <- 0L
match ContentType.TryParse(if req.ContentType <> null then req.ContentType else "") with
| true, ct when StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(ct.MimeType, "multipart/form-data") ->
let encoding = getEncoding ct
use body = prepareBody (fun body ->
// We have to emit this as the first line to force MimeKit to properly parse the data as a multipart message.
using (new StreamWriter(body, encoding, 1024, true)) <| fun sw -> sw.WriteLine("Content-Type: " + req.ContentType); sw.WriteLine())
let po = new ParserOptions(CharsetEncoding = encoding)
match MimeEntity.Load(po, body, true, req.CallCancelled) with
| :? Multipart as parts ->
let folder (values:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection) (part:MimeEntity) =
let key = part.ContentDisposition.Parameters.Item "name"
match part with
| :? TextPart as part -> values.Add(key, part.Text); values
| :? MimePart -> values
| _ -> values
let fields = parts |> Seq.fold folder (System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection())
{ Files = []; Fields = Http.ParameterCollection(fields); Body = Stream.Null }
| _ ->
let fields = System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()
{ Files = []; Fields = Http.ParameterCollection(fields); Body = Stream.Null }
| true, ct when StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(ct.MimeType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ->
use body = prepareBody (fun _ -> ())
use s = new StreamReader(body, getEncoding ct, false, 1024, true)
let q = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(s.ReadToEnd())
{ Files = []; Fields = Http.ParameterCollection(q); Body = Stream.Null }
| _ ->
{ Files = []; Fields = Http.ParameterCollection(Seq.empty); Body = Stream.Null }
let Request (req: IOwinRequest) : Http.Request =
EnvKey.GetOrSet<Http.Request> req.Environment EnvKey.WebSharper.Request <| fun _ ->
let formData = ParseFormData req
formData.Body.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
let uri =
match req.PathBase.Value with
| "" | "/" -> req.Uri
| pathBase ->
if req.Uri.IsAbsoluteUri then
let uB = UriBuilder req.Uri
if uB.Path.StartsWith pathBase then
uB.Path <- uB.Path.Substring pathBase.Length
Method = Method req.Method
Uri = uri
Headers = Headers req.Headers
Post = formData.Fields
Get = Query req.Query
Cookies = Cookies req.Cookies
ServerVariables = Http.ParameterCollection([])
Body = formData.Body
Files = formData.Files
let SetHttpContext (env: Env) (httpContext: HttpContext) : unit =
match httpContext with
| null -> ()
| x -> env.[EnvKey.HttpContext] <- HttpContextWrapper(x)
/// httpContext is passed externally because we might not be on the right thread to retrieve it.
let SimpleContext rootDir (req: IOwinRequest) (httpContext: HttpContext) (options: Options) : Web.Context =
let env = req.Environment
EnvKey.GetOrSet<Web.Context> env EnvKey.WebSharper.Context <| fun env ->
SetHttpContext env httpContext
let owinCtx = req.Context
let uri = req.Uri
// let wsReq = Request req
let session = lazy new OwinCookieUserSession(owinCtx)
{ new Web.Context() with
member ctx.Environment = env
member ctx.RequestUri = uri
member ctx.RootFolder = rootDir
member ctx.UserSession = session.Value :> _
member ctx.Metadata = options.Metadata
member ctx.Json = options.JsonProvider
member ctx.Dependencies = options.Dependencies
member ctx.ApplicationPath = options.UrlPrefix
member ctx.ResourceContext = WebSharper.Web.ResourceContext.ResourceContext options.UrlPrefix
module W2O =
let WriteResponse (resp: Task<Http.Response>) (out: IOwinResponse) (onException: IOwinResponse -> exn -> Task) =
resp.ContinueWith(fun (t: Task<Http.Response>) ->
match t.Exception with
| null ->
let resp = t.Result
out.StatusCode <- resp.Status.Code
for name, hs in resp.Headers |> Seq.groupBy (fun h -> h.Name) do
out.Headers.AppendValues(name, [| for h in hs -> h.Value |])
// Removed a MemoryStream here that unnecessarily buffered the response stream.
| e ->
(onException out e).Wait()
with e ->
(onException out e).Wait()
let buildResourceContext cfg (context: IOwinContext) : Res.Context =
let appPath = context.Request.PathBase.Value
cfg.ResourceContextCache.GetOrAdd(appPath, fun appPath ->
let isDebug = cfg.Debug
let pu = P.PathUtility.VirtualPaths(appPath)
DebuggingEnabled = isDebug
DefaultToHttp = false
GetSetting = fun (name: string) ->
match ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.[name] with
| null -> None
| x -> Some x
GetAssemblyRendering = fun name ->
let aid = P.AssemblyId.Create(name)
let url = if isDebug then pu.JavaScriptPath(aid) else pu.MinifiedJavaScriptPath(aid)
let version =
let fileName = if isDebug then pu.JavaScriptFileName(aid) else pu.MinifiedJavaScriptFileName(aid)
match Shared.Metadata.ResourceHashes.TryGetValue(fileName) with
| true, h -> "?h=" + string h
| _ -> ""
Res.RenderLink (url + version)
GetWebResourceRendering = fun ty resource ->
let id = P.AssemblyId.Create(ty)
let kind =
if resource.EndsWith(".js") || resource.EndsWith(".ts")
then P.ResourceKind.Script
else P.ResourceKind.Content
let r = P.EmbeddedResource.Create(kind, id, resource)
let url = pu.EmbeddedPath r
let version =
match Shared.Metadata.ResourceHashes.TryGetValue(pu.EmbeddedResourceKey r) with
| true, h -> "?h=" + string h
| _ -> ""
Res.RenderLink (url + version)
WebRoot = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(appPath)
RenderingCache = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary()
ResourceDependencyCache = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary()
} : Res.Context
type ContextBuilder(cfg) =
let info = cfg.Metadata
let graph = cfg.Dependencies
let json = cfg.JsonProvider
let resContext = buildResourceContext cfg
let ( ++ ) a b =
let a =
match a with
| "" -> "/"
| _ -> VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(a)
let b =
match b with
| "" -> "."
| _ -> b
VirtualPathUtility.Combine(a, b)
let resolveUrl appPath u =
if VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative(u) then
VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(u, appPath)
member b.GetContext<'T when 'T : equality>(site: Sitelet<'T>, req: Http.Request, context: IOwinContext) : Context<'T> =
let appPath = context.Request.PathBase.Value
let link = site.Router.Link
let prefix = cfg.UrlPrefix
let p = appPath ++ prefix
let link x =
match link x with
| None -> failwithf "Failed to link to %O" (box x)
| Some loc ->
if loc.IsAbsoluteUri then string loc else
let loc =
match string loc with
| "" | "/" -> "."
| s when s.StartsWith("/") -> s.Substring(1)
| s -> s
p ++ loc
EnvKey.GetOrSet<Context<'T>> context.Environment EnvKey.WebSharper.Context <| fun env ->
O2W.SetHttpContext env HttpContext.Current // We are sure to be on the right thread here
new Context<'T>(
ApplicationPath = appPath,
Environment = env,
Link = link,
Json = json,
Metadata = info,
Dependencies = graph,
ResourceContext = resContext context,
Request = req,
RootFolder = cfg.ServerRootDirectory,
UserSession = OwinCookieUserSession(context)
let dispatch (cb: ContextBuilder) (s: Sitelet<'T>) (context: IOwinContext) onException : option<Task> =
let request = O2W.Request context.Request
let ctx = cb.GetContext(s, request, context)
|> (fun action ->
let content = s.Controller.Handle(action)
let response = Content.ToResponse content ctx |> Async.StartAsTask
W2O.WriteResponse response context.Response onException)
with e ->
Some (onException context.Response e)
type Assembly =
static member LoadFileInfo(p: string) =
let fn = Path.GetFullPath p
let name = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(fn)
match Assembly.TryLoad(name) with
| None -> Assembly.LoadFrom(fn)
| Some a -> a
static member TryLoad(name: AssemblyName) =
match Assembly.Load(name) with
| null -> None
| a -> Some a
with _ -> None
let DiscoverAssemblies (path: string) =
let ls pat = Directory.GetFiles(path, pat)
let files = Array.append (ls "*.dll") (ls "*.exe")
files |> Array.choose (fun p ->
try Some (Assembly.LoadFileInfo(p))
with e -> None)
// Ensule that assemblies from binDirectory are loaded.
// Call this before any use of WebSharper.Web.Shared.*
let PreloadAssemblies binDirectory =
DiscoverAssemblies binDirectory |> ignore
type Options with
static member Create(meta, graph) =
let dir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
let json = Core.Json.Provider.CreateTyped meta
let remotingServer = Rem.Server.Create meta json
Debug = false
JsonProvider = json
Metadata = meta
Dependencies = graph
ServerRootDirectory = dir
UrlPrefix = ""
RemotingServer = Some remotingServer
OnException = Options.DefaultOnException
ResourceContextCache = ConcurrentDictionary()
member o.WithRunRemoting(b) =
let server =
if b then Some (Rem.Server.Create o.Metadata o.JsonProvider) else None
{ o with RemotingServer = server }
static member Create(webRoot, ?binDirectory) =
PreloadAssemblies (defaultArg binDirectory Options.DefaultBinDirectory)
Options.Create(Shared.Metadata, Shared.Dependencies)
type RemotingMiddleware(next: AppFunc, options: Options, alwaysSetContext: bool) = //, webRoot: string, server: Rem.Server, onException: IOwinResponse -> exn -> Task, alwaysSetContext: bool) =
let webRoot = options.ServerRootDirectory
let onException = options.OnException options.Debug
member this.Invoke(env: Env) =
let context = OwinContext(env) :> IOwinContext
let httpContext = HttpContext.Current
if alwaysSetContext then O2W.SimpleContext webRoot context.Request httpContext options |> ignore
match options.RemotingServer with
| None -> next.Invoke(env)
| Some server ->
let headers =
O2W.Headers context.Request.Headers
|> (fun h -> (h.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), h.Value))
|> Map.ofSeq
let getReqHeader (k: string) =
Map.tryFind (k.ToLowerInvariant()) headers
let addRespHeaders headers =
headers |> List.iter (fun (k, v) -> context.Response.Headers.Add(k, [|v|]))
if Rem.IsRemotingRequest getReqHeader then
async {
match RpcHandler.CorsAndCsrfCheck context.Request.Method context.Request.Uri
(fun k -> match context.Request.Cookies.[k] with null -> None | x -> Some x)
(fun k v -> context.Response.Cookies.Append(k, v,
CookieOptions(Expires = Nullable(System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1000)))))
| Error (code, _, body) ->
context.Response.StatusCode <- code
| Preflight headers ->
addRespHeaders headers
| Ok headers ->
addRespHeaders headers
let ctx = O2W.SimpleContext webRoot context.Request httpContext options
use reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body)
let! body = reader.ReadToEndAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
let! resp =
Body = body
Headers = getReqHeader
}, ctx)
context.Response.StatusCode <- 200
context.Response.ContentType <- resp.ContentType
let bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resp.Content)
context.Response.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
with e ->
return! onException context.Response e |> Async.AwaitIAsyncResult |> Async.Ignore
|> Async.StartAsTask
:> Task
else next.Invoke(env)
new (next, options: Options) =
new RemotingMiddleware(next, options, true)
static member AsMidFunc(options: Options) =
match options.RemotingServer with
| Some rem ->
MidFunc(fun next -> AppFunc(RemotingMiddleware(next, options).Invoke))
| None -> MidFunc(fun next -> AppFunc(fun env -> next.Invoke(env)))
// (webRoot, ?binDirectory)
static member UseRemoting(webRoot: string, ?binDirectory: string) =
PreloadAssemblies (defaultArg binDirectory Options.DefaultBinDirectory)
let o = Options.Create(Shared.Metadata, Shared.Dependencies).WithServerRootDirectory(webRoot)
fun next -> new RemotingMiddleware(next, o)
static member AsMidFunc(webRoot: string, ?binDirectory: string) =
let mw = RemotingMiddleware.UseRemoting(webRoot, ?binDirectory = binDirectory)
MidFunc(fun next -> AppFunc(mw(next).Invoke))
type SiteletMiddleware<'T when 'T : equality>(next: AppFunc, config: Options, sitelet: Sitelet<'T>) =
let cb = ContextBuilder(config)
let appFunc =
let siteletAppFunc = AppFunc(fun env ->
let context = OwinContext(env) :> IOwinContext
match dispatch cb sitelet context (config.OnException config.Debug) with
| Some t -> t
| None -> next.Invoke(env))
if config.RemotingServer.IsSome then
AppFunc(RemotingMiddleware(siteletAppFunc, config, false).Invoke)
member this.Invoke(env: Env) =
static member AsMidFunc(config: Options, sitelet: Sitelet<'T>) =
MidFunc(fun next ->
let m = SiteletMiddleware(next, config, sitelet)
static member DiscoverSitelet(assemblies) =
match HttpModule.DiscoverSitelet assemblies with
| Some this -> this
| None -> failwith "Failed to discover sitelet assemblies"
static member UseDiscoveredSitelet(webRoot: string, ?binDirectory: string) =
let binDir = defaultArg binDirectory Options.DefaultBinDirectory
let options = Options.Create(webRoot, binDir)
let ok =
DiscoverAssemblies binDir
|> HttpModule.DiscoverSitelet
|> (fun sitelet ->
fun next -> SiteletMiddleware<obj>(next, options, sitelet))
with :? Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException as exn ->
failwithf "%A" exn.LoaderExceptions
match ok with
| Some this -> this
| None -> failwith "Failed to discover sitelet assemblies"
static member AsMidFunc(webRoot: string, ?binDirectory: string) =
let mw = SiteletMiddleware<obj>.UseDiscoveredSitelet(webRoot, ?binDirectory = binDirectory)
MidFunc(fun next -> AppFunc(mw(next).Invoke))
type WebSharperOptions<'T when 'T : equality>() =
let mutable binDir = None
member val ServerRootDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() with get, set
member this.BinDirectory
with get () =
match binDir with
| None -> Options.DefaultBinDirectory
| Some d -> d
and set dir = binDir <- Some dir
member val UseRemoting = true with get, set
member val UrlPrefix = "" with get, set
member val Debug = false with get, set
member val Sitelet = None with get, set
member val DiscoverSitelet = false with get, set
member val MetadataAndGraph = None with get, set
member val OnException = Options.DefaultOnException with get, set
static member DefaultOnException debug response exn =
Options.DefaultOnException debug response exn
member this.WithSitelet(sitelet: Sitelet<'T>) =
this.Sitelet <- Some sitelet
member this.BuildConfig() =
let assemblies = DiscoverAssemblies this.BinDirectory
let sitelet =
match this.Sitelet with
| Some s -> Some (Sitelet.Box s)
| None when this.DiscoverSitelet -> HttpModule.DiscoverSitelet(assemblies)
| None -> None
let meta, graph, json =
match this.MetadataAndGraph with
| Some (m, g) -> m, g, Core.Json.Provider.CreateTyped m
| None -> Shared.Metadata, Shared.Dependencies, Shared.Json
let remotingServer =
if this.UseRemoting then
let rem = Rem.Server.Create meta json
Some rem
else None
sitelet, {
Debug = this.Debug
JsonProvider = json
Metadata = meta
Dependencies = graph
ServerRootDirectory = this.ServerRootDirectory
UrlPrefix = this.UrlPrefix
RemotingServer = remotingServer
OnException = this.OnException
ResourceContextCache = ConcurrentDictionary()
member this.AsMidFunc() =
let sitelet, config = this.BuildConfig()
match sitelet with
| Some sitelet -> SiteletMiddleware<obj>.AsMidFunc(config, sitelet)
| None -> RemotingMiddleware.AsMidFunc(config)
module Extensions =
type Owin.IAppBuilder with
member this.UseWebSharperRemoting(webRoot: string, meta: M.Info) =
this.Use(RemotingMiddleware.AsMidFunc(Options.Create(meta, DepG.FromData([ meta.Dependencies ])).WithServerRootDirectory(webRoot)))
member this.UseWebSharperRemoting(meta: M.Info) =
this.Use(RemotingMiddleware.AsMidFunc(Options.Create(meta, DepG.FromData([ meta.Dependencies ]))))
member this.UseWebSharperRemoting(webRoot: string, ?binDirectory: string) =
this.Use(RemotingMiddleware.AsMidFunc(webRoot, ?binDirectory = binDirectory))
member this.UseWebSharperRemotingFromBin(binDirectory: string) =
this.Use(RemotingMiddleware.AsMidFunc(binDirectory, binDirectory = binDirectory))
member this.UseSitelet(webRoot: string, sitelet, ?binDirectory) =
this.UseCustomSitelet(Options.Create(webRoot, ?binDirectory = binDirectory), sitelet)
member this.UseCustomSitelet(config: Options, sitelet: Sitelet<'T>) =
this.Use(SiteletMiddleware<'T>.AsMidFunc(config, sitelet))
member this.UseDiscoveredSitelet(webRoot: string, ?binDirectory) =
this.Use(SiteletMiddleware<obj>.AsMidFunc(webRoot, ?binDirectory = binDirectory))
member this.UseWebSharper(options: WebSharperOptions<'T>) =
module Singapore.Util.Owin.Streams
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.IO
/// Thrown when the stream has exceeded the upper-limit of data length.
exception StreamLengthLimitExceededException of MaximumLengthInBytes : int64
/// A stream which enforces an upper-limit on the length of the data being read.
type LengthLimitingStream(innerStream:Stream, maximumLengthInBytes:int64, leaveOpen:bool) =
inherit Stream()
let mutable totalBytesReadCount = 0L
let incrementAndVerify (v:int) =
totalBytesReadCount <- totalBytesReadCount + int64 v
if totalBytesReadCount > maximumLengthInBytes then
raise (StreamLengthLimitExceededException maximumLengthInBytes)
static member MegaBytes(innerStream, megaBytes, ?leaveOpen) = new LengthLimitingStream(innerStream, 1024L * 1024L * int64 megaBytes, defaultArg leaveOpen false)
static member GigaBytes(innerStream, gigaBytes, ?leaveOpen) = new LengthLimitingStream(innerStream, 1024L * 1024L * 1024L * int64 gigaBytes, defaultArg leaveOpen false)
member __.InnerStream = innerStream
override __.CanRead = innerStream.CanRead
override __.CanWrite = innerStream.CanWrite
override __.CanSeek = innerStream.CanSeek
override __.Length = innerStream.Length
override __.CanTimeout = innerStream.CanTimeout
override __.Position with get() = innerStream.Position and set(v) = innerStream.Position <- v
override __.ReadTimeout with get() = innerStream.ReadTimeout and set(v) = innerStream.ReadTimeout <- v
override __.WriteTimeout with get() = innerStream.WriteTimeout and set(v) = innerStream.WriteTimeout <- v
override __.Dispose(disposing) =
if disposing && not leaveOpen then innerStream.Dispose()
override __.Seek(offset, origin) =
innerStream.Seek(offset, origin)
override __.Read(buffer, offset, count) =
innerStream.Read(buffer, offset, count)
|> incrementAndVerify
override __.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) =
async {
let! r = innerStream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
return incrementAndVerify r
|> fun computation ->
Async.StartAsTask(computation, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent, cancellationToken)
override __.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) =
innerStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state)
override __.EndRead(asyncResult) =
|> incrementAndVerify
override __.ReadByte() =
|> incrementAndVerify
override __.Flush() =
override __.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) =
override __.SetLength(value) =
override __.Write(buffer, offset, count) =
innerStream.Write(buffer, offset, count)
override __.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) =
innerStream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken)
override __.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) =
innerStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state)
override __.EndWrite(asyncResult) =
override __.WriteByte(value) =
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