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nicoo nbraud

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nbraud /
Last active January 3, 2021 16:12
ipython#12753 crash testcase
#!/bin/sh -eu
COMMAND_STYLE="$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 4)"
NOTICE_STYLE="$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 3)"
NORMAL_STYLE="$(tput sgr0)"
run() {
nbraud /
Last active August 4, 2020 15:13
Benchmarking uutils/coreutils' factor too
set -euo pipefail
echo "Commit id,Commit message,Mean (s),σ (s),Median (s),User (s),System (s),Min (s),Max (s)" > table.csv
for rev in $(git rev-list --reverse master..); do
git checkout "$rev"
cargo build --release
hyperfine --export-csv table.tmp.csv "seq 2 $((10 ** 7)) | ../../../target/release/factor > /dev/null"
{ echo -n "$(git show -q --format='%h,%s,')"; tail -n1 table.tmp.csv | cut -d, -f 2-; } >> table.csv
nbraud /
Created February 3, 2020 15:55
Nicoo's brownies


  • time (10' prep + 25' baking)
  • 300g baking chocolate
  • 150g sugar
  • 150g flour
  • 100g butter
  • 50g oil, hazelnut or walnut (from the original recipe, I keep meaning to try, forgetting, and substituting 50g or so of extra butter instead)
  • vanilla extract (or put some vanilla sugar with the sugar)
  • 2 eggs
nbraud / gc.garbage.patch
Created April 30, 2019 17:44
PPB: Reveal which cycles are created (and collected) on each frame
diff --git i/ppb/ w/ppb/
index 4300133..bc25616 100644
--- i/ppb/
+++ w/ppb/
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ class GameEngine(Engine, EventMixin, LoggingMixin):
def main_loop(self, collect_statistics: True) -> 'pandas.DataFrame': pass
def main_loop(self, collect_statistics=False):
+ collect_statistics = False
if collect_statistics:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import hypot
from numbers import Real
from ppb_vector import Vector2
from timeit import timeit
class VectorBench(Vector2):
def computed_length(self) -> Real:
$ mypy error: "V2" has no attribute "method"
$ mypy /tmp/
[no errors returned]
nbraud / .gitignore
Last active April 27, 2018 08:55
Tweet dump
nbraud / .gitignore
Last active April 23, 2018 11:23
Test for the Ansible apt module
info = yes
display-info = yes
pedantic = yes
color = auto
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/nbraud/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /home/nbraud/devel/tox/tox4j/project
[info] Set current project to tox4j (in build file:/home/nbraud/devel/tox/tox4j/)
[info] [scapegoat] setting output dir to [/home/nbraud/devel/tox/tox4j/lint/target/scala-2.11/scapegoat-report]
[info] Compiling 47 Scala sources and 69 Java sources to /home/nbraud/devel/tox/tox4j/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[warn] /home/nbraud/devel/tox/tox4j/target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf/im/tox/tox4j/av/proto/Av/InternalFields_avProto.scala:15: Bodies of 2 neighbouring cases are identical and could be merged.
[warn]  case "im.tox.tox4j.av.proto.Av.VideoBitRateStatus" => Seq(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor(0, 1, "friendNumber", Descriptors.Required, Descriptors.PrimitiveType(