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Created December 16, 2017 15:59
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Simple example of policy iteration on a grid/maze world (using Python/NumPy)
import numpy as np
E = EMPTY = 0
G = GOAL = 2
# The maze from the assignment
MAZE = np.array(
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, B, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, B, B, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, B, 0, 0, B, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, B, G]])
# The possible actions
ACTIONS = np.array(['N', 'E', 'S', 'W'])
ACTION_IDX = {a: idx for idx, a in enumerate(ACTIONS)}
# Transition probabilities given a specific action to one of the 5 outcomes.
# probabilities for [staying, N, E, S, W]
ACTIONS[0]: [0.0, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
ACTIONS[1]: [0.0, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1],
ACTIONS[2]: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1],
ACTIONS[3]: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7]
def get_neighbours(state):
"""Return a list of all four neighbour states and the current position."""
row, col = state
return [
(row, col), # -
(row - 1, col), # N
(row, col + 1), # E
(row + 1, col), # S
(row, col - 1), # W
def is_in_maze(state):
"""Return True if the position, represented as state, is inside the maze and
not blocked."""
R, C = MAZE.shape
row, col = state
return (0 <= row < R) and (0 <= col < C) and MAZE[state] != BLOCKED
def state_prob(s, s2, a):
"""Return the probability of transitioning from s to s2 by action a."""
assert is_in_maze(s)
assert a in ACTIONS
neighbours = get_neighbours(s)
assert s2 in neighbours
if MAZE[s] == GOAL:
return 1.0 if s == s2 else 0.0
# Copy transition probabilities of action a.
pr = list(ACTION_PROBS[a])
# Fall back to s if you can't go to a specific neighbour.
for i, n in enumerate(neighbours):
if not is_in_maze(n):
# Illegal neighbour => move probabilities to staying.
# pr[0] is the probability of staying in the current position.
pr[0] += pr[i]
# Reset the probability of the illegal move to staying (sum of all 5
# paths equals 1 again)
pr[i] = 0
# Return the probability for the target state.
return pr[neighbours.index(s2)]
def get_all_states():
"""Return a generator to iterate over all possible states.
Can be used like this:
for s in get_all_states():
(do something with s)"""
for x in range(MAZE.shape[0]):
for y in range(MAZE.shape[1]):
if is_in_maze((x, y)):
yield (x, y)
# Implement the following functions regarding part 1 of the assignment.
def reward(s, s2, a):
"""Return the reward for taking action a in state s and ending up in s2.
The reward is 0 for all state transitions, except when when entering the
goal state, G, the reward is 10.0"""
neighbours = get_neighbours(s)
assert s2 in neighbours
assert a in ACTIONS
# Next state if we take action a from s.
# n = neighbours[ACTION_IDX[a] + 1]
if MAZE[s] != GOAL and MAZE[s2] == GOAL:
return 10.0
return 0
def value_backup(policy, s, V, discount=0.9):
"""Compute and return the new value only for state s using the current
values V and the current policy.
The value backup is related to policy evaluation (see slides 37)."""
v = 0
# Outer summation in the Bellman equation.
for a in ACTIONS:
# pi is the probability of taking action a given that we are in state s.
pi = policy[s][ACTION_IDX[a]]
# Inner summation in the Bellman equation.
# Iterate through the possible next states of s, that is n (s').
for i, n in enumerate(get_neighbours(s)):
# Probability p is zero if is_in_maze(n) is false. It follows that
# pi * p * (r + discount * V[n]) is zero in that case. So, there's
# no need to execute the block under this if statement.
if is_in_maze(n):
p = state_prob(s, n, a)
if p != 0:
r = reward(s, n, a)
# We can multiply pi here because we are simply distributing
# it over the inner summation.
v += pi * p * (r + discount * V[n])
return v
def policy_evaluation(policy, discount=0.9, epsilon=1e-9):
"""Iteratively computes the values of each state following a specific
The starting values for each state should be 0 when evaluating a new policy!
Stop the iterative procedure if no state has a bigger change than epsilon.
Returns the final values for each state."""
V = np.zeros_like(MAZE, dtype=np.float64)
while True:
delta = 0
for s in get_all_states():
v = value_backup(policy, s, V, discount)
delta = max(delta, np.abs(v - V[s]))
V[s] = v
if delta < epsilon:
return V
def policy_improvement(policy, V, discount=0.9):
"""Update the policy by greedily choosing actions based on the current
values of states.
Returns the new policy."""
def softmax(x):
e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
return e_x / e_x.sum()
def one_hot(p, size=len(ACTIONS)):
return np.eye(size)[p]
for s in get_all_states():
action_values = np.zeros(len(ACTIONS))
# Arg-max w.r.t to action, that is, we find the action which maximizes
# the summation.
for a in ACTIONS:
# Summation over next states. This is basically the computation
# of the Q given policy.
for i, n in enumerate(get_neighbours(s)):
if is_in_maze(n):
p = state_prob(s, n, a)
if p != 0:
r = reward(s, n, a)
action_values[ACTION_IDX[a]] += p * (
r + discount * V[n])
# It seems it doesn't want to terminate soon using softmax.
# policy[s] = softmax(action_values)
best_action = np.argmax(action_values)
policy[s] = one_hot(best_action)
return policy
def policy_iteration(discount=0.9):
"""Use a random starting policy and iteratively improve it until it is
Use the functions policy_evaluation and policy_iteration when implementing
this function.
If you copy numpy array make sure to copy by value using np.copy().
Returns the converged policy and the final values of each state."""
# A policy is indexed by a state and action and returns a probability of
# executing that action in that state.
policy = 1 / len(ACTIONS) * np.ones((MAZE.shape[0], MAZE.shape[1],
policy_stable = False
# stats = {"iterations": 0, "time elapsed (sec)": 0}
while not policy_stable:
# Generate a value function from the policy.
V = policy_evaluation(policy, discount)
old_policy = np.copy(policy)
policy = policy_improvement(policy, V, discount)
policy_stable = np.array_equal(old_policy, policy)
# print(V)
return policy, V
if __name__ == "__main__":
policy, V = policy_iteration()
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
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nbro commented Dec 16, 2017

The code above produces the following values

[[ 2.115  2.491  2.994  3.541  4.112  4.765  5.497]
 [ 1.831  2.115  0.     4.028  4.679  5.51   6.475]
 [ 1.595  0.     0.     4.434  5.282  6.453  7.78 ]
 [ 1.718  1.972  0.     3.832  4.407  0.     9.39 ]
 [ 1.972  2.322  2.79   3.3    3.748  0.     0.   ]]

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