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channel operator quick reference

direct discussion about administrative action away from the main channel and into #reddit-diabetes-ops to minimise disruption. our -ops channel is the place where users should come to ask for our help. examples:

  • any sort of operator request or discussion of channel administration in the main channel
  • PMs asking why a ban was set
  • reports of harassment (unless the user is confiding in you)
  • any request for operator action

changing channel access permissions

Mounting VirtualBox shared folders on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS

This guide will walk you through steps on how to setup a VirtualBox shared folder inside your Ubuntu Server guest. Tested on Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)


  1. Open VirtualBox
  2. Right-click your VM, then click Settings
  3. Go to Shared Folders section
  4. Add a new shared folder
  5. On Add Share prompt, select the Folder Path in your host that you want to be accessible inside your VM.
nbro /
Created April 17, 2020 16:24 — forked from cboulay/
Some testing code for tensorflow-probability trainable priors
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.layers as tfkl
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tfd = tfp.distributions
tfpl = tfp.layers
tfb = tfp.bijectors