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Created May 21, 2021 19:25
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Unexpected hanging paradox
import Init.Data.Ord
namespace Weekday
/- Weekdays -/
inductive Weekday where
| monday : Weekday
| tuesday : Weekday
| wednesday : Weekday
| thursday : Weekday
| friday : Weekday
deriving instance BEq for Weekday
deriving instance Ord for Weekday
end Weekday
open Weekday
open Weekday.Weekday
/- We can either be on a day in the week, or sometime before. -/
inductive WeekAndBefore where
| dayBefore : WeekAndBefore
| someWeekday : Weekday -> WeekAndBefore
open WeekAndBefore
instance : Ord WeekAndBefore where
| dayBefore, someWeekday _ =>
| someWeekday a, someWeekday b => compare a b
| _, _ => Ordering.eq
/- Indicates that the hanging happend on this day. -/
constant hangingOnDay : Weekday -> Prop
/- Hanging must happen on some weekday -/
def hangingHappens : Prop := ∃ (d : Weekday), hangingOnDay d
/- Interpret that hanging _may_ happen as the lack of a proof that it can't.-/
def hangingMayHappen : Weekday -> Prop :=
fun (d : Weekday) => ¬¬(hangingOnDay d)
/- Is one day (potentially out of the week) before another? -/
def isBefore (x : WeekAndBefore) (y : Weekday) : Prop :=
compare x (someWeekday y) ==
/- Given a day, express that we have not yet been hanged. -/
def notHangedYet : WeekAndBefore -> Prop :=
fun (td : WeekAndBefore) => ∀ (d : Weekday),
(¬ isBefore td d) -> ¬ (hangingOnDay d)
/- Some axioms -/
axiom hangingDefinitelyHappens : hangingHappens
axiom hangingHappensOnce : ∀ d : Weekday, hangingOnDay d ->
forall d' : Weekday, d != d' -> ¬ hangingOnDay d'
axiom pastIsKnown : ∀ d : Weekday, ∀ td : WeekAndBefore, ¬(isBefore td d) ->
hangingOnDay d ∨ ¬ hangingOnDay d
axiom futureIsUncertain : ∀ td : WeekAndBefore, notHangedYet td ->
∀ d : Weekday, isBefore td d -> hangingMayHappen d
/- What is the nature of surprise? -/
def surprise : Prop := ∀ td : WeekAndBefore, ∀ d : Weekday,
hangingOnDay d -> ¬ isBefore td d
/- Auxiliary theorems -/
/- Hanging implies this proposition -/
def ifHangingThen : (Weekday -> Prop) -> Prop :=
fun can => forall d : Weekday, hangingOnDay d -> can d
theorem dni : {p : Prop} -> p -> ¬¬p := by
intros P p h
exact (h p)
/- If hanging took place on day d, then it can take place.
Proving this is double negation introduction.
theorem doesImpCan : ifHangingThen hangingMayHappen := sorry
theorem weKnowOnFriday : notHangedYet (someWeekday thursday) <-> hangingOnDay friday := sorry
theorem unsurprising : ¬surprise := sorry
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