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Last active June 15, 2023 09:41
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This Excel lambda function can be used to classify data using the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm
Returns the classification of an unknown observation using known observations in a training set.
- x - an observation (row) in need of classification. This is an array of numerical measurements about an observation which you want to classify. This is one row and one or more columns.
- trn - an array of training data which is already classified. This array will have COLUMNS(x) + 1 columns. The additional column is because the training set includes a column on the right for the classification of each row. In the example below, the species of the flower.
- k - the number of observations in the training set to use to determine the class of the observation x. For example, if k=5, then the function will use the 5 observations (rows) in the training set which are closest to the observation x in order to determine to which class x should belong.
- [p] - the p-value passed to the MINKOWSKI function if a distance function is not provided to the distance_fn parameter.
- [distance_fn] - the distance function to use in the calculation. If omitted, then the provided p-value (or 2, if p is omitted) is passed to the MINKOWSKI function.
p=1 is equivalent to distance_fn=MANHATTAN
P=2 is equivalent to distance_fn=EUCLIDEAN
To classify vector x using training array Y and scalar k:
For Euclidean distance, either:
For MANHATTAN distance, either:
For other values of p:
KNN = LAMBDA(x, trn, k, [p], [distance_fn],
_trnc, COLUMNS(trn),
_X, INDEX(trn, , 1) : INDEX(trn, , _trnc - 1),
_y, INDEX(trn, , _trnc),
_br, BYROW(_X, LAMBDA(r,_fn(r,x))),
_f, FILTER(_y, _br <= SMALL(_br, k)),
_fs, FREQ.SIMPLE(_f),
_output,INDEX(_fs, 1, 1),
Returns a lambda function initialized with the given p-number.
1. p = the p-value to initialize the return function with.
=MINKOWSKI(2)(X,Y) will calculate the EUCLIDEAN distance between X and Y.
=MINKOWSKI(1)(X,Y) will calculate the MANHATTAN distance between X and Y.
Calculates the Euclidean distance between 2 vectors x and y.
1. x - a one-dimensional vector of real numbers
2. y - a one-dimensional vector of real numbers with count(x)=count(y)
Since Euclidean distance is a special case of Minkowski distance with p=2,
we simply call MINKOWSKI to return a lambda function to which we pass the vectors
x and y.
Calculates the MANHATTAN distance between 2 vectors x and y.
1. x - a one-dimensional vector of real numbers
2. y - a one-dimensional vector of real numbers with count(x)=count(y)
Since MANHATTAN distance is a special case of Minkowski distance with p=1,
we simply call MINKOWSKI to return a lambda function to which we pass the vectors
x and y.
Calculates the CHEBYSHEV distance between 2 vectors x and y.
1. x - a one-dimensional vector of real numbers
2. y - a one-dimensional vector of real numbers with count(x)=count(y)
CHEBYSHEV distance is the limit case of MINKOWSKI distance with p approaching infinity.
The limit is as shown for positive infinity and we could replace MAX with MIN for p
approaching negative infinity.
Calculates a simple frequency table of the values in a column
1. data - a single column of data
d, INDEX(data,,1),
u, UNIQUE(d),
X, N(u = TRANSPOSE(d)),
Y, SEQUENCE(ROWS(d), 1, 1, 0),
mp, MMULT(X,Y),
c, CHOOSE({1,2}, u, mp),
SORT(c, 2, -1)
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