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Last active April 4, 2021 10:04
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  • Save ncdejito/9673f5c5f5eecaa963e635b2f08b71e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ncdejito/9673f5c5f5eecaa963e635b2f08b71e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Laptop: rog zephyrus g14 ga401ih ryzen 7

Windows 10

set home pgdn, pgup, end keys via autohotkey Add to startup options - windows+R, shell:startup, paste script to folder inside

Dual boot PopOS 20.04

New instructions - pop-os_20.04_amd64_nvidia_23.iso nvidia-docker2

  • ROG specific In ROG BIOS Settings Press f7 advanced mode Switch tab to Security Disable secure boot control

F10 save and exit

Attach usb with ubuntu

Advanced startup options Press f8 boot menu Select usb

  • Measurements for 200gb ubuntu partition, 16gb RAM 223713 190945 32768 swap area 32gb 2x ram

190000 ubuntu /dev/nvme0n1p6 ext4 p7 swap

Linux Shortcuts for Quality of Life

  • PopOS Hide all windows Super + D Alt+Tab: Switch between applications > Switch between windows

  • Buttons for Keyboard + Screen brightness -

sudo apt install dkms
git clone asus-nb-ctrl, asus-rog-nb-wmi, hid-asus-rog
  • Missing Home,PgUp,PgDn,End Autokey Chrome go back to backspace, shift backspace for forward alt + left back alt + right forward alt < and alt > for home and end ctrl + down for ctrl+pgdn ctrl + up for ctrl+pgup

  • Save battery - apt install tlp powertop, add as linux service so it's ran at startup (seems to mess with keyboard, removed for now)

  • Startup settings Disable bluetooth on startup: Add to startup applications rfkill block bluetooth

vim /home/ncdejito/
tlp start
powertop --auto-tune
echo 2 > /sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness
asusctl --kbd-bright low
#asusctl --chg-limit 60 # not working
vim /etc/systemd/system/run-at-startup.service
Description=run-at-startup script



chmod +x /home/ncdejito/
systemctl enable run-at-startup
mkdir -p ~/.config/fusuma/
vim ~/.config/fusuma/config.yml
      command: "xdotool key alt+Left" # History forward 
      command: "xdotool key alt+Right" # History back
      command: "xdotool key alt+Super+Up" # Switch workspaces up
      command: "xdotool key alt+Super+Down" # Switch workspaces down
      command: "xdotool key Super+d" # Minimize all windows
      command: "xdotool key super" # Show all windows
      command: "xdotool key alt+Tab" # Switch windows

To run at startup

/usr/local/bin/fusuma --config=/home/ncdejito/.config/fusuma/config.yml -d # add this command
sudo mkdir /media/sda2
sudo blkid # get UUID of windows partition
sudo vim /etc/fstab
add this line: UUID=<UUID>  /media/sda2  ntfs  defaults  0  2
sudo mount -a
  • Git aliases
git config --global alias.undo-commit 'reset --soft HEAD^'
git config --global alias.push-branch "! git branch --show-current | git push --set-upstream origin"

Dual Boot Ubuntu 1804

Instructions -

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