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Created May 15, 2024 21:41
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module Lan where
open import Categories.Kan
open import Data.Product
open import Level
open import Function renaming (id to funId)
open import Categories.Functor
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Sets
open Functor
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
funext : ∀{a}{b} → Extensionality a b
funextImpl : ∀{a}{b} → ExtensionalityImplicit a b
-- extending H along G
LeftKan : {a b c d : _} (along : Set a → Set b) (of : Set a → Set c) (A : Set d) → Set (suc a ⊔ b ⊔ c ⊔ d)
LeftKan along of A = Σ _ λ B → of B × (along B → A)
LeftKan-fmap : {a b c d e : _} {G : Set a → Set b} {H : Set a → Set c} {A : Set d} {B : Set e} → (A → B) → LeftKan G H A → LeftKan G H B
LeftKan-fmap f (fst , snd , thr) = fst , snd , f ∘ thr
LeftKan-fmap-id : {a b c d : _} {G : Set a → Set b} {H : Set a → Set c} {A : Set d} {x : LeftKan G H A} → LeftKan-fmap funId x ≡ x
LeftKan-fmap-id = refl
LeftKan-fmap-∘ : {a b c d e z : _} {G : Set a → Set b} {H : Set a → Set c} {A : Set d}{B : Set e}{C : Set z}
→ {f : A → B} {g : B → C} {x : LeftKan G H A}
→ LeftKan-fmap (g ∘ f) x ≡ LeftKan-fmap g (LeftKan-fmap f x)
LeftKan-fmap-∘ = refl
open import Data.Product.Properties
LeftKan-Functor : {a b c d : _} (G : Set a → Set b) (H : Set a → Set c) → Functor (Sets d) (Sets (suc a ⊔ b ⊔ c ⊔ d))
F₀ (LeftKan-Functor G H) = LeftKan G H
F₁ (LeftKan-Functor G H) = LeftKan-fmap
identity (LeftKan-Functor G H) = LeftKan-fmap-id
homomorphism (LeftKan-Functor G H) {f = f} {g = g} = LeftKan-fmap-∘ {f = f} {g = g}
F-resp-≈ (LeftKan-Functor G H) y {x} = Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl , (Σ-≡,≡→≡ (refl , (funext (λ z → y)))))
lift-Sets : {a b : _} → Functor (Sets a) (Sets (a ⊔ b))
F₀ (lift-Sets {b = b}) = Lift b
F₁ lift-Sets f x = lift (f (lower x))
identity lift-Sets = refl
homomorphism lift-Sets = refl
F-resp-≈ lift-Sets eq = cong lift eq
open Lan
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation
module _ {a b c : _}
(G : Functor (Sets a) (Sets b)) (H : Functor (Sets a) (Sets c)) where
Lan-LeftKan : Lan G (lift-Sets {b = suc a ⊔ b} ∘F H)
L Lan-LeftKan = LeftKan-Functor (F₀ G) (F₀ H)
η Lan-LeftKan = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ X (lift x) → X , x , λ y → y
; commute = λ f {(lift x)} → {! needs cowedge !}
σ Lan-LeftKan M α = ntHelper (record
{ η = λ X (B , x , f) → M .F₁ f (α .NaturalTransformation.η _ (lift x))
; commute = λ _ → M .homomorphism
commutes Lan-LeftKan M α = sym (M .identity)
σ-unique Lan-LeftKan {M} {α} σ' comm = {! needs cowedge (i think) !}
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