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Last active August 4, 2022 09:31
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[WIP] Equivalence between the "coherentified" version of @ice1000's Niltok type and the booleans
open import 1Lab.Type
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Path.Groupoid
open import Data.Bool
data Niltok : Type where
t : Niltok
nicht : Niltok → Niltok
mod2 : (n : Niltok) → n ≡ nicht (nicht n)
coh : (n : Niltok) → ap nicht (mod2 n) ≡ mod2 (nicht n)
bool-mod2 : (b : Bool) → b ≡ not (not b)
bool-mod2 false = refl
bool-mod2 true = refl
bool-coh : (b : Bool) → ap not (bool-mod2 b) ≡ bool-mod2 (not b)
bool-coh false = refl
bool-coh true = refl
to : Niltok → Bool
to t = true
to (nicht n) = not (to n)
to (mod2 n i) = bool-mod2 (to n) i
to (coh n i j) = bool-coh (to n) i j
from : Bool → Niltok
from false = nicht t
from true = t
to-from : (b : Bool) → to (from b) ≡ b
to-from false = refl
to-from true = refl
from-not : (b : Bool) → from (not b) ≡ nicht (from b)
from-not false = mod2 t
from-not true = refl
from-bool-mod2 : (b : Bool) →
ap from (bool-mod2 b) ∙ from-not (not b) ∙ ap nicht (from-not b) ≡ mod2 (from b)
from-bool-mod2 false = ∙-id-l _ ∙ ∙-id-l _ ∙ coh t
from-bool-mod2 true = ∙-id-l _ ∙ ∙-id-r _
-- from-bool-coh : (b : Bool) →
-- Cube (λ i j → from (bool-coh b i j)) (coh (from b)) ? ? ? ?
-- from-bool-coh b = ?
from-to : (n : Niltok) → from (to n) ≡ n
from-to t = refl
from-to (nicht n) = from-not _ ∙ ap nicht (from-to n)
from-to (mod2 n i) = composite-path→square square i where
square : ap from (bool-mod2 (to n))
∙ from-not (not (to n)) ∙ ap nicht (from-not (to n) ∙ ap nicht (from-to n))
≡ from-to n
∙ mod2 n
square = ap (ap from (bool-mod2 (to n)) ∙_) (
ap (from-not (not (to n)) ∙_) (ap-comp-path nicht _ _)
∙ ∙-assoc _ _ _)
∙ ∙-assoc _ _ _
∙ ap (_∙ ap (nicht ∘ nicht) (from-to n)) (from-bool-mod2 (to n))
∙ sym (∙-cancel-l _ _)
∙ ap (from-to n ∙_) (
sym (transport-path _ _ _)
∙ from-pathp (ap mod2 (from-to n)))
from-to (coh n i j) = {! !}
-- This version uses a set truncation rather than bespoke coherences,
-- which makes the proof *much* simpler.
open import 1Lab.Type
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.HLevel
open import Data.Bool
data Niltok : Type where
t : Niltok
nicht : Niltok → Niltok
mod2 : (n : Niltok) → n ≡ nicht (nicht n)
squash : is-set Niltok
bool-mod2 : (b : Bool) → b ≡ not (not b)
bool-mod2 false = refl
bool-mod2 true = refl
to : Niltok → Bool
to t = true
to (nicht n) = not (to n)
to (mod2 n i) = bool-mod2 (to n) i
to (squash n n' p p' i j) = Bool-is-set (to n) (to n') (λ i → to (p i)) (λ i → to (p' i)) i j
from : Bool → Niltok
from false = nicht t
from true = t
to-from : (b : Bool) → to (from b) ≡ b
to-from false = refl
to-from true = refl
from-not : (b : Bool) → from (not b) ≡ nicht (from b)
from-not false = mod2 t
from-not true = refl
from-to : (n : Niltok) → from (to n) ≡ n
from-to t = refl
from-to (nicht n) = from-not _ ∙ ap nicht (from-to n)
from-to (mod2 n i) = square i where
square : Square (ap from (bool-mod2 (to n)))
(from-to n)
(from-not (not (to n)) ∙ ap nicht (from-not (to n) ∙ ap nicht (from-to n)))
(mod2 n)
square = to-pathp (squash _ _ _ _)
from-to (squash n n' p p' i j) k = cube k i j where
cube : PathP (λ k → Square refl
(λ j → from-to (p j) k)
(λ j → from-to (p' j) k)
(λ i j → from (Bool-is-set (to n) (to n') (ap to p) (ap to p') i j))
(squash n n' p p')
cube = to-pathp (is-hlevel-suc 2 squash _ _ _ _ _ _)
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ncfavier commented Aug 4, 2022

Downsides could also be related to verbosity and performance.

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