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Last active June 16, 2020 10:51
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openpilot: OG Eon tri-state switch mod + auto-enable WiFi hotspot
# Adapted from Erich's tri-state switch mod which allows choosing from three installed openpilot locations on boot
# I've only really added some error-checking and fallback options
# Boot locations:
# /data/openpilot.1
# /data/openpilot.2
# /data/openpilot.3
# Moves existing real /data/openpilot dir (I.E not a symlink) to /data/openpilot.backup
# Tries to boot the remaining locations if the first choice doesn't exist
# Preserves LiveParameters and kegman.json for each boot location
# Turn on WiFi hotspot on boot
# Want to add (probably need to make separate script, actually):
# -Wait 60 sec on boot and cancel if WiFi is already connected to something
# -Turn off hotspot if not 'driving' for 5 minutes (maybe watch if controlsd is running)
# service call wifi 37 i32 0 i32 [X] # X: 1=on, 2=off
service call wifi 37 i32 0 i32 1
switchstate=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/switch/tri-state-key/state` || switchstate=5
echo $switchstate
if [ -L "/data/openpilot" ]; then
switchstate_old=`ls -ltr /data/openpilot|tail -c 2`
echo $switchstate_old
if ! (( 0 < $switchstate_old && $switchstate_old < 4 )); then
#echo $switchstate_old
# Check there's a switchstate between 1-3 and that the switch is in a new position before doing anything
if (( 0 < $switchstate && $switchstate < 4 && $switchstate_old != $switchstate )); then
# Check to see the target dir exists
if [ -d "/data/openpilot.$switchstate" ]; then
cp /data/params/d/LiveParameters /data/LiveParameters.$switchstate_old
cp /data/kegman.json /data/kegman.json.$switchstate_old
if [ -L "/data/openpilot" ]; then
rm -r /data/openpilot
# If not a symlink, make a backup, just in case there's something in /data/openpilot we care about
rm -rf /data/openpilot.backup
mv /data/openpilot /data/openpilot.backup
rm -f /data/params/d/LiveParameters
rm -f /data/kegman.json # Erich isn't doing this for some reason
ln -fs /data/openpilot.$switchstate /data/openpilot
cp /data/LiveParameters.$switchstate /data/params/d/LiveParameters
cp /data/kegman.json.$switchstate /data/kegman.json
# If no OP dir, try other options
cd /data/openpilot || ln -fs /data/openpilot.$switchstate /data/openpilot || \
ln -fs /data/openpilot.1 /data/openpilot || \
ln -fs /data/openpilot.2 /data/openpilot || \
ln -fs /data/openpilot.3 /data/openpilot || \
ln -fs /data/openpilot.backup /data/openpilot
cd /data/openpilot
exec ./
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