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AngularJS Draggable & Droppable Directive

AngularJS Draggable & Droppable Directive

An Angular directive to create draggable & droppable objects, using jQuery UI, with the ability to change the template dynamically, group draggable objects and transclude the directive's enclosed information as content; as well communicate this content to the parent controller; and place the correct content in the droppable.

A Pen by Michael E Conroy on CodePen.


<html ng-app="dragTest">
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body class="container">
<div ng-controller="dragCtrlr">
<div draggable template="/tmpls/myTemplate" id="draggable-1" group="content">This is my content, with simple template. I don't revert.</div>
<draggable options="{addClasses: false,cursor: 'move',revert: true}" template="/tmpls/myAltTemplate" id="draggable-2" group="content" placeholder="true">Draggable 2's <span class="text-info">content here</span>, same directive using an "Alternate" template.</draggable>
<draggable options="{opacity: .5,revert: true}" placeholder="true">Draggable 3's content!!<ul><li>I'm not grouped with the others</li><li>have no ID</li><li>and use the default template</li></ul></draggable>
<h4>Drop Area</h4>
<div droppable options="{addClasses: false}" class="drop-area"></div>
<div class="read-out">
<span class="text-info"><strong>Draggable ID</strong></span>: {{}}<br><br>
<span class="text-info"><strong>Content</strong></span>: <span ng-bind-html="obj.content"></span><br><br>
<span class="text-info"><strong>Actual Content</strong></span>: {{obj.content}}<br><br>
// default
$templateCache.put('/tmpls/draggable-default','<div class="cursor" ng-transclude></div>');
// template
$templateCache.put('/tmpls/myTemplate','<div class="well cursor {{}}" ng-transclude></div>');
// alternate template
$templateCache.put('/tmpls/myAltTemplate','<div class="panel panel-primary cursor {{}}"><div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">Drag Me</h3></div><div class="panel-body" ng-transclude></div></div>');
$templateCache.put('/tmpls/droppable-default','<div><div class="content" ng-repeat="dropped in obj.dropped" ng-bind-html="dropped.content"></div></div>');
}]) // end run
// variables
var obj = {
id: null,
content: null,
group: null
$scope.obj = angular.copy(obj);
// listeners
$scope.obj = data.obj;
// $scope.obj = angular.copy(obj); // reset controller's object
$scope.obj = angular.copy(obj); // reset controller's object
}]) // end controller(dragCtrlr)
return {
restrict: 'AE',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
scope: {},
templateUrl: function(el,attrs){
return (angular.isDefined(attrs.template)) ? attrs.template : '/tmpls/draggable-default';
link: function(scope,el,attrs,ctrlr,transFn){
// object properties, will be passed through jQuery UI events
scope.obj = {
id: null,
content: '',
group: null
scope.placeholder = false;
// get the content from the transclusion function
// need to compile the content to make sure we get any HTML that was transcluded
var dummy = angular.element('<div></div>');
scope.obj.content = dummy.html();
dummy = null;
// remove ng-scope spans/classes & empty class attributes added by angular to get true content
scope.obj.content = scope.obj.content.replace(/<span class="ng\-scope">([^<]+)<\/span>/gi,"$1");
scope.obj.content = scope.obj.content.replace(/\s*ng\-scope\s*/gi,'');
scope.obj.content = scope.obj.content.replace(/\s*class\=\"\"\s*/gi,'');
// save the object's id if there is one
if(angular.isDefined( =;
scope.placeholder = scope.$eval(attrs.placeholder);
// setup the options object to pass to jQuery UI's draggable method
var opts = (angular.isDefined(attrs.options)) ? scope.$eval(attrs.options) : {};
// assign the object's group if any
if(angular.isDefined({ =;
opts.stack = '.' +;
var evts = {
start: function(evt,ui){
ui.helper.wrap('<div class="dragging"></div>');
scope.$apply(function(){ scope.$emit('drag.started',{obj: scope.obj}); });
drag: function(evt){
scope.$apply(function(){ scope.$emit('drag.dragging',{obj: scope.obj}); });
stop: function(evt,ui){
scope.$apply(function(){ scope.$emit('drag.stopped',{obj: scope.obj}); });
// combine options passed through element attributes with events
var options = angular.extend({},opts,evts);
el.draggable(options); // make element draggable
} // end link
}; // end return
}]) // end directive(draggable)
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: true,
scope: {},
templateUrl: function(el,attrs){
return (angular.isDefined(attrs.template)) ? attrs.template : '/tmpls/droppable-default';
link: function(scope,el,attrs,ctrlr,transFn){
scope.obj = {
id: null,
dropped: []
// save the object's id if there is one
if(angular.isDefined( =;
// setup the options object to pass to jQuery UI's draggable method
var opts = (angular.isDefined(attrs.options)) ? scope.$eval(attrs.options) : {};
var evts = {
drop: function(evt,ui){ // apply content
var options = angular.extend({},opts,evts);
} // end link
}; // end return
}]); // end directive(droppable)
.cursor {
cursor: move;
.read-out {
margin-top: 30px;
.dragging {
margin: -1px;
border: 1px dashed #ccc;
.drop-area {
border: 2px dashed #ccc;
width: 100%;
min-height: 200px;
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
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