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Last active December 27, 2015 05:09
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Save nchapman/7272227 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function(_, $, crc32) {
"use strict";
* Base adapter handles fetching data via XHR and polling for changes.
* @class BaseAdapter
* @constructor
var BaseAdapter = function() {};
_.extend(BaseAdapter.prototype, {
* Finds an element in a collection asynchronously.
* @method findWhere
* @param {Backbone.Collection} collection Collection to be searched
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findWhere: function(collection, options, callback) {
if (collection.length > 0) {
} else {
this.fill().done(function() {
* Fills local variables with data fetched from the server. Should be implemented by
* subclasses.
* @method fill
fill: function() {
throw "fill not implemented.";
* Fetches data from the server using XHR. Only calls back if the data has changed.
* @method fetch
* @param {String} url URL of the resource to be fetched
* @param {Function} callback Function called when new data is received from the server
* @param {Object} Data returned from the request
* @param {String} callback.textStatus Status returned from the request
* @param {jqXHR} callback.jqXHR jQuery XHR object representing the request
fetch: function(url, callback) {
$.ajax(url, { cache: false }).then(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var responseTextCode = crc32(jqXHR.responseText);
console.log("BaseAdapter.fetch", url, data, textStatus, responseTextCode, this.lastFetchResponseCode);
if (this.lastFetchResponseCode !== responseTextCode) {
this.lastFetchResponseCode = responseTextCode;
callback(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
* Calls `fill` every 2 seconds to check for new data. Only allows one timer to be running.
* @method pollForUpdates
pollForUpdates: function(ms) {
// default to 2 seconds
ms = ms || 2000;
if (!this.updateTimer) {
this.updateTimer = setInterval(function() { this.fill(); }.bind(this), ms);
* Stops calling `fill`.
* @method stopPollingForUpdates
stopPollingForUpdates: function() {
delete this.updateTimer;
return BaseAdapter;
function(_, BaseAdapter, SandboxesAdapter, Plugin, Plugins) {
"use strict";
* Adapter for retrieving plugins from the server.
* Consumes `/data/heka_report.json`.
* @class PluginsAdapter
* @extends BaseAdapter
* @constructor
var PluginsAdapter = function() {
* Global plugins.
* @property {Plugins} globals
this.globals = new Plugins();
* Input plugins.
* @property {Plugins} inputs
this.inputs = new Plugins();
* Decoder pool plugins. These have decoders nested under each of them.
* @property {Plugins} decoderPools
this.decoderPools = new Plugins();
* Decoder plugins.
* @property {Plugins} decoders
this.decoders = new Plugins();
* Filter plugins.
* @property {Plugins} filters
this.filters = new Plugins();
* Output plugins.
* @property {Plugins} outputs
this.outputs = new Plugins();
* Gets singleton instance of `PluginAdapter`
* @method instance
* @static
PluginsAdapter.instance = function() {
if (!this._instance) {
this._instance = new PluginsAdapter();
return this._instance;
_.extend(PluginsAdapter.prototype, new BaseAdapter(), {
* Finds global plugin asynchronously.
* @method findGlobalWhere
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findGlobalWhere: function(options, callback) {
this.findWhere(this.globals, options, callback);
* Finds input plugin asynchronously.
* @method findGlobalWhere
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findInputWhere: function(options, callback) {
this.findWhere(this.inputs, options, callback);
* Finds decoder pool plugin asynchronously.
* @method findGlobalWhere
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findDecoderPoolWhere: function(options, callback) {
this.findWhere(this.decoderPools, options, callback);
* Finds decoder asynchronously.
* @method findGlobalWhere
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findDecoderWhere: function(options, callback) {
this.findWhere(this.decoders, options, callback);
* Finds filter plugin asynchronously.
* @method findGlobalWhere
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findFilterWhere: function(options, callback) {
this.findWhere(this.filters, options, callback);
* Finds output plugin asynchronously.
* @method findGlobalWhere
* @param {Object} options Search options that are passed to `Backbone.Collection.findWhere`
* @param {Function} callback Function called when find is complete
* @param {String} callback.result Model found from the search.
findOutputWhere: function(options, callback) {
this.findWhere(this.outputs, options, callback);
* Fills globals, inputs, decoderPools, filters, and outputs with data fetched from the server.
* Polls the server for updates after fetching data.
* @method fill
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} Deferred object that is resolved once the objects are filled
fill: function() {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
this.fetch("data/heka_report.json", function(response) {
console.log("PluginsAdapter.fill", response);
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(response.globals, this.globals, "Global");
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(response.inputs, this.inputs, "Input");
this.mapDecodersToPools(response.decoderPools, response.decoders);
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(response.decoderPools, this.decoderPools, "DecoderPool");
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(response.decoders, this.decoders, "Decoder");
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(response.filters, this.filters, "Filter");
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(response.outputs, this.outputs, "Output");
deferred.resolve(this.globals, this.inputs, this.decoderPools, this.decoders, this.filters, this.outputs);
return deferred;
* Parses array returned from the server into a Plugins collection.
* @method parseArrayIntoCollection
* @param {Object[]} array Array to be parsed.
* @param {Plugins} collection Collection to be filled from parsed array.
parseArrayIntoCollection: function(array, collection, type) {
var plugins = _.collect(array, function(p) {
// No id is provided but the name is unique so use it as the id.
var plugin = new Plugin(_.extend(p, { id: p.Name, Type: type }));
// Convert decoders attribute into a plugins collection.
if (plugin.has("decoders")) {
var decoders = new Plugins();
this.parseArrayIntoCollection(plugin.get("decoders"), decoders);
plugin.set("decoders", decoders);
return plugin;
// If the collection already has data then we're doing an update so use set. Otherwise call
// reset so that the views are properly rendered.
if (collection.length > 0) {
} else {
* Maps decoders array to corresponding decoderPools array.
* @method mapDecodersToPools
* @param {Object[]} decoderPools Decoder pools array.
* @param {Object[]} decoders Decoders array.
mapDecodersToPools: function(decoderPools, decoders) {
_.each(decoderPools, function(decoderPool) {
decoderPool.decoders = [];
// Extract the name of the decoder from the pool name.
var basePoolName = decoderPool.Name.replace(/^DecoderPool\-/, "");
_.each(decoders, function(decoder) {
if (decoder.Name.indexOf(basePoolName) >= 0) {
* Maps sandboxes outputs onto the proper filters
* @method mapSandboxOutputsToFilters
* @param {Plugins} filters Collection of filter plugins
mapSandboxOutputsToFilters: function(filters) {
SandboxesAdapter.instance().fill().done(function(sandboxes) {
sandboxes.forEach(function(sandbox) {
var filter = filters.findWhere({ Name: sandbox.get("Name") });
if (filter) {
filter.set("Outputs", sandbox.get("Outputs"));
return PluginsAdapter;
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