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Created August 27, 2013 19:39
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Save nclsjstnn/6358050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[PHP] Get the administrative number of a region from a Chilean address
//kinda oldschool but it could help you in some project in Chile
$address = urlencode(utf8_encode($_GET['address']));
$geocode = file_get_contents(''. $address .'&region=cl&sensor=false');
$output= json_decode($geocode);
for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $output->results[0]->address_components ); $i ++ ) {
switch ( $output->results[0]->address_components[$i]->types[0] ) {
case "administrative_area_level_1":
$region = $output->results[0]->address_components[$i]->long_name;
$latitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$longitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
if ($region == 'Tarapacá') { $region_id = '1'; }
elseif ($region == 'Atacama') { $region_id = '3'; }
elseif ($region == 'Coquimbo') { $region_id = '4'; }
elseif ($region == 'Santiago Metropolitan Region') { $region_id = '13'; }
elseif ($region == 'Los Lagos') { $region_id = '10'; }
elseif ($region == 'Valparaíso') { $region_id = '5'; }
elseif ($region == 'Antofagasta') { $region_id = '2'; }
elseif ($region == "O'Higgins Region") { $region_id = '6'; }
elseif ($region == 'Maule') { $region_id = '7'; }
elseif ($region == 'Bío-Bío') { $region_id = '8'; }
elseif ($region == 'Araucanía') { $region_id = '9'; }
elseif ($region == 'Aysén Region') { $region_id = '11'; }
elseif ($region == 'Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region') { $region_id = '12'; }
elseif ($region == 'Los Ríos Region') { $region_id = '14'; }
elseif ($region == 'Arica and Parinacota Region') { $region_id = '15'; }
print(The administrative number from ".$address." (lat:".$latitude.", lng:".$longitude.") it's: ".$region_id." );
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