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Last active July 20, 2018 11:15
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Clubhouse Sprint Summarizer
#!/usr/bin/env python
Print all user stories for a given label, grouped by epic.
See to
generate your clubhouse api token.
You need to run `pip install docopts requests` to be able
to execute this binary.
clubhouse <sprint-label> --api-token=<token>
-h --help Show this screen.
--api-token=<token> The task id of this run.
import requests
from docopt import docopt
from collections import defaultdict
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='clubhouse 1.0')
sprint_label = arguments['<sprint-label>']
clubhouse_api_token = arguments['--api-token']
def get_epic_name(epic_id):
if epic_id:
params = { 'token': clubhouse_api_token }
res = requests.get('{}'.format(epic_id), params=params)
return res.json().get('name')
return None
def get_stories(label):
params = { 'query': 'label:{}'.format(label), 'page_size': '25', 'token': clubhouse_api_token }
res = requests.get('', params=params)
return [{
'id': story['id'],
'label': story['name'],
'points': story['estimate'],
'epic_id': story['epic_id']
} for story in res.json()['data']]
# fetch stories with label
sprint_stories = get_stories(sprint_label)
# group stories by epic
sprint_stories_grouped_by_epic = defaultdict(list)
for story in sprint_stories: sprint_stories_grouped_by_epic[story['epic_id']].append(story)
# fetch epic details and print stories
for epic_id, stories in sprint_stories_grouped_by_epic.items():
print get_epic_name(epic_id) or 'Miscellaneous'
for story in stories: print '[{}] {}'.format(story['id'], story['label'])
print 'Total sprint points: {}'.format(sum([story['points' ]for story in sprint_stories]))
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