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Created August 24, 2019 21:38
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Graph Traversal Algorithms in Swift!
/// Playground Demonstrating Common Graph Traversal Algorithms
struct GraphNode: Hashable {
let label: String
//let neighbors: Set<GraphNode>
init(label: String) {
self.label = label
//self.neighbors = Set<GraphNode>()
let nodeA = GraphNode(label: "A")
let nodeB = GraphNode(label: "B")
let nodeC = GraphNode(label: "C")
let nodeD = GraphNode(label: "D")
let nodeE = GraphNode(label: "E")
let nodeF = GraphNode(label: "F")
let nodeG = GraphNode(label: "G")
/// Here, we make a graph dictionary where we set each node's
/// adjacent neighbors. You could uncomment the the neighbors property
/// in the GraphNode struct however and individually set the neighbors that way.
let graph: [String : [GraphNode]] = {
var graph = [String : [GraphNode]]()
/// change the values to make new graphs
graph[nodeA.label] = [nodeB, nodeC, nodeG]
graph[nodeB.label] = [nodeD, nodeE]
graph[nodeC.label] = [nodeD]
graph[nodeD.label] = [nodeE, nodeF]
graph[nodeE.label] = []
graph[nodeF.label] = [nodeG]
graph[nodeG.label] = [nodeC]
return graph
func iterativeDepthFirstTraversal(graph: [String : [GraphNode]], node: GraphNode) -> [GraphNode] {
var visitedNodes = [GraphNode]()
var stack = [node]
while stack.count > 0 {
let vertex = stack.popLast()!
if !visitedNodes.contains(vertex) {
for neighbor in graph[vertex.label]! {
return visitedNodes
print("Visited Nodes")
let visitedNodesList = iterativeDepthFirstTraversal(graph: graph, node: nodeA)
visitedNodesList.forEach { (visitedNode) in
func recursiveDepthFirstTraversal(graph: [String : [GraphNode]], node: GraphNode, visited: inout [GraphNode]) {
if !visited.contains(node) {
let neighbors = graph[node.label]
neighbors?.forEach({ (neighbor) in
recursiveDepthFirstTraversal(graph: graph, node: neighbor, visited: &visited)
let startingNode = nodeA
var visitedStack = [GraphNode]()
recursiveDepthFirstTraversal(graph: graph, node: startingNode, visited: &visitedStack)
print("Recursively Visited Nodes")
visitedStack.forEach { (visitedNode) in
func iterativeBreadthFirstTraversal(graph: [String: [GraphNode]], node: GraphNode) -> Set<GraphNode> {
var visitedSet = Set<GraphNode>()
var queue = [GraphNode]()
var front = 0
var size = 1
while size > 0 {
size -= 1
let poppedNode = queue[front]
if !visitedSet.contains(poppedNode) {
let neighbors = graph[poppedNode.label]
neighbors?.forEach({ (neighbor) in
if !visitedSet.contains(neighbor) {
size += 1
front += 1
return visitedSet
let breadthVisited = iterativeBreadthFirstTraversal(graph: graph, node: nodeA)
print("Iterative Breadth First Visited")
breadthVisited.forEach { (node) in
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