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Created August 20, 2017 21:27
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Medium blogpost snippet
class LevelSelectionViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
private var viewModel: LevelSelectionViewModel!
private var mockDelegate: MockLevelSelectionViewModelDelegate!
override func setUp() {
let levels = [
Level(status: .unlocked, identifier: "abc"),
Level(status: .locked, identifier: "def")
viewModel = LevelSelectionViewModel(levels: levels)
mockDelegate = MockLevelSelectionViewModelDelegate()
viewModel.delegate = mockDelegate
override func tearDown() {
viewModel = nil
mockDelegate = nil
func test_whenSelectingUnlockedLevel_itNotifiesDelegate() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "delegate is called")
mockDelegate.didCall_didRequestOpeningLevelWithIdentifier = { identifier in
XCTAssertEqual(identifier, "abc")
viewModel.selectLevel(atIndex: 0) // simulate user input
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5, handler: nil)
func test_whenSelectingLockedLevel_itDoesNotNotifyDelegate() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "delegate is not called")
expectation.isInverted = true
mockDelegate.didCall_didRequestOpeningLevelWithIdentifier = { identifier in
viewModel.selectLevel(atIndex: 1) // simulate user input
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.5, handler: nil)
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