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Last active February 20, 2023 16:06
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iOS 16.2 colors
import Framer
func testGenerateColors() {
struct CC {
let name: String
let color: UIColor
let colors: [CC] = [
CC(name: "systemRed", color: UIColor.systemRed),
CC(name: "systemGreen", color: UIColor.systemGreen),
CC(name: "systemBlue", color: UIColor.systemBlue),
CC(name: "systemOrange", color: UIColor.systemOrange),
CC(name: "systemYellow", color: UIColor.systemYellow),
CC(name: "systemPink", color: UIColor.systemPink),
CC(name: "systemPurple", color: UIColor.systemPurple),
CC(name: "systemTeal", color: UIColor.systemTeal),
CC(name: "systemIndigo", color: UIColor.systemIndigo),
CC(name: "systemBrown", color: UIColor.systemBrown),
CC(name: "systemMint", color: UIColor.systemMint),
CC(name: "systemCyan", color: UIColor.systemCyan),
CC(name: "systemGray", color: UIColor.systemGray),
CC(name: "systemGray2", color: UIColor.systemGray2),
CC(name: "systemGray3", color: UIColor.systemGray3),
CC(name: "systemGray4", color: UIColor.systemGray4),
CC(name: "systemGray5", color: UIColor.systemGray5),
CC(name: "systemGray6", color: UIColor.systemGray6),
CC(name: "tintColor", color: UIColor.tintColor),
CC(name: "label", color: UIColor.label),
CC(name: "secondaryLabel", color: UIColor.secondaryLabel),
CC(name: "tertiaryLabel", color: UIColor.tertiaryLabel),
CC(name: "quaternaryLabel", color: UIColor.quaternaryLabel),
CC(name: "link", color:,
CC(name: "placeholderText", color: UIColor.placeholderText),
CC(name: "separator", color: UIColor.separator),
CC(name: "opaqueSeparator", color: UIColor.opaqueSeparator),
CC(name: "systemBackground", color: UIColor.systemBackground),
CC(name: "secondarySystemBackground", color: UIColor.secondarySystemBackground),
CC(name: "tertiarySystemBackground", color: UIColor.tertiarySystemBackground),
CC(name: "systemGroupedBackground", color: UIColor.systemGroupedBackground),
CC(name: "secondarySystemGroupedBackground", color: UIColor.secondarySystemGroupedBackground),
CC(name: "tertiarySystemGroupedBackground", color: UIColor.tertiarySystemGroupedBackground),
CC(name: "systemFill", color: UIColor.systemFill),
CC(name: "secondarySystemFill", color: UIColor.secondarySystemFill),
CC(name: "tertiarySystemFill", color: UIColor.tertiarySystemFill),
CC(name: "quaternarySystemFill", color: UIColor.quaternarySystemFill),
CC(name: "lightText", color: UIColor.lightText),
CC(name: "darkText", color: UIColor.darkText),
CC(name: "groupTableViewBackground", color: UIColor.groupTableViewBackground),
var idx = 0
let frames: [BlueprintFrame] = colors.flatMap { cc in
defer { idx += 1 }
let yOffset: CGFloat = CGFloat(idx) * 40.0
let yDistance: CGFloat = 20.0 + CGFloat(idx) * 20
let sample = BlueprintFrame(
x: 10,
y: 10.0 + yOffset + yDistance,
width: 280,
height: 40,
style: BlueprintFrameStyle(
lineWidth: 0,
lineColor: .clear,
fillColor: cc.color,
cornerRadius: 5,
opacity: 1
content: nil,
annotation: BlueprintFrameAnnotation(
style: BlueprintFrameAnnotationStyle(
size: .normal,
position: .top,
alignment: .leading
var red: CGFloat = 0, green: CGFloat = 0, blue: CGFloat = 0, alpha: CGFloat = 1
cc.color.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha)
let rInt = Int(red * 255)
let gInt = Int(green * 255)
let bInt = Int(blue * 255)
let description = BlueprintFrame(
x: sample.x + sample.width + 10,
y: sample.y,
width: 90,
height: 40,
style: BlueprintFrameStyle(lineWidth: 0, lineColor: .clear, fillColor: .clear, cornerRadius: 0, opacity: 1),
content: BlueprintFrameContent(
text: "RGB: \(rInt), \(gInt), \(bInt)",
textColor: UIColor.label,
font: .systemFont(ofSize: 8),
verticalAlignment: .center
return [sample, description]
let size = CGSize(width: 400, height: frames.last!.y + frames.last!.height + 10)
let canvas = FramerCanvas.create(size: size)
blueprint: Blueprint(
id: "bg",
frames: [.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height, style: .init(fillColor: .white, opacity: 1))])
blueprint: Blueprint(id: "colors", frames: frames)
let image = canvas.image
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ncreated commented Feb 17, 2023

iOS 16.2 colors (Light Mode | Dark Mode)


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