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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Cheatsheet: Basic Git commands

Git Commands

Commands Action
git init Initialize a git repo
git status Displays the current state of the project
git add filename Adds that file to the staging area and starts tracking changes
git add '*.txt' Adds all text files to the staging area
git commit -m "Commit message" Commits (stores) changes with the commit message
git log Shows your commit history
git remote add RemoteName RemoteUrl Adds a remote location for local repo to remote name at repo url
git push -u RemoteName BranchName Pushes local changes to remote repo; -u tells Git to remember the parameters so that next time we can simply run git push
git push Pushes the local changes to the remote repo you previously specified with git push -u RemoteName BranchName
git pull RemoteName BranchName Gets changes made to the specified branch of our remote repo
git diff HEAD View the differences pulled from the remote branch compared to our most recent commit (HEAD)
git diff --staged or git diff --cached View the changes you just staged
git reset filename Unstages the specified file(s)
git checkout -- targetfile Get rid of all changes since the last commit for the targetfile; the -- makes sure it's a file
git branch NewBranchName Creates a branch with the specified name
git branch Displays all branches and current working branch
git checkout NewBranchName Switches to the specified branch
git checkout -b NewBranchName Creates a new branch and switches to that branch
git rm '*.txt' Removes the files from disk and stages the removal of the files
git merge NewBranchName Merges the specified branch name into the branch you're currently working on
git branch -d NewBranchName Deletes the specified branch
git remote add upstream url This will add the original fork of a project as the upstream so you can get updates to the original project
git pull upstream master This will pull updates from the original forked repo

Git Configuration

Commands Action
git config --list List all the settings Git can find at that point
git config "Name" Configure your name for a specific repo
git config --global "Name" Configure the username for every repo on your computer
git config --global Configure the email for every repo on your computer
git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w" Set Sublime Text as your default git editor


  • RemoteName - Git doesn't care what you name your remotes, but it's typical to name your main one origin.
  • HEAD - the pointer to the most recent commit in your local repo
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